collaborative leadership workshop Survey Results Paul Gibson 25/May/09
leadership role ? Attendee's RoleCount Dev Leader / Manager / Senior / Director97 Architect / Tech Strategy / STSM / DE / Fellow36 Unknown18 PDT / OT / Leader / Program Manager12 Test / Quality / Coordinator / Manager / Director10 Leader / Team / Senior / Executive8 HR Leader / Director / Exec7 Project / Release Manager7 Business Leader3 Services / Manager3 Support / Manager / Senior3 Marketing2 Research1 Total207
Workshop Held Your Interest? Strongly Agree 49%93 Agree 49%93 Disagree 2%3 Strongly Disagree 0%0 Total 100%189 Positive 98%186 17/Apr/09
Overall Assessments Effective Presenters Useful Handouts Comfortable Superior53%17%35% Good45%51%55% Average1%26%9% Poor1%4%0% Inferior0% Positive98%68%91% Effective Presenters Useful Handouts Comfortable Superior Good Average15318 Poor280 Inferior010 n/a120 Total /Apr/09
Sessions Collaboration & Leadership When to Step Up / Step Back Creating a culture of trust Decision Making Problem Solving Risk Management Workshop Session / Group Exercises Great40%39%35%38%24%27%36% Good53% 51%54%57%55%54% Fair7%9%15%8%18%16%10% Poor1%0% 1%2%1% Positive93%91%85%92%81%82%90% 17/Apr/09
Build Trust? Top / Most Applicable Sessions Collaboration & Leadership When to Step Up / Step Back Creating a culture of trust Decision Making Problem Solving Risk Management Workshop Session / Group Exercises Stories / Discussion / Real life Examples Top Most Applicable Not Applicable /Apr/09
Build Trust? Most Valuable – Write Ins 22/May/09 VotesComment 4Practical things to Apply / New Tools to Use 2Overall Concepts / Broad Picture / Awareness 2Thought provoking 2Time to think about the whole topic Creating a collaborative environment within a C&C organisation Not accepting the status Quo and continual process improvements made by the team Awareness to more often leverage the wisdom of the team Interaction Knowing that data from sessions is being collected and used
Tools Collaboration & Brainstorm Process Let the team figure out how Ask Questions to Guide Step Up / Step Back Red Flags Macro Leadership Cube Business Value Model Market Differentiation Model Billboard / Decision Filters Uncertainty Complexity Model Will Use57%52%49%60%55%41%56%53%68%49% Already Use15%32%38%18%15%6%9%12%8% Can Use24%16%11%22%29%51%35%34%24%40% No Value3%1%2%1% 2%1%2%0%3% Using73%83%87%78%70%47%65% 76%57% 17/Apr/09
Top / Most Applicable Tools Collaboration & Brainstorm Process Let the team figure out how Ask Questions to Guide Step Up / Step Back Red Flags Macro Leadership Cub Business Value Model Market Differentiation Model Billboard / Decision Filters Uncertainty Complexity Model All the Tools Top Most Applicable Not Applicable /Apr/09
Sustainable Competitive advantage What I need from my Leaders AreaTotal Score Trust68 Vision & Strategy34 Clarity22 Communication19 Risk Taking17 Support16 Focus15 Collaborate14 Feedback13 Decisiveness12 Investment / Resources / Dollars12 Empowerment11 Leadership11 Up to Boe 4 17/Apr/09
An Open Environment means Open Environment has…Total Trust133 Respect for people60 Teaming & Collaboration55 Empowerment / Ownership51 All Ideas Considered / Respected / Non Judgemental / Listening 48 Communication43 Integrity / Openness / Honesty39 Shared goals17 Safe / Lack of Fear13 Equality11 Fun/Laughter10 17/Apr/09
Not workingTotal Strategy & Planning & Vision39 PBC/Appraisal/HR Processes39 Process26 Finance / Travel - penny wise pound foolish21 Compensation18 Resources16 Workload15 Too Many (status) Meetings14 Requirements (iterations )14 Communication13 Bureaucracy12 Decision Making11 Recognition & Reward10 Globalized Development10 Stakeholder Involvement10 Prioritization10 17/Apr/09
More Effective for teaching Execs 12 Address and Give IBM / SWG examples / case studies with metrics / anonymized / Large Teams / Matrixed Teams / Global Teams / Complex Environments / In hierarchy 5 More on Collaboration / creating a culture of trust / Deeper questions / Responses / Dialogs / Respecting Boundaries / Boundary Cube 4 Problem Statement / Clarity of Objectives / Quantified data on Why / Focus on Results Real to IBM / Link to Strategy & Business Objectives 4 Include Feedback / Data from Lower level classes so they recognize and accept the need to address 2 Linkage to changes needed ongoing inside IBM / Larger Processes / IPD In some topics, align content closer with IBM (e.g. leadership competencies, PBCs) More examples in decision making Report out after day 2 workshop Less/No Exercises Focus on behaviours Shorter Module 1-2 hours total Less content, more focus on tools. Leave out Business Value sessions if you don't get more days How to promote cross brand collaboration ( dealing with silo priorities ) They should take this with their teams to hear the real issues Yes but with our brand decision makers and executive team Explain implications on Agile s/w development
How to Improve the Workshop – Part 1 17 More Real Life / IBM / Practical Examples / Exercises / Case Studies / Challenges faced and addressed / Successes / More tuned to IBM Complexity & Matrix / Global Teams 12 More exercises / More Time for Exercises / Real Exercises / More time for discussions / Conversation / Teamwork 4Nothing 2 Address the two dimensions of management in IBM. 1) Process / Product Management 2) Personnel Management - Bridge to IPD and other activities Feel very strongly that content should be synchronized with other leadership content, values and value based practices are foundational 9Need more time / Drop the exercises / 2 days 3Add more depth/content and not rush through 3 Do this with one product / Brand / Cross functional team at a time to help them to work together 2Why this is important - link to IBM's other messaging
How to Improve the Workshop – Part 2 Feel very strongly that content should be synchronized with other leadership content, values and value based practices are foundational Pace a little faster More breaks Should be different angles covered for job-role types More substance, less "buzzword bingo". Less subjects but more time for each. Less "selling" up front ( first half of the class ) to Europeans Less time on philosophy. It makes sense. More time on tools / measurements, etc Put structure to the presentations. The material is hard to follow ("word clouds" ) Better divide in Lecture, Discussion, Exercise I think all this, especially the method to teach it should better fit the local culture Perhaps a real project that is prepared and can be used consistently throughout the whole day
How to Improve the Workshop – Specifics More on selected top modules More on How to lead up Explain / Use online version of the collaboration tool More on risk management For Architect - more focus on decision making and problem solving More time on Red Flags to step back More time on Market Differentiation and Business Value Models Examples on how these tools and concepts may apply to Agile projects Vision & Strategy Coherence More synergy among the participants
What’s Missing ? 6 How to integrate these ideas into IBMs rigid culture / Bridge to IBM Reality - IPD, Agile / Multi Site / Multi-Product / Remote / Global 4Dealing with Up Line management 3Collaborative leadership in a matrixed environment 2Coaching related to collaboration and leadership 2How to develop a leadership vision and communicate it 2How to give feedback 2None Psychological contracts More details on Step Up/Step Back and tools for that not clear enough Maybe something on team building and dealing with issues Driving change above your responsibility Case studies for building Collaborative Environment to build trust More breakout sessions Recognition to team modules I don't think decision making and problem solving received enough attention More information on the behaviours that support trust and communication Client / Customer / User Orientation Is this a new IBM leadership model? Not a module, but in need of a follow-up Mentoring on how to do step back and ask questions Call to Action
Improve the Handouts 12 Additional content for reference / more robust / more detailed / Speaker Notes / more background rather than the website 8Provide full hardcopy handouts with all the slides 6None - Handouts are OK, sharp and concise - will get from the web 4Make Available Online - and in advance of the workshop 3Handouts / slides / workshop need to be more coordinated 2Provide more case studies and examples 2More detail on charts and slides supporting graphics - answers as well as questions 2Provide handouts in a notebook to allow better note taking I would like the handouts to take back and fill out Different Style - Physical layout - many of the charts appeared to be black and white Take a real life example and work through the details 2 copies - 1 for team work in class - one to take home Consider online application/tools and deliver online using Elluminate so can do for a global audience This slide deck will not meet C162 accessibility requirements Online for some of the exercises Some worksheets did not start at the top of the page. Would be better if they did. Not really used except for notes I don't need handouts if there is not enough time for the exercise Connect tables for powering laptops
discovery Other comments Great / Good / Engaging / Delightful / Helpful / Useful / Worthwhile class - keep spreading the word on this - I will recommend / use with my team 4Need more time or less content - more time for reflections and exercises if real action is the goal 2Very good to have VP / executive support and presence at the meeting 2Good, would recommend doing with a team and a real issue - enable with facilitators 2 Should be turned into a regular education class. Would be good to have such a kind of education (at least parts of it) for teams so that they better understand the concepts 2Provided Great tools to use Good refresher - trigger for ideas Very thought provoking. No matter how good you think you are we need to pause, reflect, learn then practice new way of operating Good opportunity for interaction and sharing ideas There is hope and light at the end of the tunnel Question and consensus of participants should be heard better and understood better. We know many of the concepts. More focus on help to appy them other than teaching would help. The classroom discussions were helpful gaining common pain points & possible improvements Link to business priorities / PBCs of executives for grounding = not separate class Needs further executive support Best if I can have real teams to work on their real problems, as we did - but I am not sure some of the folks outside the core team got as much out of it. Some are a little too common sense, but tools are always good to have It is nice to see IBM trying to become more innovative, open collaborative & agile. Keep up the fight Still trying to figure out how well it can be applied in the current IBM context
discovery Other comments - 2 I learned about the content of the current workshop To roll out more broadly requires more robust facilitation guide and handouts It is very Agile development focused = so would need to rethink for different environment I would like to see more tie-in to agile Would be better if class had attendees in similar job roles. Eg All 2nd lines. This class was stymied a bit because my manager was in the room. I think it is good that this data is being used at the highest levels in IBM to fix our company This is very similar to much of the data taught in adv PM classes. Although these specific tools are not covered. Get VPs thru class cause they set tone & team culture. During times of crisis they mis-behave and as a result, all of what we have learned today to enable collaborative leadership gets minimized & panic/micromanagement sets in Need to include cross-discipline people ( ie Marketing, Finance ) Good coverage of topic. Material not covered in IBM's current leadership materials so it was helpful Ownership and empowering teams messages were most valuable Some concepts similar to team empowerment of the 90's Some pieces of this have a lot of the same flavor as the mgmt training in employee empowerment. For experienced leaders it needs to be more clear how it is different I liked it. Some was a recap xxxx acquired before. Other gave it a new twist Contain more information, which the speakers add Helpful Course but not all aspects I put no for culture of trust because no "tool" action item - seemed more general info Collaboration and leading collaboration was very simplistic Some of the theoretical themes are from my viewpoint over simplistic Not so helpful, but if something will be communicated to the execs I would be happy I felt thoroughly confused at times. Too much content ( too many buzzwords ) in too little time. That makes it hard to take things away. Not really useful. Collaboration involves building consensus as well as the subjects presented Don't bring free candy - I will eat it