_________________________ The world is a sphere. It is shaped like a ball. Earth is divided into four hemisphere. They are the Northern, Southern, Western, and Eastern Hemispheres. Every continent lies in at least two hemispheres.
__________________________ A continent is one of the seven main land areas on the Earth. Sometimes they can be a little confusing. Some are joined to each other, and some are completely surrounded by water. Some contain a lot of countries, and some only a few.
__________________________ The seven continents are North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica, and Europe. The largest continent is Asia and the smallest one is Australia.
__________________________ Africa is home to the largest desert and the longest river. Asia and Europe are the only two continents that are joined by land. Antarctica is covered in ice and is too cold for people to live on. North America is home to the world’s largest fresh water lake and is our home too.
__________________________ There are four large bodies of salt water located on our planet. They are the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic. The Pacific Ocean is the largest while the Arctic Ocean is the smallest. Oceans cover about 70% of the Earth’s surface.
Facts about the Continents
Naming the Continents
What is a Continent?
Earth’s Oceans
Table of Contents