Petroleum Engineering Presented by : Mostafa Khojamli November
Oil reservoir 2
Source rock In petroleum geology, source rock refers to rocks from which hydrocarbons have been generated or are capable of being generated. They are organic-rich sediments that may have been deposited in a variety of environments such as deep water 3
Reservoir rock A reservoir rock is a place that oil migrates to and is held underground. A sandstone has plenty of room inside itself to trap oil just like a sponge. It is for this reason that sandstones are the most common reservoir rocks. another example is carbonate rocks 4
Cap rock Some type of rocks that have no permeability. So petroleum fluids can’t flow through them, So they are trapped and constitute an oil reservoir A great example for cap rock is Shale 5
PE definition Petroleum engineering is a field of engineering concerned with the activities related to the production of hydrocarbons. which can be either crude oil or natural gas. 6
Petroleum engineering consists of four major fields: Exploration engineering Resorvoir engineering Drilling engineering Production engineering 7
Exploration Oil exploration is 1 st thing we should do to produce oil Exploration engineers use different techniques to find oil fields and reservoirs such as: gravity survey, magnetic survey, passive seismic or regional seismic reflection surveys to detect large-scale features of the sub-surface geology 8
Reservoir Engineering Reservoir engineering is a branch of petroleum engineering that applies scientific principles to design where, when and how long should we drill and with what rates we should produce from oil wells to obtain high recovery in oil reservoir 9
Drilling engineering Drilling is done to create an oil well so we can extract oil and gas present in reservoir and bring it to the surface It is done by drilling rigs which belong to drilling companies. 11
Schematic of a well 13
Production engineering After an oil well is drilled and we reached the target depth, drillers leave the well site and production engineers take the responsibility and set production facilities on the well and take oil to refinery. They use separators to separate oil and gas and send them to where they are needed 14
Oil lift Natural lift : the reservoir pressure is very high and so oil comes to surface by its subsurface pressure Artificial lift : after some time of production, reservoir pressure decreases and oil can’t come surface by itself. So we use artificial methods to bring it to surface 15
Artificial lift methods Gas lift : we inject gas to oil at bottom of well to decrease weight of oil and so it can come up Pumps : using pump is another artificial lift method for oil as any other fluid 16
Separator Separator is an instrument which is used to separate water, oil and gas from each other before delivering to refinery. Crude oil is separated in two or three stages before coming to atmospheric pressure 18
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