The Transformation: NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA) Diran Makinde NEPAD Agency African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso E-mail: Presentation CORAF Side Event May 24, 2010 Cotonou, Benin Republic
New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) A Vision and Strategic Framework for Africa’s Renewal Designed to address the current challenges facing the continent, such as, escalating poverty levels, underdevelopment, etc, Objectives: poverty reduction; :place Africa on a path of sustainable growth & development; : integrate Africa into the global economy; and : accelerate the empowerment of women
Guiding Principles Priority Areas - WEHAB Funding opportunities Building on existing projects Guided by REC decisions, etc Importance of sequencing project design and implementation in order to maximize learning and reduce risks Projects that are likely to make impact at regional and national levels-low hanging fruits 3 3
NEPAD As it was before: Agriculture & Food Security Infrastructure (H2O &Sanitation, ICT, Transport, Energy) Human Resources Development Science & Technology Trade & Market Access Environment & Climate Change & Culture & Tourism Governance & Capacity Development Gender Development
NEPAD/ABI S&T Networks
Transformed NPCA 14th Ord. Session of the Assembly of the AU (Feb. 2010) adopted the integration of NEPAD into the structures and processes of the AU: NPCA as a technical body of the AU to replace NEPAD Secretariat. NPCA- to facilitate & coordinate the implementation of continental and regional priority prog & projects; -to mobilize resources and partners in support of their implementation - to conduct and coordinate research & knowledge mgt, M&E the implementation of programs; & -Advocate AU & NEPAD vision, mission and core values
Transformed NPCA II A shift from sectoral & activity based to programmatic & results based management of the NEPAD Secretariat Vision: Leading African think tank that initiates & promotes dev & implementation of flagship programs & projects in support of NEPAD & AUC
Expected Outcomes(6 groups) Increased availability of regional programs, projects & policy frameworks for implementation by member states &RECs; Enhanced mechanisms for mobilizing internal & external resources; Enhanced capacity of NPCA, Mbr states & RECs to M&E implementation of NEPAD programs & projects; Enhanced capacity of Mbr states & RECs to implement NEPAD programs & projects; Enhanced private sector involvement in regional programs & projects; Improved quality/stds of NEPAD programs & projects
NPCA Thematic Areas (5) (i) Food security (ii) Climate Change & Sustainable Development (iii) Regional Integration & Infrastructure (iv) Human Capital Development; and (v) Economic & Corporate Governance
Alignment of Frameworks with Themes Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Dev Program (CAADP) Africa’s S & T CPA Action Plan for Environment Initiative Framework for Water, Energy & Mining Program for Infrastructure Dev in Africa NEPAD Infrastructure Short Term Action Plan (STAP) NEPAD Spatial Dev Program Capacity Dev Strategic Framework Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) Beijing Declaration & Platform for Action (BDPA) Framework on Education, Health & ICT Policy Framework for Post-Conflict Reconstruction & Development (PCRD)
NPCA Operating Model: Integrated Delivery Model Strategic Planning Conceptual Policy Framework Programme / Project Development Resource Mobilisation Programme / project Implementation Monitor & Evaluate NPCA Value Chain Channels Regional Economic Communities National Government Core process in delivering on mandate is strategic planning & SH management Beneficiaries / End-users Sustainable, Self-sufficient Communities 1 Strategic Planning & Evaluation Strategic Stakeholder Management & Advocacy Secondly, NPCA needs be the creator of knowledge 2 Programme Support & Governance And simultaneously be a strong implementer of programmes 3 Core Knowledge Area Programme Delivery Create Value Concept Policy Development Deliver Value Project Implementation & Monitoring Programme Monitoring & Evaluation Contribute & Share Value 4 Create infrastructure to support knowledge organisation R&D Process AU Mandate & Structures Development Priorities KM Process Continental, REC & National Processes Enable & Support 5 Communication And support functions for to facilitate delivery Human Resources Finance & Procurement Information management systems Knowledge Management System
The model in more detail Component number Key model component Role 1 Strategic planning The NPCA’s compelling agenda is derived from its mandate it receives from the AU. The output of this process is therefore a NPCA strategic plan setting out the compelling agenda, strategy as well as a detailed business plan. Furthermore, the strategy is tracked, reviewed and evaluated throughout the year and adjusted when necessary. The process of developing a strategy will be based on a collaborative approach between NPCA, AUC and RECs. Strategic Stakeholder Management and Advocacy Stakeholder relationships and interests need to be clearly defined to ensure the NPCA meets the expectations of the different stakeholder groups. It also supports all the required processes to enable the NPCA to build strong partnership especially with civil society and the private sector to deliver on its mandate. Finally the advocacy role is a fundamental process to build the brand and image of the NPCA and communicate what the NPCA’s role and achievements are. 1
Model description Component number Key model component Role 2 Policy alignment , Programme Development & Knowledge Creation Policy and Programme Development in the NPCA refers to where expert knowledge is utilised to analyse African priorities and produce and test feasibility of programmes with the support of the Programme Implementation component of the model. This cycle includes policy alignment to programme concept incubation or refinement of AU Directed programme resulting in viable programmes and projects for implementation. 3 Programme delivery & Co-ordination The programme delivery area refers to the overseeing and tracking of NPCA programmes and projects across the continent, RECs or countries. It will also support the Policy and Programme development component through the various stages of programme development to minimise and mitigate risk at implementation stage. 2 3 5
Model description Component number Key model component Role 4 Knowledge Management The Knowledge Management and Research and Development processes will provide a knowledge and research capability to the organisation. It will enable the NPCA to nurture and fulfil its leadership position in the area of knowledge management and dissemination thereof at an African and international level. It will contribute to influencing policy & programme development and establish benchmarks for implementation approaches in Africa. 5 Support areas The role of the support functions and processes is to provide internal business support to the organisation in areas such as Communication, Human Resources, Finance, Procurement and Information Management & Systems (including Knowledge Management Systems). 4 5
NEPAD Agency New Structure Chief of Staff Policy Alignment & Prog. Development Directorate Strategy & Knowledge Man Directorate CEO Corporate Services Directorate Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Programme Impl. & Co-ord Directorate Programme 1 Programme 2 Programme 3 Integration Mechanisms External Rel. & Communication Directorate Admin Services Governance Special Assistant Executive Assistant Internal Audit Strategic Planning Monitoring & Evaluation (Strategy & Progs) Risk Management Knowledge Management Research & Development Policy Frameworks Programme Development Knowledge Development Operational Resource Mobilisation Programme Management Programme dev Support Monitoring (Programmes) Best practices Peer review Internal project execution Fund management Capacity development Communication (Internal & External) Partnership Management Strategic resource mobilisation Stakeholder Management HR Finance, Procurement Administration Information Management Systems Special Advisors Office of the CEO Legal Services Key: Enabling Structure Functions Structure is underpinned intergration / of Note: Number of clusters and programmes will depend on strategic priorities
Conclusions Overall Strategy are: Compelling agenda to enhance capacity of Mbr states to drive the continents devt. based on needs & resources Assist in creating an enabling environment to stimulate & facilitate private sector engagement as a powerful engine for sustainable growth & dev Support Mbr states & regional bodies in conceiving, designing & implementing quality investment programs & projects. Contribute in fast-tracking program & project delivery by identifying obstacles & seeking to address them while avoiding DUPLICATION with other continental organizations Forge partnerships with like-minded organizations based on comparative advantage