To quickly extend credit to those current and potential customers whose financial condition and payment history indicate that payments for our services will be made on a timely basis. Quality Mission Statement Credit Rev 1/2013
Credit Required Requirements The following customer information is required on your request: Customer Name Complete physical and bill to address Agency Code & Phone Number The dollar amount of the load (and/or) estimated monthly credit limit (if credit needs to be increased on an established customer enter that amount and list your customer number on the form)
Call Account Management (Pricing Services) to verify the account is available to pursue Or Step One AccountManagement
CreditServices Call, fax or Credit Services on all new accounts prior to shipment pick up Fax Or Please note: Express Trak account information must be faxed or ed with customers billing requirements Step Two
If an account has not been utilized in six months; agents must call, fax or Credit Services to have credit re- checked. This must be done prior to shipping. Important Information
Approved Agent is required to watch volume of shipments and communicate frequently with the Credit or Account Receivables department Non- Credit Approve Cash collection arrangements to be made prior to picking up freight. Available options are wire transfers, cashier or certified check. (The Credit Services department will make these arrangements ) Credit Response
Agent Related Accounts: No credit will be established on related accounts associated with an assigned agency. Agent Risk: All unapproved accounts that have receivables in excess of assigned credit limit are considered AGENT RISK. Credit Warning
Credit Department Questions?