Test Review for HISP 101 Test 2 review Test is Thursday 6 November
Test Format Same Mixture of images and questions to answer. Expect as many as 2/3 of the questions to involve images. Thirty Questions Classes to be reviewed: The New Architecture for a New Nation: Classicism Colonial Architecture from continental Europe: Spain, France, Holland English Colonial Architecture Late Colonial Stylistic and Vernacular Traditions Appropriation and Innovation, The Gothic Revolution, Creative Revivalism & Electicism A.J. Downing, Frederick Law Olmsted and the Development of a Landscape Aesthetic The Impact of Technology The Invention of the Office Skyscraper
A few suggestions Study each picture. What are the primary characteristics that distinguish the style? There are styles not shown in this practice. This doesn’t mean that they are not important to review. You can make your own review slides by pulling images from the power point class summaries.
1. What style is this house?
French Colonial Style
2. Which image shows the cross section of an Early Georgian window muntin?
3. What style is this building?
Greek Revival Style
4. What is the style of this house?
New England Colonial
5. What style is this house?
Georgian Style
6. What do we call vertical wooden siding like this?
Board and Batten
7. What is the name for this three part window?
Palladian Window
8. What is the style of this house?
Dutch Colonial Style
9. What style used delicate swags and urns as decorative devices?
Federal Style
10. What style used a frontispiece of this form?
Greek Revival
11. The elliptical fan light and side lights tell us this is what style?
Federal Style
12. What Classical Order are these columns?
Corinthian Order
13. What style used these kinds of windows?
14. What is the name of these window types?
Pointed Arch windows
15. What is the style of this building in the foreground?
Roman Classicism
16. What is the style of this house?
Spanish Colonial
17. In what style is this house built?
French Colonial
18. In what style is the Masonic Temple built?
Egyptian Revival
19. What is the style of this house?
Gothic Revival
20. What are the wooden details supporting the eaves of this house?
Modillion cornice
And the answers please 1. French Colonial Style 2. B 3. Greek Revival 4. New England Colonial 5. Georgian 6. Board and Batten 7. Palladian Window 8. Dutch Colonial Style 9. Federal Style 10. Greek Revival 11. Federal Style 12. Corinthian Order 13. New England Colonial 14. Pointed Arch windows 15. Roman Classicism 16. Spanish Colonial 17. French Colonial 18. Egyptian Revival 19. Gothic Revival 20. Modillion cornice