By Zulma Blanco and Janeth Cruz
TEKS TLW use a compass rose to locate places on a map. 3.5A TLW use a map scale to measure distances between places on maps. 3.5B TLW identify and use the compass rose, grid and symbols to locate places on maps and globes. 3.5C TLW draw a map that contains a title, compass rose, legend, scale, and grid system. 3.5D
TEKS TLW compare how people in different places adjust to the environment. 3.4B TLW compare how people in different places live. 3.4D TLW compare how people in different communities change the environment. 3.4B TLW describe how people change the earth’s landscape. 3.4C
Activities Where were your parents born? TTW post a map of the world and give each of the students post its. TLW write where their parents were born on the post its and place them on the map on the place where they were born.TLW go home and ask their parents how life was for them when they were little. TLW then compare their parent’s lives to their own lives.TTW explain the parts of the map (title, legend, map scale, compass rose, and grid system). Where do I want to go? TTW choose one of the locations where one of the parents were born in. TTW show the student how to get from that country to the United States using the map scale and compass. TTW place the students in groups and assign parents birthplaces to each group. TLW have to use the map scale and compass to retrace their parents steps from their birthplace to the city they live in. How do I get from here to there? As a group TLW choose a place they will like to visit. It could be anywhere in the world. TLW have to research the country they are going to. They will have to design a map that will take them to the location they want to go to. TLW have to write what they will see and how it is different from where they live at.
Activities Directions to Space. TLW be placed in groups and together will form a map to go to space. The map will have specific directions as to where to start and where to finish and the distance that they believe they will travel Go to space TTW issue a badge to the students. TLW sit down on the floor. TTW do the countdown to space. TTW put on a space video where the children will actually see the world from outer space. TLW write the name of the continents of the earth. Earth Images TTW issue the students a world map. TTW tell the students that it’s a photograph from outer space.TLW identify the continents and the oceans from the map. Play Jeopardy TTW ask TL questions about the lessons given in class.
Language Objectives Listening TLW listen to their parents responses. TLW listen to other classmates when doing map activities. TLW listen to the video. TLW listen to the teacher’s instructions. TLW understand specialized vocabulary. TLW listen to other students responses.
Speaking TLW participate in the discussion. TLW discuss with a partner their findings in outer space. TLW ask their parents questions about their growing up. TLW tell how their life is different from their parents. TLW discuss within their group the map locations. TLW discuss their research findings. TLW respond to Jeopardy’s game.
Reading TLW read their parents responses. TLW read the map locations TLW read the map legends. TLW read the information they are going to research. TLW read the continents and oceans names. TLW read Jeopardy questions.
Writing TLW write their parents birthplace. TLW write their parents responses to their life growing up. TLW write what they found in their research. TLW write how their life is different from the other countries life. TLW write their map to outer space. TLW write the continents names. TLW write the components of the map.