11/05/2006 Using a Virtual Research Environment to present CRIS grouped to support the real research users’ research lifecycle Derek Mark Sergeant University of Leeds
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds The problem Requirements analysis Supporting the requirements GooRaph CDW Closing the lifecycle Building the VRE Presentation overview
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds EVIE Project overview ‘Embedding a Virtual Research Environment in an Institutional Environment’ Funded by the UK JISC under their VRE programme Runs from Nov 04 – Nov 06 Partners: University of Leeds, The British Library
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds The Problem Researchers expect to go online to perform research-associated tasks Tools to enable these are available, but via widely varied systems (CRIS)
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds The Problem (examples of CRIS) eSubmission form Finance system Publications database Grants management system HR systems Collaborative working environment Library resources GRID tools
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds The Problem (CRIS as experienced)
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds EVIE brings order to this chaos
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds The Problem (towards a solution) Identify who the researchers are Identify the research tasks that researchers do Prioritise tasks requiring a CRIS (does the CRIS already exist?) Adapt the CRIS to plug into the VRE Analyse overlaps between CRIS Enable workflow integration between CRIS within the VRE
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds Three phase approach 1. One to one interviews 2. Focus groups 3. Online questionnaire Requirements analysis
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds Requirements Analysis: Research Lifecycle Resource Discovery Peer activities Research-Teaching Links Consultancy Collaboration with Partners Research Outputs Obtain Funding Project Management
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds Req. Analysis: Results Finding information All resources and databases visible Federated search across these Advanced search functionality Obtain funding Search, view, download previous proposals Structure template (with e-SignOff) Alerts Up-to-date budget/financial summary
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds Req. Analysis: Results Collaboration with partners Group diary, meeting organiser Sharing of large files Finding researchers Admin tools for managing groups Communication/discussion tools Research outputs Linkage between publications db and full-text Single aided submission of full-text
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds Can we meet these requirements with the CRIS? Are there existing provisions (or planned for the future)? Supporting the requirements
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds Using a VRE will remove barriers 1. Accessing CRIS 2. Awareness of CRIS 3. Consolidating information and examples of using CRIS to achieve goals Supporting requirements: VRE
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds Supporting requirements: inequality Resource Discovery Collaboration with Partners Research Outputs Obtain Funding Resource Discovery Collaboration with Partners Research Outputs Obtain Funding
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds Present more search results to the user Allow user to organise search results New CRIS: GooRaph
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds Traditional process: Remarks separate to document Track changes in Word Wiki Writely Development of a SAKAI cdw tool New CRIS: collaborative document writing
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds Each time a researcher progresses through the lifecycle their personal knowledge increases the local research group’s knowledge too the University’s knowledge and credibility grows the global research community also progresses Closing the lifecycle
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds Not really a lifecycle, more a helix Vital to safeguard the advances in research (preserving the outputs and knowledge) Opportunities to find build partnerships beyond the University Closing the lifecycle
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds Choosing the best combination of CRIS to present together Increasing awareness of infrastructure support Discipline based tailoring The need for better tutorials and information Building the VRE
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds The 10 work-packages WP1 Ensure the project runs smoothly WP2 User requirements analysis WP3 Systems scoping/design WP4 Digital preservation requirements WP5 Resource discovery and document visualisation WP6 Taxonomy WP7 Simplified-sign-on, channel development WP8 Implementation and deployment WP9 Evaluation and dissemination WP10 Collaborative tools
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds The 10 work-packages WP2 User Req WP8 Implement WP7 SSO Dev (WP5) Res Disc (Doc Viz) WP3 Sys Req (WP10) Collab
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds User Requirements - Results Arts Business Biological Sciences Education, Social Science and Law Environment Engineering Mathematical & Physical Sciences Medicine and Health Performance, Visual Arts and Communications Joint Honours Other Faculty not stated
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds User Requirements - Results Professor, Reader, Senior Lecturer, Senior Research Fellow Lecturer, Research Fellow Graduate Student, Post-doctoral Researcher Other Research role not stated
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds User Requirements - Results aspect ID number of times rated essential very important important somewhat important not important 1: Resource Discovery 3: Collaboration with Partners 4: Research Outputs 2: Obtain Funding 5: Other
11/05/2006Derek Mark Sergeant, University of Leeds Systems Scoping Produced a mockup of component systems