World Vision Australia Partnering with the Field SOCCER Meeting September
2 donors are looking for more direct forms of engagement with communities - this evolving trend calls into question some of the traditional roles of IPGs. we are developing new models that bring donors and communities closer together (e.g. Greenfields, and Sponsorship 2.0) - as these new models are further developed, there will be wider organisational implications for effective scaleup. different contexts require our NOs to be agile, innovative, accountable, and empowered to make decisions at local levels - current partnership systems and definition of roles do not empower managers in the frontlines to make decisions and manage for results we need to maximize our value as a large global organisation with a wide geographic footprint - we want to reduce cost and avoid role duplications, working together as part of one value chain in the international programming relationships Responding to changes that are happening around us
Generating value WVA IPG to WVA Field Partnerships 3 International Programs Group (IPG) Field Partnerships (FP) IPG is large, expensive and sometimes difficult to work with FP is lean, responsive, affordable and a vital department for us to fulfil our donor promise. Detailed project focussed support Strategic support at the National Office (NO) and Regional Office (RO) level, leveraging the most appropriate resources and focussing on high value activities Engagement at project levelTechnical specialists to support income opportunities and connect supporters to field WVA O4 Journey
4 Following our changes, there will be more focus on: Portfolio level analysis Practitioners engaging with NOs and supporters Generation of Field Insights Consolidating resource acquisition activities
Where our teams sit now… 5 Field Partnerships teams Field RelationsTechnical Business PartnersHEAField Information & ReportingField Experiences & Visits Teams moved to Supporter Relationships GrantsClimate changeGIK
Consolidate resource acquisition activities 6 Supporter Relationships Government & MultilateralsGrantsClimate Change Church, Corporates & Community GIK
The Grants, Climate Change and GIK teams have been brought together with other resource acquisition teams to: Invest in a whole of government approach combining policy and grants capability Develop global Grant Acquisition & Management (GAM) capability, supporting the establishment of regional Grant Acquisition & Management Hubs Consolidate activities for corporates, commercial grants, GIK, BHP, Resource Sector Engagement and Business Advisory Council Consolidate resource acquisition activities 7
PrincipleMandated by WVA is accountable to the communities we serveHumanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) International standard WVI Program Accountability Framework WVA’s support of field activities is on a ‘partnership’ basis with National Offices, i.e. WVA is more than a fundraising arm of the Partnership; it adds substantive value to programs. Overseas Aid Gift Deduction Scheme (OAGDS) Contractual requirement for grants, eg. ANCP WVA’s ability to deliver value to supporters is dependent on a strong connection between supporters and communities. WVA Value Discipline – Supporter Centricity WVA is committed to interpreting and reporting the impact of our work in the field to supporters. WV International Board WV’s funding driver is ministry priority rather than resource opportunity. Fundraising efforts deliver on ministry needs and priorities. Partnership Principle Level Choices WVA is committed to empowering National Offices to maximise impact on child well-being by transferring programming functions to NOs that have appropriate capability. WVI One Organisation, One Operations WVA is committed to a blended NO/SO model in PTL.PTL WVA supports the development of a global grant acquisition and management capability to enable WV to leverage its size and access funds globally. WVI One Organisation, One Operations – Grant Acquisition & Management initiative WVA will contribute to global initiatives as a Twin Citizen within defined limits; however, it will not retain roles for the primary purpose of Twin Citizenship. “Our Future” World Vision’s Partnership Principles Appendix 1: Principles for Field Engagement 8
All roles and resources WVA deliver to activities on the WVA value chain, i.e. they deliver value to supporters. At the discretion of General Managers, these roles may be leveraged to also make a contribution to global initiatives – Twin Citizenship. WVA will not retain roles for the primary purpose of Twin Citizenship (TC). All TC activities are prioritised and agreed through a defined business process. WVA’s contribution to TC is monitored at organisational level. All TC activities are established as time-bound projects, with defined and agreed purpose, objectives, outputs, lines of accountability, timeframes, and resource commitments. Appendix 2: WVA Twin Citizenship Principles 9
Appendix 3: Impact on Field Partnerships 10 FY13FY14 Total FTE (less 24.6 staff transferred within WVA, Grants acquisition, GIK, FSCC Bus development) Percentage of total organisational FTE 16%13% Percentage of total income 2.2%1.7% Percentage of total cost 9%7%
11 To account for 88 ADPs closing between FY15 and FY20 WVA made the decision to open 20 new ADPs in FY17. This increases the number of ADPs WVA holds by 12. This is the cheapest option to replacing RC ADPs cost less money in the first / last couple years of life. WVA will spend $6.2m less on ADPs between FY15 and AY17. If the PCPY rate is held at $203 WVA will spend $9.0m less on ADPs More ADPs but WVA holds less RC because we have so many ADPs in the last couple of years of their project life Number of ADPs vs. Number of Registered Children