07 May 2002, I2 Member Meeting MACE: Directories at Work Keith Hazelton, Senior IT Architect, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Chair, MACE-Dir Working Group Keith Hazelton, Senior IT Architect, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Chair, MACE-Dir Working Group
07-May-02 2 MACE: Directories at Work Four MACE-Dir worker bees recount recent accomplishments and potential new efforts Keith Hazelton, University of Wisconsin-Madison Tom Barton, University of Memphis Brendan Bellina, University of Notre Dame Michael Gettes, Georgetown University Start a discussion about priorities for new work, continue at Directory BoF 6:15 – 7:45 tonight, Salons F & G
07-May-02 3 eduPerson 1.5 object class Included as part of the NSF Middleware Initiative (NMI) Release 1.0 announced today, May 7 th eduPerson 1.0 is the production version, 1.5 status is “released for public review” (RPR) Next NMI release will include final 1.5 based on review period discussions
07-May-02 4 eduPerson 1.5 object class Changes from 1.0: Introductory section added RFC2252 style definitions included for the eduPerson object class itself and for each of the eduPerson attributes. Notes on additional attributes from existing object classes, existing notes clarified, syntax and indexing recommendations updated.
07-May-02 5 eduPerson 1.5 object class Two new attributes: eduPersonPrimaryOrgUnitDN eduPersonEntitlement Simple case: value is the name of a contract for licensed resource Values of eduPersonEntitlement can be URLs or URNs
07-May-02 6 eduPerson 1.5 object class eduPersonEntitlement Values of eduPersonEntitlement can be URLs or URNs – –RFC2396 Uniform Resource Identifiers –RFC2141 Uniform Resource Names URNs to allow federation of name creation without name clashes. –urn:mace:brown.edu:foo for information on URN registration
07-May-02 7 eduOrg 1.0 eduOrg 1.0 released as “Experimental” object class Basic organizational info attributes from X.520 –Telecomm, postal, locale eduOrgHomePageURI eduOrgIdentityAuthNPolicyURI eduOrgLegalName eduOrgSuperiorURI eduOrgWhitePagesURI
07-May-02 8 Future work EduOrg “blue page” entries EduOrgUnit 1.0 object class and attributes Affiliated directories scenarios Identity management in Health Sciences Assembling info on the fly Data/Metadata bundles as units of exchange Exploring with our Technical Advisory Board
07-May-02 9 Future work Authorization (including policy assertions) Interoperation with Grid Metacomputing Directory Services (MDS)
07-May Conclusion The root URLs for all these topics: Q&A