WARMF Training Session for Truckee River Watershed


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Presentation transcript:

WARMF Training Session for Truckee River Watershed Laura Weintraub Systech Engineering, Inc. September 13, 2006 Systech Engineering, Inc

Workshop Agenda 10:00 – 12:00: Lecture 12:00 – 1:15: Lunch on your own Background on WARMF How will we use WARMF for TMDL? Coverage of TR watershed WARMF Calibration - non-point source load prediction WARMF-->TRHSPF data transfer 12:00 – 1:15: Lunch on your own 1:15 – 5:00: Hands-On “How to run WARMF” (15 min break ~2:30) Install / Walk through WARMF Modules View Model Input/Output Example Scenario – Septic System Removal Systech Engineering, Inc

WARMF Background Systech Engineering, Inc

What Is a Model? Model n. A schematic description of a system, theory, or phenomenon that accounts for its known or inferred properties and may be used for further study of its characteristics. -The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition.  2000. Systech Engineering, Inc

Why Do We Use Models? Problem Decision Results Systech Engineering, Inc

Why Do We Use Models? Model helps to answer “What if?” Problem Planning Decision Results MODEL Systech Engineering, Inc

Types of Watershed Models Mass Balance Assessments Back of the envelope calculation, spreadsheet Low cost, easy to implement, numerous simplifying assumptions GIS-mapping-based Tools Link simple mass balance models to GIS databases Produce maps highlighting sensitive watershed regions Interesting but can lack quantitative information Mathematical Models Complex tools using differential equations to describe physical processes Rigorous, physically-based, provide dynamic simulation of system Systech Engineering, Inc

What is a Watershed Model? Meteorological Conditions Air Quality Managed Flow Diversions Reservoir Releases Watershed Characteristics Land use Fertilizer Catchment areas/slope Soil characteristics Septic systems Point Sources Watershed Model Adjustable parameters: Precipitation weighting, temperature lapse Initial conditions Reaction rates BMPs Bank stability / vegetation factors Model Output Stream flow Water quality (nutrients, DO, Chl-a, TSS) Loading COMPARISON Measured Data Hydrologic Conditions Water Quality Systech Engineering, Inc

How Does it Work? Model balances flows of mass into and out of linked control volumes (e.g. soil layer, river segment). Rain, fertilizer, air deposition Inflow from upstream river Reactions Reactions Water flow w/ nutrients Outflow to downstream river or reservoir Catchment (land surface) River or Reservoir Systech Engineering, Inc

Watershed Analysis Risk Management Framework What is WARMF? Watershed Analysis Risk Management Framework GIS-based watershed model and DSS Physically based, dynamic model Simulates flow, temperature, nutrients TSS, DO, Fecal Coli, Chl-a, etc., Friendly tool, easily transferred to stakeholders Well-suited for answering questions during the TR TMDL process Systech Engineering, Inc

Theoretical Basis of WARMF Based on algorithms from legacy models Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor Objects = Catchment + Stream Segment + Lake Layer Dynamic Watershed Model, Daily Time Step Driven by Meteorology and Land Use Data Processes = Kinetic Expressions Mass-Heat Balance = Advection + Diffusion + Sink + Source C(t) = C(to) + dC/dt t Systech Engineering, Inc

WARMF Credentials Applied to over 17 watersheds Hydrology, water quality, TMDLs, watershed planning 4 USEPA-Guided Peer Reviews Available as a Public Domain Tool via USEPA Compatible with EPA BASINS WARMF Applications Systech Engineering, Inc

Questions WARMF Can Help Answer How will regional growth affect hydrology and water quality? What is the allowable loading of a pollutant to a river? What strategies will be effective for nonpoint load reduction? What is the effect of power production on water quality? Systech Engineering, Inc

How Will We Use WARMF for the Truckee River TMDL? Predict the nonpoint loading into the Truckee River Provide boundary condition loadings for TRHSPF Evaluate how nonpoint loading could change with varying land use, meteorological conditions, water use Systech Engineering, Inc

Truckee River TMDL Revision WARMF Watershed Model Predicts nonpoint source loads for input to TRHSPF TRHSPF In-stream Water Quality Model Calculates final TMDL analysis Why link models together? Daily predictions of flow and water quality better than monthly estimates used in past WARMF can predict impact of land use change on water quality Both models incorporate TROM, future land use conditions, and massive amounts of local watershed and river data Systech Engineering, Inc

WARMF – TRHSPF Linkage TRHSPF Model Domain WARMF Boundary conditions Thick yellow lines WARMF Boundary conditions Thick blue lines and shaded catchments Systech Engineering, Inc

WARMF Application to the Truckee River Systech Engineering, Inc

Model Development Process Collect input and calibration data Build model and analyze data Calibrate model: hydrology and water quality Systech Engineering, Inc

History of WARMF-Truckee WARMF Adaptation, 1998-2001 Data Compilation Model Setup, Enhancement, Calibration Steamboat Creek, 1998-2000 Model Comparison of WARMF vs. HSPF (Aqua Terra) Scenario Runs for USBR, 2003 Supported TROA EIS/EIR Boundary conditions for DSAMMt Stakeholder Training, 2004 Two day workshop sponsored by City of Reno Truckee River TMDL Revision, 2005-2007 Updated database through 2004 Low-flow simulation improvements Model Calibration Refinement WARMF Training Scenario Runs to support TMDL Revision Systech Engineering, Inc

Watershed Processes in Truckee River Snow Melt Rainfall Heat Reservoirs Lake Tahoe Septage Irrigation Return Erosion Runoff Urban Drainage Evaporation Pyramid Lake TMWRF Groundwater Seepage Water Plant Steamboat Creek/ Tributaries Huffaker Reservoir Systech Engineering, Inc

WARMF Input Data Data Source Details DEM USGS Map delineated to 94 catchments, 78 river segments, 7 reservoirs Meteorology NCDC, SNOTEL Reno, Stateline, Tahoe City, Mt. Rose, Truckee, Virginia City, Wadsworth, Big Meadow Reservoir USGS, USBR, CDEC Release, Bathymetry, Elevation Land Use Washoe Co., BASINS 11 Land uses Air Quality NADP Smith Valley, Lyon County Diversion Federal Water Master 46 Diversions Point Source TMWRF, NDEP, TTSA 2 Major, 5 Minor Observed Stream Flow 28 Stations Observed Water Quality NDEP, STORET, TMWRF, LRWQCB, T-TSA 38 Stations Systech Engineering, Inc

How Complete and Thorough is WARMF’s coverage of the Truckee River Watershed? Land Use Two Projections: “Current” and 2020 projection 12 Land Use Categories Map extent Lake Tahoe down to Pyramid Lake Water Quantity meteorogically driven simulations water diversion, irrigation and return flows USBR reservoir releases Point sources Major: TTSA and TMWRF Several minor Systech Engineering, Inc

How Complete and Thorough is WARMF’s coverage of the Truckee River Watershed? Anthropogenic loads septic systems urban surface loading pasture loading confined feeding stockyard reuse application reservoir leakage?? Natural loading air deposition steamboat hot springs ground water accrual near fernley Systech Engineering, Inc

What is WARMF’s Predictive Capacity for Nonpoint Loads?  Calibration Adjust model parameters, reaction rates, etc. until simulated flow or concentration is as close as possible to observed data Start with hydrology, then water quality Use visual inspection and statistical output to determine goodness of fit • - Measured - Modeled Modeled Target Accuracy Measured X Systech Engineering, Inc

Periods of WARMF Simulations Model Calibration 10/1/1990 – 12/31/1997 Model Validation (use same model parameters with different input data set) 10/1/1997 – 12/31/2004 10/1/1985 – 12/31/1990 Systech Engineering, Inc

Calibration Parameters Hydrology Water Quality Sediment Transport Catchment Watershed Precipitation weighting Snow formation temperature Temperature lapse Snow melting temperature Soil thickness Melting rates Field capacity Hydraulic conductivity Surface roughness Catchment River Land Use Initial soil Reaction rates Fertilization/surface loading rates concentration (nitrification, SOD, Productivity Adsorption organic carbon decay) Litter fall and uptake coefficients Soil and foliar nitrification Catchment River Land Use Soil erosivity Initial sediment depth Rainfall detachment factor Particle content Detachment velocity multiplier Flow detachment factor Detachment velocity exponent Cropping factor Particle content Systech Engineering, Inc

Hydrology Truckee River at Reno/Sparks 1990-1997 1998-2004 Systech Engineering, Inc

Total Nitrogen Truckee River at Reno/Sparks 1998-2004 1990-1997 Systech Engineering, Inc

Total Phosphorus Truckee River at Reno/Sparks 1990-1997 1998-2004 Systech Engineering, Inc

Total Dissolved Solids Truckee River at Reno/Sparks 1990-1997 1998-2004 Systech Engineering, Inc

Hydrology Steamboat Creek at Cleanwater Way 1998-2004 1990-1997 Systech Engineering, Inc

Total Nitrogen Steamboat Creek at Cleanwater Way 1990-1997 1998-2004 Systech Engineering, Inc

Total Phosphorus Steamboat Creek at Cleanwater Way 1990-1997 1998-2004 Systech Engineering, Inc

Total Dissolved Solids Steamboat Creek at Cleanwater Way 1990-1997 1998-2004 Systech Engineering, Inc

Hydrology Truckee River at Vista 1990-1997 1998-2004 Systech Engineering, Inc

Total Nitrogen Truckee River at Vista 1990-1997 1998-2004 Systech Engineering, Inc

Total Phosphorus Truckee River at Vista 1990-1997 1998-2004 Systech Engineering, Inc

Total Dissolved Solids Truckee River at Vista 1990-1997 1998-2004 Systech Engineering, Inc

Loading Output Systech Engineering, Inc

Calibration Refinement Revisiting data limitations and model assumptions Septic systems Litterfall / uptake rates Soil hydrology in Steamboat Creek region Air quality TTSA data assumptions (e.g. use well data, apply time lag) Urban surface loading rates Upstream reservoir contributions (e.g. seasonal patterns of N) Additional sources of loading Confined feeding Reservoir leakage QA/QC Data for Calibration Ensure all appropriate data is included for calibration comparison Review calibration data with scatter. Remove extraneous data Finalize Calibration and Prepare Report Systech Engineering, Inc

WARMF – TRHSPF Linkage TRHSPF Model Domain WARMF Boundary conditions Thick yellow lines WARMF Boundary conditions Thick blue lines and shaded catchments Systech Engineering, Inc

WARMF  TRHSPF Data Transfer Linkage: Upstream boundary (Glendale), tributaries, local catchments draining to TR Define scenarios to be run WARMF Input: TROM outflows, 2020 land use WARMF output generated using export tool: Daily predictions of flow and water quality Impact of land use change on water quality Impact of water management on nonpoint loads Systech Engineering, Inc

WARMF Output Export Tool Systech Engineering, Inc

Installation of WARMF Systech Engineering, Inc

WARMF Installation Installation Directory: c:\program files\systech\warmf\truckee CD Contents WARMF model Database for Truckee River Basin Calibration, validation and ConvertSeptic scenario results Warmfdoc.pdf – Documentation WarmfUsersGuide.pdf – User’s Guide Knowledge Module Files Systech Engineering, Inc

Walk Through WARMF Modules Systech Engineering, Inc

Engineering and Data Modules Systech Engineering, Inc

Subwatershed Breakpoints Break system into smaller sections Boundary condition file created at each breakpoint (flowqout.ID#) View / Subwatersheds Automatic breaks at each reservoir Click on river to set new breakpoint To run independently… Must be a headwater section…OR… Subwatershed above already run with same simulation period (flowqout.ID# file for upstream must exist) Systech Engineering, Inc

Data Module Data driving simulation Calibration data Time Series: meteorology, air quality, managed flow, point sources Scenario Data: land use, fertilizer, physical data, reaction rates, sediment coefficients Calibration data Observed hydrology and water quality Insert or add rows Copy and paste from Excel Document source of data Systech Engineering, Inc

Scenario Management Project Files (Truckee) Watershed Data FILE SAVE Watershed Data (pts, met, air, etc.) SCENARIO SAVE Scenario Data (Base90to97) Scenario Data (ConvertSeptic) Scenario Data (StRest) Projects can have any number of scenarios, but only 4 can be open at any given time. Systech Engineering, Inc

Project Files General for all scenarios Truckee.wsh – map file Truckee.wsm name of .wsh file number of scenarios list of scenarios name of consensus file Truckee.con – consensus file stakeholder information intended use / criteria saved TMDLs list of pictures Systech Engineering, Inc

Scenario Data (Base90to97, ConvertSeptic, etc.) Viewed through Engineering module and modified to generate new scenarios. INPUT Base.coe - coefficients, rates, land use, fertilizer OUTPUT Base.cat – catchment output Base.riv – river output Base.lak – lake output Base.psm – loading output Systech Engineering, Inc

Watershed Data Files Viewed through data module *.air – air quality *.met – meteorology data *.pts – point source data *.flo – release and diversion data *.orh – observed river flow *.orc – observed river WQ *.olh – observed lake elevation *.olc – observed lake WQ *.pic – picture files *.avi – picture files Systech Engineering, Inc

Create a New Scenario Select BASE as active scenario Go to scenario manager and click on COPY OK to copy active scenario? YES Type in new scenario name Open the new scenario (close others if necessary) Make it active by selecting it under Scenario Menu Do a FILE SAVE to save new scenario configuration Do a SCENARIO SAVE to save new data Systech Engineering, Inc

Time and Space Savers Reduce Simulation Time Conserve Hard Drive Space Run smaller subwatersheds Run a shorter time period Turn off chemistry Conserve Hard Drive Space Turn off constituents – Edit / Output List Turn off catchments, rivers, etc. – Input Dialogs / Write Output to File Delete Old Scenarios – Scenario / Delete Systech Engineering, Inc

Consensus Module Systech Engineering, Inc

Loading and WQ Must have Generate Loading checked in Run Dialog to view results Select River or Reservoir to add or delete loading chart Double click on loading chart for values Loading only calculated for subwatersheds that are run Systech Engineering, Inc

TMDL Module Systech Engineering, Inc

TMDL Procedure TMDL = WLA+LA+FG+MOS Water Quality Limited Sections (WQLS) Intended Use Multiple Possible Solutions Cost Sharing or Pollution Trading Stakeholder Involvement Systech Engineering, Inc

Knowledge Module Systech Engineering, Inc

Files Contained in Knowledge Module BeneficialUses.xls Spreadsheet showing the beneficial uses and criteria for California, Nevada, PLPT TMDL.pdf Truckee River TMDL, NDEP 1993 IrrigationSpreadsheet.xls Spreadsheet used to allocate diversion water back to individual land catchments SBCreekModelCompare.pdf Report of model comparison between WARMF and HSPF in Steamboat Creek region WARMFPeerReview.pdf WARMF Peer Review publication, EPRI 2000 WARMFTruckeeFinal02.pdf WARMF- Truckee modeling final report, Systech Engineering (updated 2002) Systech Engineering, Inc

Potential Scenario Development Livestock Exclusion River Restoration Septic System Conversion Water Management (TROM, conservation, modified diversions) WARMF’s Consensus Module McCarran Ranch Restoration Site Systech Engineering, Inc

Septic System Conversion Example Problem Septic System Conversion Systech Engineering, Inc

Example: Septic System Conversion Retire 924 Septic Systems in Verdi region Add domestic waste from these residences to TMWRF discharge Truckee River at Verdi Systech Engineering, Inc

Step 1: Create New Scenario 1. Use Scenario Manager to make a duplicate copy of base run 3. Make sure scenario is “open” 2. Copy to a new name (ConvertSeptic) 4. Make sure scenario is “active” Systech Engineering, Inc

Step 2: Remove Septic Systems Reduce “Population Served by Septics” in 5 specified catchments Locate catchments in table using Edit / Find Open catchment and change value in the Population Served by Septics field. Catchment ID Existing “Population Served” Tanks Converted Converted Population New “Population Served” 418 1296 540 2274 1654 87 209 1445 419 31 22 2273 485 157 377 108 420 250 118 Total 3716 924 2163 1553 Systech Engineering, Inc

Step 3: Add Additional Load to TMWRF Locate River Segment with TMWRF using Edit / Find (by ID “67” or by name “TMWRF”). May need to zoom in to see it. Replace existing TMWRF point source file with new file (TMWRFConvSeptic.pts) Systech Engineering, Inc

Step 4. Run Scenario Select Scenario / Save. Select Scenario / Run to open run dialog. Click OK. Let it chug along… Simulation Complete! Close dialog. Systech Engineering, Inc

Step 5: View Output Decrease in nonpoint loading (septic system category). Increase in point source loading Overall decrease in loading Loading Comparison Septic System Loading (kg/d) Point Source Loading (kg/d) ΔLoading (kg/d) Base Convert Septic Nitrate 2.38 1.35 43.8 44 -0.83 Total Nitrogen 4.04 1.91 347 349 -0.13 Total Phosphorus 0.565 0.186 41.6 41.9 -0.079 Fecal Coli. (1e6/d) 7.21e6 2.37e6 5150 5170 -4.84e5 BOD 45.1 15.3 770 775 -24.8 Systech Engineering, Inc

More Example Problems in Handout Water Augmentation / Land Use Change Stream Restoration / Livestock Management Systech Engineering, Inc