1 The role- and structure of the Hungarian National Rural Network (HNRN) György Mudri Resp. for foreign relation 28. May 2009.
2 facilitating the rural development programmes connecting the active administrative and civil bodies, associations, business, professional organisations and individuals in rural areas Their informational- co operational network, on behalf of socio- economic development and the effective utilization of the Program. Goals
3 New Hungary Rural Development Strategy and Program (ÚMVP); 2007/XVII. Act on the EARDF; 1060/2008. (IX.19.) Governmental regulation on the HNRN; 131/2008. (X. 1.) MARD decree; 2/2009 (FVÉ.2.) MARD direction. National legislative background
4 I. semester preparatory meetings, social reconciliation. May 2007: Establishment of the Local Rural Development Offices (to support the work of the Local Rural Development Communities). 2008: Planning phase of the 96 Leader strategy. October- November 2008: Establishment of the HNRN Permanent Secretariat; Regional consultation with LRDOs’ managers about the HNRN; Start-up of the registration, introduction of the goals with the stakeholders. 2 December 2008: Launching units (Council, Presidency, President). The process of the establishment of the HNRN
5 The structure of the Hungarian National Rural Network
6 Registered stakeholders – thematic fields (11) Council members (96 LAGs, Agricultural and RD Reconciliation Council, Monitoring Committee, RD related ministries and institutions), Presidency - 31 members, President – Mr. Ferenc Glatz, Secretary- General – Mr. András Pásztohy. The operative unit/ governing unit: HNRN Permanent Secretariat Micro- regional „legs”: Local RD Offices
7 Tasks Introduction of the benefits of the Program and the Network to the stakeholders: I. Information: Organises the exchange of experiences and know-hows, Helps the methodological exchanges, Disseminate the best practices, Launches survey of needs regarding to the New Hungarian Rural Development Program (NHRDP), Organises professional trainings and further vocational trainings, Fosters the activity of the 11 thematic fields.
8 II. Communication: Communicates with the organisations effected by the implementation of the NHRDP and fosters the relations among them; Provides general information about the measures of the NHRDP; Database of the best practices; Database of the international legislation; Harmonises the networks and the development opportunities of the involved ministries (MARD, Ministry of Environment and Water, -Development and Economy, -Social Affairs and Labour, - Education and Culture, -Local Government).
9 III. Interterritorial and international cooperation: Assistance to the interterritorial- and international cooperation; Organization of study tours and trainings; Assistance to the creation of cooperation networks and help by the common projects of several actors; Inform the members concerning the Hungarian and international development tenders; Assure the cooperation with the European Rural Development Network.
10 Most important tools and services Interactive, online services ( Training- and advisory system (animation, seminars); Database of the interterritorial and international cooperation; Database of the experience-, knowledge and researches; Opportunity for forming opinions; Ensuring expertise and exchange of experiences; Identification of best practices, establishment of a supportive network; Analysis of needs; Publications, newsletters.
11 Planned structure of the webpage Layout and structure: „Double webpage” 1.„Official part”: – Organisation; – International cooperation; – Best practices; – Thematic fields (11); – FAQ; – Events, calendar; – Maps, searching tools (LAGs, LRDOs); – Useful links. 2. „Community page”
12 Opening page (planned)
13 The official webpage
14 Goal: Community building Functions 1. Community function : Data form, Forums 2. Game: mapping (playful experience gathering) 3. Game: Economy (virtual game with enterprises) 4. Further: News, articles, success stories Experts (online advisory) Calculators (credit, currency, etc. – useful tools for enterprises) Professional mailing lists (subscription) Votes (about actual questions) The community portal (planed)
15 No membership obligation! Registration at the webpage: and at the regional competent LRDOs. The Permanent Secretariat gives feedback about the registration. The registration is continuous. Benefits: Interactive, online services- update information; Newsletter, events of the annual action plan; Trainings, international exchange programs; Best practices from relevant fields; Cooperation; International relations. Registration
16 Thematic fields Renewable energy; Animal husbandry and breeding; Crop farming; Food- processing; Rural heritage; Horticulture and clos-to-nature farming; LEADER; Forestry and hunting; Tourism and business development; Social integration, HR and service development; Knowledge, innovation, R&D and IT.
17 Who have registered? Till 25th of May 2009, the number of the registered „members” is 4025 From which is e.g.: Natural individuals: 2220 Local governments: 383 Associations: 324 Ltd: 207
18 Thank you for your kind attention! György Mudri Resp. for foreign relations HNRN Budapest, Kossuth tér 11. Tel.: Fax: