Mrs. Morwick DePauw Science Please find the index card with your child’s name on it
All About Me I was born in raised in Ohio. Go Buckeyes! I am married (Matt) and we have no kiddos or pets! I am a huge sports fan. I love the Pacers, Buckeyes, Colts, and Red Sox and I play volleyball at the YMCA. This is my 7 th year teaching science and 2 nd year at NEMS. I taught 5 of those years in Wayne Township.
Grading The 6 th science department has weighted grades. Tests/Quizzes are 75% of their overall grade Classwork is 15% of their overall grade Homework is 10% of their overall grade You can check PowerSchool for grades “M” means missing assignment “L” means assignment was turned in late
Homework Don’t be surprised if you noticed your child not coming home with a lot of science homework. I tend to give a good amount of class time for them to complete an assignment. Of course, you can always double check through the DePauw homework slide that your child has on their iPad
Topic Overview Skills of Science (chapters 1 & 2) Matter (chapters 3 & 4) Energy (chapter 5) Solar System (chapters 6 & 7) Ecosystems/biomes (chapters 8 & 9)