Performance Measurement Requirements Notice of Proposed Rule Making
Overview MAP 21 established new requirements for performance management Goal to ensure the most efficient investment of Federal transportation funds Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) process establishes the performance management framework required by MAP-21 High-level overview of the more impactful NPRMs and role and coordination of GDOT and MPOs
NPRM Completion Status RuleExpected Current Status (5/2015) Metropolitan and Statewide Planning (Rule 28)Feb 3, 2014COMPLETE Safety Performance Measure (Rule 26)Jan 6, 2014COMPLETE Highway Safety Improvement Program (Rule 32)Jan 6, 2014COMPLETE Highway Safety Program GrantsCOMPLETE Pavement/Bridge Performance Measure (Rule 29)Mar 10, 2014COMPLETE Asset Management Plan (Rule 33)Feb 7, 2014COMPLETE System Performance Measure (Rule 30)May 26, 2014OCTOBER, 2015 Transit State of Good Repair ANPRM* (Rule 61) Comments Due Jan 2, 2014 COMPLETE
Safety Performance Measure FHWA Proposed Measures – 5-year rolling averages for fatalities and serious injuries – Fatality and serious injury rates per 100 million VMT – Applicable to all public roads regardless of ownership or functional classification Targets – Statewide targets set annually for each measure beginning one year after the effective date of the rule – Aggregate urbanized and non-urbanized area targets can be set for any or all measures – Targets for equivalent measures in the NHTSA Highway Safety Grants program would be identical to targets set in the HSIP MPOs – Targets to be set for all public roads in the MPO within 180 days after the State sets each target – Targets to be set in coordination with the State, to the maximum extent practicable – MPO could agree to support the State DOT target or set target specific to the MPO planning area
Safety Performance Measure Assessment – Two-years after States set targets, and annually thereafter, FHWA to assess achievement of overall significant progress – Significant progress is proposed as the actual outcome at or below a 70% prediction interval based on a historical 5-year rolling average trend line – Achieving 50% or more of the total number of targets set equates “Overall Made Significant Progress” Penalty – If a State has Overall Not Made Significant Progress, the State would be required to: use obligation authority only for HSIP projects equal to the HSIP apportionment for the fiscal year prior to the year for which the overall performance targets were not achieved develop an implementation plan annually until overall significant progress is achieved
Pavement Condition Performance FHWA Proposed Measures – Interstate and Non-Interstate System: Percentage of pavements in Good condition Percentage of pavements in Poor Condition Pavement Condition Thresholds
Pavement Condition Performance Targets are set by the State and MPOs, HOWEVER FHWA proposes a Minimum Condition and Penalty
Bridge Condition Performance FHWA Proposed Measures – Percent of NHS Bridges Classified as in “Good” condition – Percent of NHS Bridges Classified as in “Poor” Condition Bridge Condition Thresholds for NHS Bridges
Bridge Condition Performance Targets are set by State and MPOs, HOWEVER FHWA proposes a Minimum Condition and Penalty
Establishment of Bridge and Pavement Targets
Asset Management Plan Performance gap analysis – Gap between existing condition levels and performance targets set for pavements and bridges – Alternative strategies to close the gap Life-cycle cost analysis – Process for estimating the cost of managing an asset over its whole life – Strategy for minimizing life-cycle costs Risk management analysis – Identify risk that can effect the NHS condition and effectiveness – Assess likelihood, impact, consequence and mitigation plan
Asset Management Plan Financial Plan for a minimum of 10 years – Annual cost, anticipated fund sources and cost of future work – Estimated value of pavements and bridge assets – Needed annual investment to maintain the value of assets Investment Strategies to address the issues above Plan Certification to occur 1 year after effective date of final rule – 90 days to address deficiencies – Update and resubmit plan October 1, every 4 years Penalties – 18 months after effective date of final rule FHWA will not approve any further funds using NHPP funds – Second fiscal year after effective date of final rule Maximum Federal share for NHPP projects reduced to 65 % for that fiscal year
Putting it All Together
Review and Comments GDOT has reviewed and submitted comments to the federal docket for all published NPRMs System Performance Measure anticipated by year’s end Coordination between GDOT Offices and MPOs will be critical Additional information available at the federal web site
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