Pre-Columbian Art By: Morgan Greenough
Regions The two geographic regions that flourished in Mexico, Central America and South America were: –Mesoamerica : Mexico and the northern counties of central America –Andean: Coastal and highlands areas of Peru
Architecture Walkway openings were created by corbeling. –A type of arch with a limited span. Temples were built in the shape of a pyramid. Carved sculptures into Temple. –Quetzalcoatl Temple
Sculpture Sculpture was very ceremonial. They carved heads or full figures of gods. Also, Animal-human gods were used for funeral urns. Built many sculptures on the temples.
Ceramics Ceramics was very significant to almost all cultures. All pots were hand built with a high quality of skill. Made for the use of ritual and burial ceremonies.
Metalwork Originated with the early cultures. Metals they used: –Gold: associated with the sun –Silver: the moon –Tin, copper, and lead: jewelry, death masks, whistles, and ritual objects. Smiths hammered, shaped, and cast these materials with lost-wax and open molds.
Fabrics Weaving dates back to 1500 BC in coastal Peru (Paracas culture) They used cotton, wool, feathers, and animal hide and fur. This is woven cotton and wool for a burial mantle.
Mesoamerica The most ancient culture in Mesoamerica is the Olmec culture. They lived along the Gulf of Mexico (1500 BC-c. 200 AD) They carved massive sculptures that mixed human and catlike creatures. The jaguar became the symbol of the gods and was present in many forms of art.
Mesoamerica The classical civilization was from c Some cultures in Mesoamerica were: –Teotihhucans: Built a huge stone temple –Mayans: Built many pyramid temples in Middle America –Zapotec: Made clay funeral urns Two Cultures that controlled the land during this time were: – The Toltec: Built on the few temples with carved warriors and spear throwers. –The Aztecs: Produced calendar stones that illustrated the days of the week and Aztec history.
Andean Andean civilizations first started for the Chavin origins, who lived in the highlands of Peru. They worshiped the jaguar, but also feared it. The Paracus culture, who flourished around 500 BC, produced thin, sculpted pottery vessels in the stirrup tradition. –They were decorated with thick resin pigment.
Andean Also, the Mochica and Chimu cultures built large pyramid temples during this era. They Mochica also produced naturalistic animal-shaped vessels. They featured scored designs and painted patterns.