The ASI Science Data Center ASDC Paolo Giommi ASI
PV 2013 | ESA ESRIN | 4-6 November 2013
22 space missions supported 13 operational in 2014 several possible new projects (e.g. Chang-E1, EUCLID, CHEOPS, PLATO, DAMPE?,CALET, New NASA SMEX?, HXMT?) ASDC main activities Science Operations Center of AGILE Data distribution via its Multi-Mission Archive Web based interactive analysis and data fusion Data reduction software (Swift, NuSTAR, etc) Participation to Virtual Observatory and several international collaborations Science and Data Center research The ASDC is one of the largest scientific data centers in Europe Astrophysics, Cosmology, Astro-particle, (Cosmic-Rays) Exploration of the Solar System The ASDC today
The ASDC is also a competitive research center that produces an average of about 250 publications per year, 40% of which are in refereed Journals.
MATISSE (Multi-purpose Advanced Tool for Instruments for the Solar System Exploration) The ASDC analysis tool for Solar System Exploration data (can support Chang’ E-1 data)
PV 2013 | ESA ESRIN | 4-6 November 2013
An unperturbated elecron belt is located well above the trajectory of a a satellite During strong Earthquake (yellow spot) a beam of ultra-low- frequency waves is produced and travels within the belt as a Alfven perturbation After the perturbation and the pitch angle re-distribution the mirror points of the belts are lowered and the satellite detects a sudden increase of the electron flux Anomalies of various physical variables have been reported before large seismic Remote sensing from space has the advantage of continuously sampling the whole planet At ASDC we are working on a specific physical observable, the sudden precipitation of low energy electrons trapped in the magnetosphere. A first phase of our investigation is performed using the archival data On these data we study the optimal analysis algorithms in order to search for a correlation between precipitating particle bursts and earthquakes. A first goal of our search is to provide an unambiguous statistical evidence for the existence of precursor phenomena linking the lithosphere and the magnetosphere. Seismic and Magnetosphere Phenomena
ASDC and the Chinese Chang’E-1 mission to the moon A copy of Chang’ E1 data can be hosted at ASDC Chang’ E1 data can be made accessible to Italian members of Working group form the ASDC interactive archive or through other mechanism as needed Matisse will support Chang’ E1 data