FY 08 Superintendent’sBudgetProposal January 25, 2007
2 NASHOBA Our Mission... to educate all students to their fullest potential.
January 25, NASHOBA To foster and sustain educational services that support, enrich and extend our curriculum for all students. (1) Pre K – 8 ELA curriculum Pre K – 5 Social Studies curriculum Pre K – 5 Science curriculum Enrichment Handbook United Video Streaming, Renzulli Learning K – 5, Grade 8 Health 5 – 8 Science, Engineering and Technology Boston Museum of Science, Engineering and Technology High School Course
January 25, NASHOBA To identify a set of indicators that demonstrates the unity and parity in the quality of our schools across the District. (2) To identify a set of indicators that demonstrates the unity and parity in the quality of our schools across the District. (2) Establishment of District Standards Based Reporting Committee Aligned Time on Learning for Middle School Grades Aligned Time on Learning for Elementary Grades Reorganization to be District Pre Schools
January 25, NASHOBA To provide the necessary space, materials and technology necessary for a quality education. (3) To provide the necessary space, materials and technology necessary for a quality education. (3) Twenty year leases for all buildings Capital Improvement Plan RFP for District Admin space and High School Academic space Tablet initiatives at the HIgh School and Hale SBTF for Town of Stow Space Needs Committee for Town of Bolton
January 25, NASHOBA To develop a communication plan for all students, families, faculty, staff, administrators and community members. (4) Establishment of District List Serves Aligned All Websites Electronic School Newsletters Active School Councils Web Based Parent Access
January 25, NASHOBA This budget focuses on four critical sub themes Classroom learning is where it happens Student performance drives our work Authentic experiences keep students and teachers motivated, engaged and striving for continued success Initiatives need to be well designed from the start
January 25, NASHOBA FY 08 Superintendent’s Proposed Budget FY 08 Superintendent’s Proposed Budget $39,691,490 Up 7.03% over FY 07 $2,607,831 In addition there are an estimated $2,066,174 worth of offsets through grants and revolving funds
January 25, NASHOBA Revenue House I to be released late in February New Chapter 70 formula suggests a small increase for our District (Possibly as much as $200,000)
January 25, NASHOBA Budget Drivers System Wide Insurances$ 418,324 Salaries for Existing Staff$1,291,488 School Choice Assessment $ 110,000 Facilities Department$ 111,488 Reserve Fund$ 93,340
January 25, NASHOBA Professional Development (Goals 1, 2, 3, and 4) (Goals 1, 2, 3, and 4) Continued focus on Differentiated Practices Learn more about Differentiated Assessment practices Continue with Early Release Time Focused on Standards Based Reporting – Retooling our Communication of Learning Look internally for professional guidance All administrators facilitate a task force and/or a job alike group Continue funding to content / instruction coaches for K - 8
January 25, NASHOBA Facilities Scheduled Maintenance (Goal 3) $ 111,488 Address High School Space Needs Architect Expenses New Cafeteria (Kitchen and Floor Space) Added Classrooms Address Administrative Space Needs Maintenance Position – 1.0 FTE
January 25, NASHOBA Recommended District Wide New Positions (Goals 1, 2 and 4) FTE Priority FTE Priority District - T & L Associate (Goals 1,2, & 3)1.0 3 Building Based – Support Instructional Coaching, Curriculum Alignment and Assessment Practices District - T & L Associate (Goals 1,2, & 3)0.5 3 Building Based – Support Instructional Coaching, Curriculum Alignment and Assessment Practices District School Resource Officer (Goals 1 & 4)1.0 2 This is a step to support our health curriculum, to address the changes in not having a DARE program in two of our communities, and as an overall component to our security program. *
January 25, NASHOBA Enrollment October October Projected for 3344 or 1.5% High School Enrollment will grow about 4% Larger class incoming than graduating 256 v 221 Projecting 949, currently 914
January 25, NASHOBA New Positions PK - 8 (Goals 1 and 3) Center – Grade 4 MRE – Grade 5 (Shift from grade 1) FSE - Status from Library Aide to Assistant Hale – Status from Special Education Aide to Assistant FSE – Grade 1 – (Shift from Grade 3) Decreased positions due to enrollment Grade 1 – Pompo – Grade 2 – Pompo – Grade 3 – FSE – Grade 1 – MRE –
January 25, NASHOBA Recommended New Positions at Nashoba High School ( Goals 1, 2 and 4) FTEPriority High School0.2 Spanish 3 High School1.0 English 3 High School 0.2 Health 3 High School0.4 Inst. Assistant 3
January 25, NASHOBA Athletics Added Lacrosse Coaching Position Added Volleyball Coaching Positions Status of committee work not in budget Enrichment Extended Learning Time (Not yet in a dedicated committee)
January 25, NASHOBA New Initiatives School Resource Officer Preventative and Proactive Visible, Active Law Enforcement Figure District Wide Based at the High School Bolton Police Officer Collaborative arrangement with other towns Added feature of our Health Program
January 25, NASHOBA Athletic Complex – Phase II Phase I – Bleacher Project Addressed ADA issues Phase II – Turf Field Increases available land for playing/practicing Increases revenue potential Helps with academic schedule Physical Education Music (Band Practice Conflicts)
January 25, NASHOBA Classroom Space Needs High School (14 Traveling Teachers, Labs, Cafeteria) Pompo, Center and soon Hale Florence Sawyer School Mary Rowlandson School District Office Space Current Planning High School – RFP is out Includes planning for Admin Space Stow Building Task Force – May 7 Florence Sawyer School – Recommended renovation of the Emerson Building Mary Rowlandson – Possible 8 room addition on the north wing
January 25, NASHOBA Fiber Project Increase capacity by 100 times Creates opportunities for Internal Capacity Power School Video Learning Budget Sense Human Resources Software
January 25, NASHOBA In conclusion We are continuing practices that we feel have guided and served us well. At the same time we are working to enhance these practices in what we have come to see as logical next steps that are affordable and efficient based on our capacity to do so.