By: Anna-Grace Cary
1. Analogy Talent: gifted :: license : driver
My volleyball team has talent enough to serve, bump, set, and spike the ball. Anna, Hannah, Alexis, Kendall, and Charlee are setters. Kimmi, Alexis, and Charlee are good spikers. Everyone is good at bumping the ball. Almost everyone is good at serving, but nobody’s perfect so we mess up every now and then. So far we are having a good season.
PersonAgeResponse Evan12Being very good at something Mrs. Shook54Something given to you by God, in order to help the world Casey12A gift given to you to use Shannon12A special gift Shelby12Being naturally good at something Tyra12A natural ability to do something well Diamond12A special gift from god Kira12Basketball
Acrostic poem T ime A bility L aziness is not an option E xpressing yourself in a different way N eatness T he right stuff
Definition A natural aptitude or skill A person or people possessing an aptitude or skill Cite: