BULGARIA BULGARIA Bulgaria is a beautiful country situated in the East Europe. Bulgaria is a beautiful country situated in the East Europe. Our border countries are: Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Yugoslavia. Our border countries are: Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Yugoslavia. BULGARIA is on the Balkan Peninsula. BULGARIA is on the Balkan Peninsula. Our country is a member of NATO and it will be a member of European Union in Our country is a member of NATO and it will be a member of European Union in 2007.
General Information General Information Territory ,6 km2 Population CapitalSofia Official languageBulgarian Political system Parliamentary Republic Head of StateGeorgi PurvanovPrime MinisterSimeon Saxe–Coburg GothaAdministrative regionsSofia – city, Sofia district, Burgas, Varna, Plovdiv, Rousse, Haskovo, Lovetch, Montana, Sliven, Yambol, Dobrich, Silistra, Shumen, Gabrovo, Pleven, Vidin, Vratza, Veliko Tarnovo, Pazardjik, Smolyan, Razgrad, Targovishte, Blagoevgrad, Pernik, Kardjali, Stara Zagora. Territory ,6 km2 Population CapitalSofia Official languageBulgarian Political system Parliamentary Republic Head of StateGeorgi PurvanovPrime MinisterSimeon Saxe–Coburg GothaAdministrative regionsSofia – city, Sofia district, Burgas, Varna, Plovdiv, Rousse, Haskovo, Lovetch, Montana, Sliven, Yambol, Dobrich, Silistra, Shumen, Gabrovo, Pleven, Vidin, Vratza, Veliko Tarnovo, Pazardjik, Smolyan, Razgrad, Targovishte, Blagoevgrad, Pernik, Kardjali, Stara Zagora.
THE SYMBOLS OF THE COUNTRY ARE: THE SYMBOLS OF THE COUNTRY ARE: - The FLAG - The FLAG Article 166 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria states that "The Flag of the Republic of Bulgaria is a tricolor: white, green, and red from top, placed horizontally." Article 166 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria states that "The Flag of the Republic of Bulgaria is a tricolor: white, green, and red from top, placed horizontally."
According to the Bulgarian Coat-of-Arms Act, Article 2, Paragraph 1: According to the Bulgarian Coat-of-Arms Act, Article 2, Paragraph 1: "The Coat of Arms of the Republic of Bulgaria shall depict a crowned gold lion rampant on a dark gules shield. Above the shield there shall be a large crown whose archetype shall be the crowns of the rulers of the Second Bulgarian Empire, with five crosses and another cross on top of the crown. The shield shall be held by two crowned gold lions rampant, standing on two crossed oak branches with acorns. [The three lions represent the three parts of Bulgaria: Moesia, Thrace, and Macedonia.] Under the shield there shall be a white band, lined with the national colors, containing the text 'Saedinenieto pravi silata' ['Union Produces Strength']." "The Coat of Arms of the Republic of Bulgaria shall depict a crowned gold lion rampant on a dark gules shield. Above the shield there shall be a large crown whose archetype shall be the crowns of the rulers of the Second Bulgarian Empire, with five crosses and another cross on top of the crown. The shield shall be held by two crowned gold lions rampant, standing on two crossed oak branches with acorns. [The three lions represent the three parts of Bulgaria: Moesia, Thrace, and Macedonia.] Under the shield there shall be a white band, lined with the national colors, containing the text 'Saedinenieto pravi silata' ['Union Produces Strength']."
България е разположена в югоизточната част на Европа, в източната част от Балканския полуостров. От векове през територията на страната минават пътищата свързващи Европа с Азия и Африка. Тук се пресичат четири общоевропейски транспортни коридора, които свързват Западна и Северна Европа с източната и южната част на континента. Освен със своето кръстопътно положение, България е известна и с живописната си природа. Въпреки сравнително малката си територия ( кв. км.), страната има разнообразен релеф. Последователно се редуват просторни равнини, хълмисти територии и високи планини. Обширни плажни ивици и красиви скалисти брегове са разположени по протежение на черноморското крайбрежие.
СИМВОЛИ НА БЪЛГАРИЯ: Съгласно Закона за герба на Република България, Член 2, Алинея 1: "Гербът на Република България е изправен златен коронован лъв на тъмночервено поле във формата на щит. Над щита има голяма корона, първообраз на която са корони на български владетели от Втората българска държава, с пет кръста и отделно кръст над самата корона. Щитът е поддържан от два златни короновани изправени лъва, обърнати към щита от лява и дясна хералдическа страна. Те стоят върху две кръстосани дъбови клонки с плодове. Под щита върху прехвърлена през краищата на дъбовите клонки бяла лента с трикольорен кант е изписано със златни букви 'Съединението прави силата'." (Трите лъва символизират трите части на България - Мизия, Тракия и Македония). ЗНАМЕ: Съгласно Конституцията на Република България, Глава Десета, Алинея 166, "Знамето на Република България е трицветно: бяло, зелено и червено, поставени водоравно отгоре надолу."
R A Z L O G Razlog is a beautiful town situated in the South- West part of Bulgaria.It is situated in a valley, surrounded by three mountains – Pirin, Rila and Rhodopes. The mountains are Bulgarian National Parks.Razlog is in the skirts of the mountain PIRIN. Pirin and the nature are fantastic!
In Razlog there are more than inhabitants. The people are hard- working and very hospitable. There are a lot of beautiful places for tourists: beautiful parks, nature, museums, stadium, Municipality Hall, shops,etc.
Some Pictures From Razlog A beautiful picture from PIRIN mountain
A picture from RAZLOG- the park
RAZLOG during Winter- THE CHURCH
The Fountain in the center of the town
A View from the Mountain A view of the center of the town from a bird flight
Municipality Hall The Park
SOU”Bratia Kanazirevi”-RAZLOG
SOU”Bratia Petar I Ivan Kanazirevi” SOU “ Bratia Petar I Ivan Kanazirevi “ is a secondary school. It is the most prestigious school in Razlog and in the region. Today about 700 students from 1 st to 12 th grade study in the school. 50 teachers conduct an educative process of high quality. There are 24 rooms, laboratories in all the basic subjects, workshops, two sports halls, a swimming pool, a youth club, a library with more than volumes of fiction and specialized literature in the school. There is a modern computer hall and the school is connected with internet. A specialized education in English, Mathematics, Information technologies and biology with an intensive study of foreign languages was introduced in the school several years ago.
The results from this education are very good. Many students continue their education in European countries and America. The school has deep- rooted traditions in the extracurricular activities too. In many circles and sports sections the students show their abilities and interests. In many Olympiads ( national school competitions ) the students take the first places. The volleyball team has been a national champion for several years. During the weekends excursions among nature, visits of theatrical productions and museums, and sport competitions are organized. The rich traditions, the professionalism of the teachers and the studiousness of the students turned the school into a centre, attractive for the youth of Razlog. Since 5 years it is a tradition at our school to work on European Educational programs. The students and teachers work together on Socrates/ Comenius 1 Program very successfully. Our partner schools are from Italy, France, Austria, Poland, Spain. We are very happy to work on language and school projects!
Some pictures from our classrooms and studies Biology Study Art Study Physics Study Chemistry Study Physics Study
In the School Yard
In Front of the School
Information in Bulgarian Language Разложката гимназия- съвкупност от традиции и съвремие, огнище на родолюбие, хранилище на духа на младите хора.В своята почти 100 годишна история Разложката Гимназия е дала образование на над 5000 ученици.В последните 10 години всички завършващи зрелостници продължават обучението си в елитните университети в страната, в Европа и САЩ. Предимството на възпитаничците на Разложката гимназия е, че по време на обучението си овладяват два западни езика, добиват висока компютърна грамотност и богата обща култура. Обучението се води на високо професионално ниво и отговаря на съвременните изисквания и новите предизвикателства на времето. Училището разполага с кабинети по биология, физика, химия, музика, изобразително изкуство, физкултурен салон, плувен басейн, тенис-зала, открити спортни площадки, съвременно обзаведени компютърни кабинети с достъп до интернет. Училшщето разполага с богата библиотека, младежки клуб, медицински и стоматологични кабинети.
Educational System In Bulgaria In Bulgaria students start to go to school at the age of 8. All children between 8 and 18 must attend school. They go to Elementary School from 8 to 11, and to a Primary School from 11 to 15, and to Secondary School from 15 to 18. At school the students study different subjects depending on their age and the class they are. For example the students from Elementary school study only some basic subjects, such as: Mathematics, Bulgarian Language, Physical Education, Music, Arts. At Primary School they study more subjects: Foreign languages- English, French, German, Mathematics, Bulgarian Language and Literature, History, Chemistry, biology, Domestic Study, Arts, Music, etc.
In Bulgaria when students finish their 7th grade and if they want to continue their education in most prestigious schools, they have to sit for exams. If they pass the exam, they go to different type of Secondary schools- Language Schools, Music Schools, Art Schools, etc., according to their wish and the type of the exam they have had. Students study intensively different subjects in these schools. If the students don’t pass the exam (after their 7th grade), they continue their education in Comprehensive Schools, Technical Schools, Vocational Schools. In Bulgaria when students finish their 7th grade and if they want to continue their education in most prestigious schools, they have to sit for exams. If they pass the exam, they go to different type of Secondary schools- Language Schools, Music Schools, Art Schools, etc., according to their wish and the type of the exam they have had. Students study intensively different subjects in these schools. If the students don’t pass the exam (after their 7th grade), they continue their education in Comprehensive Schools, Technical Schools, Vocational Schools.
After finishing their school, the students have to sit for University Exams. If they pass them, they go to University; if they don’t pass the exams, they can work or try in the next year. Most of the schools in Bulgaria are state schools. They are free and students don’t have to pay any fees. There are also private schools, which are expensive.