1 Attract, Develop and Engage the Workforce of the 21 st Century New Job Classification System (JCCS) Manager Preparation Session February 2011
2 Session Activities Information Practice Questions The JCCS System and specifics you are expected to communicate Role play 40 min Q&A period
3 The system’s basic components The specifics that you need to share Understand Session Goals After today’s session, you should: Goal: Help you feel better prepared to meet with your employees
5 Your Questions Please! Write down questions as you have them There will be a detailed Q&A at the end of the session
6 Thank you…. There has been a substantial effort put forth across the Institute Executive Leadership Deans & Vice Presidents HR Reps Training Task Force
7 Thank you…. There has been a substantial effort put forth across the Institute Training Task Force Amy Bondurant, GTRI Pam Bonser, Communications & Marketing Dian Chung, College of Science Brandi Foley-Rodgers, Provost’s Office Gail Greene, College of Management Lynda House, College of Engineering Debra Lee, OIT Barbara Roper, OIT
8 How & Why Was This System Created? ?
9 Georgia Tech conducted a study to learn what employees valued most about working at Tech. Among other things, the study revealed: Employees feel there were limited advancement opportunities There are challenges in compensation programs, administration and execution In response, Institute leadership commissioned the design of an effective job classification and compensation structure. How & why was this system created?
10 HR Reps, HR Contacts, & Managers worked together to defined & documented employee job responsibilities Job Responsibilities How & why was this system created?
11 OHR used the information provided to re-write job descriptions Job Responsibilities Job Descriptions How & why was this system created?
12 Exhaustive market research and comparison was conducted Job Responsibilities Job Descriptions Market Research How & why was this system created?
13 Job Responsibilities Job Descriptions Market Research Grades & Tiers New titles, grades, and tiers were created How & why was this system created?
14 Job Responsibilities Job Descriptions Market Research Grades & Tiers Together these activities helped to create a new system for classifying employee work How & why was this system created? JCCS
15 Job duties ARE NOT changing Pay IS NOT changing as a result of JCCS Messages to share with employees Important
16 A Better System Job Classification and Compensation System benefits Employees by Increasing Clarity career paths and known knowledge, skills and abilities for campus positions job expectations personnel actions Comparable titles with universal meaning Guidelines regarding promotions, lateral moves, etc. Improving Consistency
17 A Better System Job Classification and Compensation System benefits Managers/Departments by in decision making Expanded Autonomy Data to drive decision making Increased Objectivity A framework for visable high level career paths to assist employees Varied shift work Improved Tools
18 A Better System Job Classification and Compensation System Better reporting Better data to drive decision making Enhanced talent recruiting with clear titles and market based pay Ability to rapidily respond to changing market conditions benefits Georgia Tech by
19 JCCS Clarity for employees and managers Better Recruiting Connections to Training and Development opportunities Easier Performance Management More transparent & equitable pay practices How & why was this system created? The new system will allow us to do things in the future that we otherwise would not be able to do
20 Messages to share with employees Important The change will apply to all classified staff employees Job duties are not changing
21 What Is Expected of Managers ?
22 Meet with direct reports as a group Meet with employees individually As a supervisor, you will be expected to… Expectations Different managers may have different approaches depending on unit and span of control
23 How is the System Structured? ?
24 Messages to share with employees Important There are new Job Structures Pay Grades Ranges & Tiers Job Titles
25 Messages to share with employees Important Pay does not change as a result of JCCS Pay may change for a limited number of employees based on other factors This will be done at the discretion of the Dean or Vice President and will be consistent with policies
26 System structure When you meet with your employees you will need to tell them about… Pay Grades Ways to group jobs with similar work Ranges & Tiers Reflect the minimum & maximum pay Titles Should give a sense as to level Job Structures Grouping of job grades with similar characteristics
27 Structures
28 Accountant I-III Financial Administrator I-III Financial Analyst I-III Accountant I-III Was… Now… Titles
29 For Example….
30 Grades GradeTier 1Tier 2Tier 3 Market Reference Point A1 18,700-19,40019,401-23,80023,801-28,70021,600 A2 19,700-22,30022,301-27,30027,301-30,20024,800 A3 22,600-25,70025,701-31,50031,501-34,70028,600 A4 26,000-29,60029,601-36,20036,201-39,90032,900 A5 29,900-34,00034,001-41,60041,601-45,90037,800 A6 34,400-39,90039,901-47,70047,701-52,80043,400 A7 39,600-45,00045,001-55,00055,001-60,70050,000 Many titles
31 For example – Financial Administrator TitleGradeTier 1Tier 2Tier 3 Market Reference Point A1 18,700-19,40019,401-23,80023,801-28,70021,600 A2 19,700-22,30022,301-27,30027,301-30,20024,800 A3 22,600-25,70025,701-31,50031,501-34,70028,600 A4 26,000-29,60029,601-36,20036,201-39,90032,900 Financial Administrator I A5 29,900-34,00034,001-41,60041,601-45,90037,800 Financial Administrator II A6 34,400-39,90039,901-47,70047,701-52,80043,400 Financial Administrator III A7 39,600-45,00045,001-55,00055,001-60,70050,000
32 Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3 Market Reference Point Typically new employees Typically employees with demonstrated skill levels Typically top-performing employees exhibiting consistently outstanding performance This is the composite of all market data in a grade. Tech’s new pay structures are designed to guide managers and employees through an employee’s development and performance. Tiers
33 Movement among the tiers and grades TitleGradeTier 1Tier 2Tier 3 Market Reference Point A1 18,700-19,40019,401-23,80023,801-28,70021,600 A2 19,700-22,30022,301-27,30027,301-30,20024,800 A3 22,600-25,70025,701-31,50031,501-34,70028,600 A4 26,000-29,60029,601-36,20036,201-39,90032,900 Financial Administrator I A5 29,900-34,00034,001-41,60041,601-45,90037,800 Financial Administrator II A6 34,400-39,90039,901-47,70047,701-52,80043,400 Financial Administrator III A7 39,600-45,00045,001-55,00055,001-60,70050,000 Progression through Job Grades results from expansion of: Responsibility Scope of budget responsibility Quantity of employees supervised Independent decision making authority And similar factors
34 Movement among the tiers and grades TitleGradeTier 1Tier 2Tier 3 Market Reference Point A1 18,700-19,40019,401-23,80023,801-28,70021,600 A2 19,700-22,30022,301-27,30027,301-30,20024,800 A3 22,600-25,70025,701-31,50031,501-34,70028,600 A4 26,000-29,60029,601-36,20036,201-39,90032,900 Financial Administrator I A5 29,900-34,00034,001-41,60041,601-45,90037,800 Financial Administrator II A6 34,400-39,90039,901-47,70047,701-52,80043,400 Financial Administrator III A7 39,600-45,00045,001-55,00055,001-60,70050,000 Movement across tiers recognizes: Time in position Increased competence Experience Work quality
35 Messages to share with employees Important Some employees will have a new title All job descriptions will be updated Job descriptions are online
36 ? Where Do I Go For More Info?
37 Support Tools Manager’s Toolkit Can be found at: Contains: Check List Implementation Schedule Presentation Slides Handouts FAQ Links to resources
38 Support Tools Policies and procedures Can be found at: Detailed and Growing List of FAQ JCCS Webpage GT Compensation Policy
39 ? What Is The Timeline For The Change?
40 January 2011 – New job descriptions, policies and structures available online for review February 2011 – Training Sessions for HR Reps and People Managers March 2011 – New titles, grades and salary structures become effective. April 2011 – Review and document employee performance New compensation structures/tiers New job descriptions New performance management competencies Timeline
41 Summary of the Key Messages You Need to Share
42 The changes apply to all classified staff employees Jobs duties are not changing Some employees will have a new title All job descriptions will be updated Job descriptions are online Pay does not change as a result of JCCS, but may change for a limited number of employees based on other factors There is a policy and process for review of job and pay decisions There are new Job Structures, Pay Grades, Ranges & Tiers, Job Titles Messages to share with employees Make sure you have these written down somewhere