Welcome to Okanagan Mission Secondary School! Incoming Grade 8 Course Selection Meeting
Tonight’s Meeting: The purpose of tonight’s meeting is to outline the many opportunities for your child here at OKM and to take the first step in making the transition process from elementary to secondary school as seamless as possible. The purpose of tonight’s meeting is to outline the many opportunities for your child here at OKM and to take the first step in making the transition process from elementary to secondary school as seamless as possible.
Proud To Be Huskies! Academic Excellence 96 Provincial Scholarships Awarded to 2012 Grad class 96 Provincial Scholarships Awarded to 2012 Grad class Superior Provincial Exam Results Superior Provincial Exam Results Advanced Placement Program Advanced Placement Program Honours Programs Honours Programs
Proud To Be Huskies! Academic Excellence English 12 English 12 46% of our students receive A’s46% of our students receive A’s District Average 25%District Average 25% Science 10 Science 10 38% of our students receive A’s38% of our students receive A’s District Average 23%District Average 23%
Proud To Be Huskies! Athletic Excellence SportYear VolleyballProvincials 2010,2011,2012 Field HockeyProvincials 2009,2010,2012 SwimmingProvincials 2010,2011,2012 FootballProvincials 2009 Boys SoccerProvincials 2011 (3 rd ), st TennisProvincials 2011, 2012
Proud To Be Huskies! Excellence in Fine Arts Production of 42 nd Street (Spring 2013) Production of 42 nd Street (Spring 2013) OKM Music Program to Croatia (Spring 2014) OKM Music Program to Croatia (Spring 2014) OKM Jazz Band to Idaho (Spring 2013) OKM Jazz Band to Idaho (Spring 2013) OKM Volleyball to Hawaii (Spring 2013) OKM Volleyball to Hawaii (Spring 2013) OKM Band to Whistler (Spring 2013) OKM Band to Whistler (Spring 2013)
Proud To Be Huskies! Opportunities in Applied Skills Dual Credit Program Dual Credit Program Automotive, Metal, Wood, Textiles and Foods Automotive, Metal, Wood, Textiles and Foods
Proud To Be Huskies! $14 Million Expansion Project Construction scheduled to begin Spring 2013 Construction scheduled to begin Spring 2013 Neighbourhoods of Learning Partnership with City of Kelowna Neighbourhoods of Learning Partnership with City of Kelowna New Gym, Drama Space, Weight Room New Gym, Drama Space, Weight Room New 14 classroom Academic Block New 14 classroom Academic Block
Philosophy of Education at OKM We are focused on creating opportunities to enhance each student’s individual potential, helping them excel in academics, athletics, leadership, and the fine arts and applied skills. We also offer a wide range of extra curricular activities to enrich students’ high school experience. We believe that ALL students can learn and achieve success.
Philosophy of Education at OKM We are committed to the development of Character and Competency in our school community We are committed to developing the School District #23 Attributes of a Learner Learner, Thinker, Collaborator, Contributor, Innovator Learner, Thinker, Collaborator, Contributor, Innovator
Philosophy of Education at OKM OKM has implemented a school-wide system of prevention and intervention strategies to identify and support “at risk” or “under supported” students. Students with unique and difficult circumstances will have whatever support is necessary wrapped around them to help them succeed.
Transition Process: Feb 4 th – Parents are introduced to program and course options Feb 6 th – 6:00 Special Programs Info Night Feb 5 th to 7 th – OKM Administration & Counsellors visit DWE, AME and CLE to discuss course options and transition with grade 7 students. Course selection sheets will be distributed.
Transition Process: Feb 22 th – After being signed by parents, Course Selection sheets are returned to the grade 7 teacher. Early May – Back-Packers program. OKM students to visit DWE / AME.
Transition Process: August – Grade 7’s are phoned and invited to the opening day Link Crew orientation session. Sept. 3 rd – New grade 8’s spend 1/2 day in the school with Link Crew leaders. September – All new grade 8’s are assigned Peer Counsellors and an OKM House and will be invited to participate in OKM school spirit events.
Link Crew Activities Grade 8’s will continue to connect with their peers and their mentors from the Leadership Excellence Program Clubs Clubs House Activities House Activities Spirit Assemblies Spirit Assemblies Peer Counsellors Peer Counsellors
Grade 8 Course Selection English 8, Dynamics English 8 (based on assessment and teacher recommendation) Math 8, Dynamics Math 8, Compacted Math 8/9 (based on assessment and teacher recommendation)
Grade 8 Course Selection Science 8 Social Studies 8 French 8
Grade 8 Course Selection Physical Education - PE 8 - Hockey Skills Academy ($1050) - Soccer Skills Academy ($500) - Swimming Academy ($550)
Grade 8 Course Selection Applied Skills - Woodwork - Metalwork - Foods/Textiles - Applied Technology - Connections - Connections
Grade 8 Course Selection Fine Arts - Band 8 - Intro Band 8 - Visual Performance Art - Drama - Art - Video Production
For Further Information (250) Counselling and course selection: Marilyn Green (A to L) or Lorna Proch (M to Z) Learning Support: Beth Parks Behaviour Support: Lynn Corry Academic Intervention: Solenn Dishaw Administration: Leanne Zorn, Michael Kormany or Mark Watson Registration: Sandra Cuerrier
Thank You For Coming! We look forward to having your son or daughter be part of our community!