KNOWLEDGEABLE OF SUBJECT MATTER Know what you are talking about Stay current with changes in your field
PRESENT ACCURATE INFORMATION IN A WAY THAT IS CLEAR, WELL ORGANIZED, AND UNDERSTANDABLE Knowledge of subject doesn’t guarantee you can teach in a way that can be understood, remembered, and applied Want all key areas presented, not just instructors favorite area All areas are taught not just told or covered
QUESTIONS, DISCUSSIONS, ACTIVITIES, AND ASSIGNMENTS CLARIFY AND EXTEND LEARNING All activities based on what they know/need to know Discussions extend learning and are shaped by the instructor Instructor should be sensitive to being “put on the spot” during class discussions Classroom is interesting and active (desire to be entertained on some level) Activities/Assignments allow to apply knowledge and have practical applications for their life
INSTRUCTORS PROVIDE FREQUENT, REGULAR, AND FAIR FEEDBACK AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT Formative evaluations throughout course based on tests, papers, assignments, discussions, and other activities. Students who receive feedback are inspired to do well Students with no feedback become frustrated and angry Want evaluation to be fair and useful
INSTRUCTORS USE TECHNOLOGY APPROPRIATELY Use technology for specific instructional purposes and not for the sake of using them Rule of thumb use presentation media no more than 40% of in-class instructional time Make effective use of Internet resources, , course Web pages, and other online tools to enhance communication and understanding outside of class Expect for colleges to have state-of-the-art technology
INSTRUCTORS GIVE STUDENTS GUIDANCE AND ADVICE Establish clear goals at the beginning of the course to guide them through their learning process View instructors as a guide to help them navigate the college system (choose major/classes) Sometimes view instructor as a personal couselor
INSTRUCTORS ARE NEUTRAL ON CONTROVERSIAL QUESTIONS Present all sides of an issue Equip them with tools to make their own decision
INSTRUCTORS OF ONLINE COURSES PROVIDE WELL ORGANIZED CONTENT AND ARE AVAILABLE FOR ASSISTANCE Comprehensive Content Clear Directions Samples of Required Assignments “24-7” Instructor Availability Some students still have misconception about what online learning is