Monday AP/ GT Get an orange lit book Journal #2—The Real You Meet The Transcendentalists—pg. 311 Meet the father of Transcendentalism, Ralph Waldo Emerson—pg. 368 “Self-Reliance”—pg. 370 HW: Transcendentalist Webquest is due Wednesday submit ti Memoir Rough Draft is due Thursday Mock AP is March 28th. That is the ONLY date available to us for use of cafeteria.
Journal #2 The Real You 1. If money were no issue, what would you pick as a career and why? 2. Who/what determines what is right and wrong for an individual? 3. What is an individual’s responsibility to the world/ society? 4. Is it more important to live according to your own opinion or society’s? At some point is conformity necessary? 5. Is it ever ok to break the law? 6. Do you believe you have too many, just enough, or too few conveniences in life? 7. Do/Should you express your opinion even when you know it is not a popular or orthodox?
Tuesday Journal # 3—Characteristics of Transcendentalism Quickly skim pg. 311—especially the beige box at the top Then Read “Self-Reliance”—pg Provide a textual example from “Self-Reliance” for any THREE of the following characteristics of Transcendentalism 1. nonconformity 2. self-reliance thought 4. all living things (human, nature, and God) are connected 5. importance of nature 6. People are inherently good 7. living a simple life 8. individualism Read Emerson's Nature and start Nature Questions (we will work on them in class tomorrow)—due Friday Submit Transcendentalism Webquest to—by tomorrow Rough Draft of Memoir--Thursday
Wednesday AP/GT Due: Transcendnetal WebQuest—submitted to by 4 No Journal Let’s dig deep into Transcendental Ideology Work on Emerson’s Nature and Nature Questions—due Friday (you may work with a partner but you must turn in your own responses) Bring a hard copy of Memoir Draft to class tomorrow
Thursday AP English Lang Journal # 4—What is your opinion on Emerson and the Transcendentalists so far? Memoir Revisions Peer Self Turn in with your final draft on Tuesday Be sure you have completed your assigned Nature Questions for tomorrow
Friday English Language Share out Nature Questions You need 5 questions total done by the end of the period—for a grade!