MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 MEDSPIRATION A European Contribution to the GODAE/GHRSST-PP JF Piollé (IFREMER), Ian Robinson (SOC), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) & al
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 Project background The GODAE / GHRSST-PP project Delivering a new generation of global and multi-sensor high resolution SST datasets, as defined by the GHRSST Science Team, reflecting a general consensus opinion (format, content, processing) Distributed approach for the operational production and dissemination of GHRSST data products : Regional Data Assembly Center Regional areas Specific sensors Same processing model => products can be used individually or together with equal confidence Sponsored by the European Space Agency Support the GHRSST-PP Fund the European node for the GHRSST-PP system : Medspiration (invitation to tender issued end of 2003)
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 Medspiration partnership A European consortium involving major institutions ESA/DUE O.Arino Medspiration consortium Project management Ian S.Robinson (Manager), SOC - J.F.Piollé (Deputy), IFREMER core members system design, implementation, operations L2P product P.Le Borgne, Météo-France L4 product G.Larnicol, CLS support Project management/quality J. Rickards, Vega Expertising (L4 product) L.Santori, B.Bonjourno, CNR Test users Archive, dissemination, MDB and L4 processing J.F.Piollé, IFREMER HR-DDS D.J.Poulter L2P, L4 products L.Santori, B.Bonjourno, CNR L2P products S.Eastwood, MetNo L2P processing software A.Coat, Avelmor
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 Requirements of Medspiration Delivery of real-time high quality SST data, matching the GHRSST-PP model Operational and sustained production Generic and scalable system Products : Direct observations (L2P) Gap free high resolution maps (L4) Match-up database (MDB) High-resolution diagnostic datasets
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 IR radiometers Polar orbiting and geostationnary satellites Skin SST (10-20 µm) Cloud, aerosol contamination Affected by diurnal cycle (warming) High resolution ( 10km > 1km ) Satellites/sensors considered within Medspiration MSG/SEVIRI ENVISAT/AATSR NOAA16&17/AVHRR AQUA/AMSR-E TRMM/TMI
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 MW radiometers Polar orbiting Subskin SST (~1 mm) Rain contamination, no data close to land Affected by diurnal cycle (warming) Low resolution (25km) Poor sampling in some areas Satellites considered within Medspiration MSG/SEVIRI ENVISAT/AATSR NOAA16&17/AVHRR AQUA/AMSR-E TRMM/TMI
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 sensor error bias and rms proximity confidence value confidence flag distance to climato rejection flag Assembling the L2P products Collect L2 files at various providers Format homogenization (netcdf) Time & geolocation homogeneization Map ancillary data Quality control Calculate confidence Assign sensor error bias and rms other info time-geolocation sea-surface temperature L2 product SSI surface solar irradiance ice sea-ice fraction AOD aerosol optical depth wind wind speed L2P product time-geolocation sea-surface temperature
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 Generated L2P products L2P production restricted to Atlantic, initial focus on Mediterranean !! various sampling patterns depending on the provider (swath, grid, list of valid points) !! productproviderResolutionVolume/day ATS_NR_2PESA1 km3.6 Gb AVHRR16/17-GPO.DAAC9 km84 Mb SEVIRISAF O&SI10 km470.4 Mb AMSREREMSS25 km25.2 Mb TMIREMSS25 km18.9 Mb productproviderResolutionVolume/day AVHRR16/17-LPO.DAAC1-2 km75.6 Mb NAR16/17SAF O&SI1-2 km336 Mb Soon extended to global coverage (October)
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 L4 product Objective : high resolution gap free maps of SST fundation Removing the diurnal variability : correction using a model (with respect to the history of the SSI and wind in the day) Selecting night data Filling the gaps : Optimal interpolation Merging sensors (high resolution IR and low resolution MW)
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 Generated L4 product Focused area : Mediterranean sea, 2km resolution, daily But software package easily configurable and scalable => intended to play a key role within Mersea for cooperative work, to cover other regional areas
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 MDB Records Rely on CORIOLIS for in situ data collection (incl. drifting buoys and meteo data from GTS) Single access Benefit on QC Daily delivery of new incoming data Colocation 6 hours 25 km In situ profiles down to 100m Will feed a centralized Matchup database (GHRSST-PP) Derivation of single sensor error statistics by GHRSST-PO on a regular basis => bias and rms with respect to the confidence value MDB database implemented at Ifremer Web user interface for data extraction soon available Rely on CORIOLIS for in situ data collection (incl. drifting buoys and meteo data from GTS) Single access Benefit on QC Daily delivery of new incoming data Colocation 6 hours 25 km In situ profiles down to 100m Will feed a centralized Matchup database (GHRSST-PP) Derivation of single sensor error statistics by GHRSST-PO on a regular basis => bias and rms with respect to the confidence value MDB database implemented at Ifremer Web user interface for data extraction soon available colocation process colocation process MDB records L2P and L4 products
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 HR-DDS High resolution diagnostic datasets sub scenes for a set of predefined small areas (typically 2° x 2°) from every L2P SST and L4 dataset extraction and resampling onto a 0.01° grid HR-DDS sites defined by GHRSST- PP (mooring location,..). A tool to allow intercomparison of the characteristics of the SST derived from different sensor types, in order to facilitate the research needed to test and improve the data merging methods used in GHRSST-PP. High resolution diagnostic datasets sub scenes for a set of predefined small areas (typically 2° x 2°) from every L2P SST and L4 dataset extraction and resampling onto a 0.01° grid HR-DDS sites defined by GHRSST- PP (mooring location,..). A tool to allow intercomparison of the characteristics of the SST derived from different sensor types, in order to facilitate the research needed to test and improve the data merging methods used in GHRSST-PP.
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 System architecture optimal interpolation DV correction Product consolidation colocation Users in situ data GDAC L2P L2 ancillary data UHR/L4 interne t L2 Extern data centers archiving system MMRMDBL2P MDB records MMR-FR L2P L2P, UHR/L4 HR-DDS extraction HR-DDS internet
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 Product dissemination Format All L2P, L4, HR-DDS : netcdf format, complying to GHRSST-PP specifications MDB records : XML format (on demand) Timeliness L2P : delivery in near-real time, at latest day+1, 7:00 L4 : run each day at 7:00 UTC, required delivery before 12:00 (current mean processing time : 50 min) HR-DDS, MDB records : daily
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 Online access Medspiration web site User help desk : Dissemination facilities FTP push (on demand) FTP server, last 3 months of data, free access (anonymous login) OpenDAP (aka DODS) server Live Access Server (L4 product only) Web tools Data and operation status page HR-DDS browser L4 validation browser
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 Project milestones Implementation phase : 2004 Operation Started April 2005, funded until 2007 System extension AVHRR-16/17 NAR product > European Area AATSR global : October 2005 User consultation Collect user feedback and requests, assess quality of service Product format and content Data quality and accuracy Delivery, availability issues User information Hold every 6 months 2nd user consultation : 13th December, at IFREMER
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 Plans Medspiration phase 2 Sustained operations until 2007 (current L2Ps and L4) Around and beyond Medspiration Building a European Operational Facility for the delivery of SST New sensors/data EUMETSAT/SAF O&SI : production of global METOP swath products complying to next GDS format & content specifications European GDAC [MERSEA]: collect/consolidate worldwide data New synthesis products (L4 maps) Atlantic (end 2005) / Global (2006) analysis [MERSEA] Regional high resolution products Reprocessing activities Reprocessing of ERS-1/ERS-2 ATSR to L2P format and content R&D, Data quality assessment and monitoring MERSEA R&D activities on diurnal cycle correction, sensor merging, optimal interpolation Match-up database (IFREMER/CORIOLIS) – serves internal needs, support R&D activities for MERSEA, SMOS,… – take advantages of CORIOLIS and MEDSPIRATION colocation, rely on local competencies in in situ data management and dissemination – implementation starts in June No funding yet beyond 2007
MERIS-(A)ATSR workshop, ESRIN – 28th September 2005 Conclusion The major operational service for SST delivery at European scale (with respect to the number of products) Strong involvement within GHRSST-PP => play a leading role Quality of service assessed by operational users : UKMet, MetNo, DMI, MERCATOR, CNR/MFSTEP A basis to meet the MERSEA needs Scalable system Operational and sustained service Takes advantage of the compatibility with « extra-European » RDACs Allows easy move towards global scale (product consistency) Provide tools to support MERSEA activities L4/OI software package MDB records and HR-DDS => diurnal cycle variability, sensor merging,…