by Bob Hooker with help from Elizabeth Hooker, Guimei (Christina) Zhai and Gao Tong (Michelle)
Students study a lot Students don’t party all night Most students are not rich Borrow money for college Work part time jobs Campuses are safe
Colleges Undergraduate only – BA, BS Four years (no three-year colleges) Universities Undergraduate – BA, BS Graduate – MA, MS, PhD Professional - Law, Medicine, Business, etc.
Public (state) colleges & universities Get much of their money from state governments Generally cost less to attend Private colleges & universities Non-government Many have religious affiliations Generally cost more Usually non-profit
Colleges and universities are all different Many exceptions to just about everything You MUST do your own research This presentation can only give you Things to think about Questions to ask
Take TOEFL or IELTS Research colleges and universities Take SAT/ACT if required Apply to schools you qualify for Transcripts Letters of recommendation may be required Essays may be required
Take TOEFL or IELTS Research colleges and universities Take GRE, GMAT, etc., as required Apply to schools you qualify for Transcripts Letters of recommendation Personal essay
Scholarships Full or partial Work-study - undergraduate Assistantships - graduate Grants Student loans Fellowships Some popular majors don’t give scholarships
You are completely free to choose your major Begin as a liberal arts student Choose your major later Many change majors at least once Also choose a minor or a second major
You have your own schedule Classmates are different for every class Meet three hours a week per course About class hours per week 2-3 hours of homework for each hour in class
Required courses: Core courses in liberal arts such as English, math, science Courses in your major Electives: Choice of other courses, but … you must have them in certain areas
Mostly freshmen-sophomore undergrad Hundreds in a lecture hall Followed by smaller (~20 students) lab sections led by grad students
in a class Preparation: reading assignments Textbooks Professional journals Come to class prepared to: Listen to lectures Discuss topics Ask questions
Upper level undergraduate and graduate ~ 5 students in class Preparation: reading assignments Original source material Professional journals Come to class prepared to: Discuss topics Ask questions
You are expected to participate! You should: Read and think about the topics Form opinions Express your opinions in class “Show yourself!”
Professors have their own grading systems Your grade can be a combination of: Tests Papers Attendance Participation etc.
You must do the work! If you don’t, you can flunk out (fail) Plagiarism, “copying,” is not tolerated.
No “lights out“ or curfew Two students per room Showers in dorm building Men and women share dorm buildings Different floors Separate bathrooms Men and women can visit each other PS: Don’t call students “boys” and “girls!”
Many universities dorms are only for freshmen You will find you own housing off-campus Get help from: Housing office International students office Chinese student groups Find out from the university
Competition between universities Sometimes travel long distances Most universities have several sports teams Some have famous teams that make a lot of money and have large stadiums
Competitions between teams on campus Something like sports days, but more often Not during class time
Great for developing skills & meeting people Types of student organizations: Intramural sports International students Religious: Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. Music: dance, band, chorus, etc. etc.
You must make an effort! Join clubs Go to sports events Get a part time job Don’t spend too much time with other Chinese. Or you can live in America for years and never meet an American. It’s up to you!
Culture shock Culture bumps Isolation and loneliness Skype QQ
Claudia Evelyn Michelle Andy
English major Shengda College Zhengzhou Boston University Masters in Accounting
Marine Science TUST Miami University Masters in Marine Technology
Journalism major United International College, Zhuhai University of Missouri Bachelors of Journalism
English major Shengda College Zhengzhou Teaching Chinese America