Water Pollution Point source pollution refers to contaminants that enter a waterway through a discrete conveyance, such as a pipe. Example : discharges from a treatment plant, or a factory. Non-point source (NPS) pollution : is the diffuse contamination that does not originate from a single discrete source. It is often accumulative effect of small amounts of contaminants gathered from a large area. The leaching out of a fertilizer or pesticide from agricultural land is a typical example. Groundwater pollution, is not as easily classified as surface water pollution. By its nature, groundwater aquifers are susceptible to contamination from sources that may not directly affect surface water bodies, and the distinction of point vs. non-point source may be irrelevant. A spill of a chemical contaminant on soil, located away from a surface water body, may not necessarily create point source or non-point source pollution, but nonetheless may contaminate the aquifer below. University Of Palestine 2009, Dr. Mohammed Ajjour
Surface Water pollutants : Microbial pollutants from sewage and garbage often result in infectious diseases that infect aquatic life and terrestrial life through drinking water. Microbial water pollution is a major problem in the developing world, with diseases such as cholera and typhoid fever being the primary cause of infant mortality. Organic Waste : The organic wastes include refuse from slaughter houses, fish and meat canning factories, leather tanning companies, manufacturing plants, and crude oil companies. Since organic wastes are decomposed by microorganisms, much of the dissolved oxygen in water is used up and the waster begins to stink ( BOD Test ). Organic matter and nutrients causes an increase in aerobic algae and depletes oxygen from the water column. This causes the suffocation of fish and other aquatic organisms. University Of Palestine 2009, Dr. Mohammed Ajjour
Surface Water pollutants Industrial waste often contains many toxic compounds that damage the health of aquatic animals and those who eat them. Some of the toxins in industrial waste may only have a mild effect whereas other can be fatal. They can cause immune suppression, reproductive failure or acute poisoning. Sulfate particles from acid rain can cause harm the health of marine life in the rivers and lakes it contaminates, and can result in mortality. Suspended particles in freshwater reduces the quality of drinking water for humans and the aquatic environment for marine life. Suspended particles can often reduce the amount of sunlight penetrating the water, disrupting the growth of photosynthetic plants and micro-organisms. University Of Palestine 2009, Dr. Mohammed Ajjour
Surface Water pollutants The heated water from the power plants is called thermal pollution. This kills aquatic animals and plants by reducing the oxygen content of the water. Power plants use water to cool their machineries, thus changing the temperature of the water. Another cause of water pollution is from pesticides. Farm pesticides poison aquatic plants and animals. Animal manure, chemical fertilizers, phosphate detergent pollute water by supplying excess nutrients. This pollution is known as eutrophication. This greatly increases the growth of algae in water thereby decreasing the amount of oxygen level in water causing the death of many aquatic organisms. University Of Palestine 2009, Dr. Mohammed Ajjour
Surface Water pollutants Water is also being polluted by garbage specifically plastics and other plastic-like substances. Some plastic like nylon can entangle fishes and other marine animals. Plastics that have broken down into tiny pieces can be eaten by sea creatures which may cause their death. Since plastic is non-biodegradable, it will continue to kill more fishes. One more cause of water pollution is sewage coming from households. Since no one wants to live in a polluted area, near a dumpsite or landfill, the wastewater and untreated sewage are carried away from the home polluting different bodies of water. Most developing countries practice this type of sewage disposal. Even modern countries carry poorly treated sewage to canals leading to major bodies of water. The danger is when the sewage pipes gets broken and waste contaminates the drinking water. When this happens, the breakage will open a wide array of water borne diseases that will surely pose peril to consumers. University Of Palestine 2009, Dr. Mohammed Ajjour
Groundwater Pollution SMALL DISPOSAL PITS :Used for dumping or burning wastes by businesses and households… Contamination Evidence: - Petroleum and /or other chemicals odor in well water. - Detection of chemical in well water tests. Causes: - Improper disposal of chemicals, oil, pesticides, other wastes and used containers. - Lack of disposal facilities for hazardous wastes. Prevention: - Public information and education. - Disposal facilities for hazardous waste generators. University Of Palestine 2009, Dr. Mohammed Ajjour
Groundwater Pollution SEPTIC SYSTEMS : Contamination Evidence: - Waste water shows above ground. - Detection of excessive bacteria, and chemicals in well water tests. Causes: - Poor installation and/or maintenance - Disposal of household chemicals, such as paint thinners, into system. - - Use of septic tank cleaning additives. - Too many closely-spaced septic systems in a limited area. Prevention: - Proper installation. - Inspection and cleaning every 2 to 4 years; annually. - Do not dispose of household chemicals into the system. - - Develop local septic system codes. - Public sewers when feasible. - Public information and education. University Of Palestine 2009, Dr. Mohammed Ajjour
Groundwater Pollution HOUSE AND GARDEN CHEMICALS : Contamination Evidence: - Detection of chemicals in well water tests. Causes:- Improper use of storage. - Improper disposal in backyard, ditches, low ground, septic systems, and overgrown ditches. Prevention:- Proper use. - Public information and education. - Provide local disposal facilities for unused chemicals and chemical containers. - Encourage use of less hazardous products. University Of Palestine 2009, Dr. Mohammed Ajjour
Groundwater Pollution STREAM INFILTRATION : Contamination Evidence:- Odors in well water. - Other changes in well water quality. - Detection of excessive bacteria, or chemicals in well water tests. Causes:- Polluted stream or lake water enters well. Prevention:- Locate well away from stream or lake. - Test well water regularly for potential contaminants. - Change to public water supply if feasible. University Of Palestine 2009, Dr. Mohammed Ajjour
Groundwater Pollution LANDFILLS : Contamination Evidence: - Observed leachate runoff. - Seepage into nearby surface water. - High levels of bacteria, organic chemicals, metals, nitrates Causes: - Lack of control over leachate. - Permeable soil. Or - No liner or liner failure. - Leaky landfill cover. - Poor Management. - Lack of control over hazardous wastes disposal. Prevention: Proper design, maintenance, and operation. - Avoid sensitive groundwater areas. - Regular inspection and groundwater monitoring. - Reduce waste by recycling. University Of Palestine 2009, Dr. Mohammed Ajjour
Groundwater Pollution FERTILIZERS and or Pesticides: Contamination Evidence: - High nitrate / pesticide level in well water tests. - Ill effects on aquatic life. Causes: - Over fertilization. - Ill-timed application. Prevention: - Careful adjustment of fertilizer application to plant needs and timing for maximum growth benefit. - Storage of animal manure to facilitate land spreading at appropriate times. University Of Palestine 2009, Dr. Mohammed Ajjour
Groundwater Pollution LAND APPLICATION OF SLUDGES AND WASTE WATER Contamination Evidence: - High bacteria, nitrate levels in well water tests. Causes: - Improper application methods. - Inappropriate soils for application. Prevention: - Compliance with permit requirements. University Of Palestine 2009, Dr. Mohammed Ajjour
Water pollution prevention State level : - Monitoring of Water quality. - Source reduction :Point – and nonpoint source pollutions , cheapest and most effective way . - Soil Conservation - Banning : phosphate detergents - Waste ( of animals and Humans )disposal : - Treatment of waste Water : University Of Palestine 2009, Dr. Mohammed Ajjour
Water pollution prevention Personal level : Use organic gardening techniques. If you must use a chemical, use the minimum amount necessary and apply it with great care. Purchase household detergents and cleaners that are low in phosphorous . Never dispose used oil, paints or other household chemicals in sewers or drains. Get your septic system inspected and pumped every three to five years Drive the most efficient vehicle possible. Help prevent water pollution at your job. University Of Palestine 2009, Dr. Mohammed Ajjour
Municipal Sewage Treatment Primary Treatment -Physical separation of large solids from the waste stream. Secondary Treatment - Biological degradation of dissolved organic compounds. - Effluent from primary treatment transferred into trickling bed, or aeration tank - Effluent from secondary treatment is usually disinfected (chlorinated) before release into nearby waterways. Tertiary Treatment - Removal of plant nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) from secondary effluent. - Chemicals, or natural wetlands. - University Of Palestine 2009, Dr. Mohammed Ajjour
Municipal Waste Water Treatment University Of Palestine 2009, Dr. Mohammed Ajjour