Geology Review Please pick up your clicker!
Please select a team based on your favorite sport. 1.Hockey 2.Soccer 3.Basketball 4.Baseball 5.Football 6.Other
1. A mineral is defined as: A naturally occurring, ___, crystalline solid with a definite chemical composition. 1.element 3.rock 4.molecule 5.inorganic
2. This mineral shows: 1.Cleavage 2.Crystal Form 1.Cleavage 2.Crystal Form
3. The ability of a mineral to resist being scratched is known as: 1.Cleavage 2.Luster 3.Hardness 4.Streak 5.Crystal form 1.Cleavage 2.Luster 3.Hardness 4.Streak 5.Crystal form
Team Scores 2.5Soccer 2Baseball 2Football 2Other 1.86Hockey
4. This igneous rock is? 1.Intrusive 2.Extrusive 1.Intrusive 2.Extrusive
5. Most sedimentary rocks form from… 1.heat and pressure 2.melting 3.deposition 4.weathering
6. This rock shows folding and foliated bands of minerals indicating it is a(n): 1.Igneous rock 2.Metamorphic rock 3.Sedimentary rock
7. What type of rock is shown? 1.Sedimentary 2.Igneous 3.metamorphic
8. What process is occurring at X ? 1.Heat and Pressure 2.Melting 3.Weathering & Erosion
9. What process is occurring at Y ? 1.Heat and Pressure 2.Melting 3.Weathering & Erosion 1.Heat and Pressure 2.Melting 3.Weathering & Erosion
Team Scores 6.5Soccer 6.11Other 6Baseball 6Football 4.86Hockey
10. Nicolas Steno stated that in areas of undisturbed rocks, the oldest layer is found at the bottom and the youngest layer is found at the top. This is known as: 1.Law of Superposition 2.Uniformitarianism 3.Absolute time 4.Unconformity 1.Law of Superposition 2.Uniformitarianism 3.Absolute time 4.Unconformity
11. Which is older, 3 or 1? 1.1 is older 2.3 is older 3.Not enough information to determine an answer.
12. Which is older, 3 or B? 1.3 is older 2.B is older
13. “A” is a(n): 1.fault 2.rift 3.intrusion 4.unconformity
14. Radiometric dating is used to determine: 1.Absolute Time 2.Relative Time 3.Clean-up Time
Team Scores 10Soccer 10Football 9.89Other 9.33Baseball 8.29Hockey
15. The natural process by which earth materials are moved from their source and deposited elsewhere. 1.Weathering 2.Crystallization 3.Compression 4.Erosion 1.Weathering 2.Crystallization 3.Compression 4.Erosion
16. Which is not an example of mass movement? 1.Landslide 2.Mudslide 3.Avalanche 4.Creep 5.Tornado
17. Which of these would not increase the chance of a landslide? 1.Heavy precipitation. 2.Clearing vegetation off a slope. 3.An Earthquake. 4.A volcanic eruption 5.Solar Storms 1.Heavy precipitation. 2.Clearing vegetation off a slope. 3.An Earthquake. 4.A volcanic eruption 5.Solar Storms
18. Which of these glacial features is destructive? 1.Moraine 2.Drumlin 3.Esker 4.Striations
19. The rate of chemical weathering increases as precipitation increases and the temperature: 1.Increases 2.Decreases 3.Temperature has no effect on chemical weathering.
20. Which of these is a result of chemical weathering? 1.A change in the rocks mineral composition. 2.Roots breaking apart a rock. 3.Freezing water cracking a rock 4.An earthquake breaking apart a rock
21. The diagram shows a __ fault which is caused by __. 1.Normal, compression 2.Normal, tension 3.Reverse, compression 4.Reverse, tension 5.Not my fault
22. A landform that forms from sediments at the mouth of a river in a body of water is called: 1.Estuary 2.Delta 3.Levee 4.Tombolo 5.Sandbar 6.Spit
Team Scores 15.5Soccer 14.22Other 14Football 13Baseball 13Hockey
23. If the Earth were to cool completely, which of the following would still continue? 1.Earthquakes 2.Volcanoes 3.Plate Movements 4.Convection currents inside the earth 5.Landslides 6.Subduction
24. Shield volcanoes are made of basalts with __ viscosity and therefore have __ eruptions. 1.High, violent 2.High, non-violent 3.Low, violent 4.Low, non-violent 1.High, violent 2.High, non-violent 3.Low, violent 4.Low, non-violent
25. True or False The oldest rocks on earth are found on the continents, not on the ocean floors. 1.True 2.False 1.True 2.False
26. Most earthquakes and volcanoes are found: the center of the continents. 2.near large cities. mountain ranges. 4.along plate boundaries. the center of the continents. 2.near large cities. mountain ranges. 4.along plate boundaries.
Team Scores 19.43Football 19Baseball 18Basketball 17.4Soccer 16.67Hockey
27. Fossils used to define and identify geologic periods are know as: 1.Brachiopods 2.Index Fossils 3.Sedimentary Fossils 4.Crinoids 5.Coprolites
28. Almost all fossils are found in this type of rock. 1.Igneous 2.Metamorphic 3.Sedimentary 1.Igneous 2.Metamorphic 3.Sedimentary
29. Alfred Wegener used fossil evidence to help support his theory of: 1.Sea-Floor Spreading 2.Continental Drift 3.Superposition 4.Cross cutting 5.Relativity 1.Sea-Floor Spreading 2.Continental Drift 3.Superposition 4.Cross cutting 5.Relativity
30. The Geology Unit has… 1.been really gneiss 2.made me a little sedimental. faults. 4.been earth shattering. 5.helped me not take things for granite. 6.made me loose my apatite. 7.has shaken me to my core.
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Participant Scores 0Participant 1 0Participant 2 0Participant 3 0Participant 4 0Participant 5