Minnesota FastTRAC Adult Career Pathways Presenters: Barry Shaffer MN Department of Education – Adult Basic Education Anne Marie Leland Faribault Community Education Director Nola Speiser MN Department of Employment & Economic Development
Our Goals: Provide an overview of Minnesota FastTRAC, focusing on: Demographics of FastTRAC participants FastTRAC state and local partners FastTRAC participant eligibility and assessment Importance of data collection and reporting FastTRAC outcome measures
(we will be asking for your input throughout the presentation) Question! Who in the room has a FastTRAC program at their ABE consortium? What is your involvement? (we will be asking for your input throughout the presentation)
FastTRAC Participants Who is a FastTRAC participant? ABE and ESL students who are ready to be successful in postsecondary Other possible characteristics MFIP enrolled WIA Adult, Dislocated worker Incumbent worker Unemployed or Underemployed individuals Multiple minimum-wage, part-time jobs
Why FastTRAC? Minnesota’s Growing Skills Gap
The Need Is Great: Working Learners in Minnesota
FastTRAC Vision Meeting state and employer demands for a skilled workforce and providing opportunities for low-wage, low-skilled adults to access high quality education and training leading to career pathway employment
FastTRAC Partners FastTRAC participants are often common clients of education, public assistance and workforce development. FastTRAC requires a highly collaborative approach to serving participants. Local FastTRAC partnership example – ABE provider Mn State College and University (MnSCU) campus Workforce Center Community Based Organization (CBO) Human services
How Does MN FastTRAC Help? Through building career pathways. Career pathways are a proven, innovative educational design for streamlined ABE that leads to good jobs. They are: Worker-friendly, cost-effective, short-term training that allows students to earn a certificate or credential. Credit-bearing credential attainment in occupations in demand allowing immediate job placement while opening the door to continue postsecondary education toward additional certificates, diplomas and degrees. Allow students get the skills necessary for family-sustaining jobs.
A Sample Career Pathway City of Duluth Workforce Investment Board Manufacturing Initiative Designed in “6 Key Elements” framework – DOL Career Pathways Institute Enhanced employer engagement Collaborative project design and delivery: workforce investment board, workforce development, community college, adult basic education, community based organizations Integrating basic education and skills training: Adult Basic Education integration in entry level coursework in all certifications; Development Education integration in higher level coursework; General Education integration in AAS degree Work/life skills infusion into career & technical education curriculum Blended wraparound support services FastTRAC Navigator FastTRAC Grants Core “Gate Keeper” Courses for Integrated Instruction Model: Into to College 1 Credit Solid Works 1 3 Credits Intro to Manufacturing Tech 4 Credits Mechanical Blueprint Reading 3 Credits Design Application Concepts 1 3 Credits Gas Metal Arc Welding 1 3 Credits Consider cutting this slide for all audiences except potential program sites and/or funders deeply engaged in this work.
FastTRAC Participant Eligibility FastTRAC programs are designed for adults, sixteen (16) years old or older, who are not enrolled in secondary school and who qualify under one or more of the following conditions: Lack a recognized high school credential; Have a limited ability to speak, read, or write the English language; Lack sufficient mastery of core basic educational skills (math, reading, writing, listening, speaking below a 12th grade level) to function effectively in the workplace as measured by the National Reporting System (NRS) list of adult appropriate standardized assessments.
Assessment All FastTRAC program providers use assessments consistent with program requirements to place participants into the appropriate courses and to measure progress ABE – TABE, CASAS MnSCU – Accuplacer Workforce – NCRC, TABE, CASAS CBOs – TABE, CASAS, other Human services – assessing for grade level Other assessments?
FastTRAC Data Plan Why is it so important to collect accurate data on FastTRAC participants? Individual agencies need to show success to meet their performance measures All partners/funders have committed to a common set of performance measures to promote and sustain FastTRAC To visualize the participant success, we need to look at activities through the duration of FastTRAC programming. This requires querying multiple data sources, e.g., MnSCU, ABE, Workforce and Human Services
Data Collection & Reporting FastTRAC participants are ABE students and need to be screened, measured and reported according to ABE/FastTRAC eligibility criteria. FastTRAC Outcome Measures Basic skills acquisition (NRS EFL gain) Completion of Bridge and/or Integrated Courses Retention in program Credential attainment Job placement in career field Job retention Wage progression Continuation of career pathway training
Where We Are Today: Since January 2010, preliminary results have shown – 34 FastTRAC programs became operational on 20 of the 47 college campuses. 26 of 47 (approx. 90% of service delivery) ABE consortia have created bridge and integrated programming with FastTRAC funding. 540 participants of 807 (67%) have completed FastTRAC ABE bridge courses and moved into an integrated MnSCU/ABE course. 364 participants of 415 (88%) have completed an integrated instruction course.
"This program changed my life "This program changed my life. I actually got the experience I need in the workforce. Now I have everything I need to be successful.“ Antoinette mccarthy "This program changed my life. I actually got the experience I need in the workforce. Now I have everything I need to be successful." "This program changed my life. I actually got the experience I need in the workforce. Now I have everything I need to be successful."
Resources For more information: www.MNFastTRAC.org Anne Marie Leland, anne.leland@state.mn.us Nola Speiser, nola.speiser@state.mn.us Please feel free to insert other resources targetted to your audience in this slide after your website.