We are 767 students divided into 33 classes.
ITC Abba-Ballini in Brescia was born on 1 st September 1999, by merging two technical schools for accountancy "Giuseppe Cesare Abba" and "Marino Ballini".
We study different subjects: Italian, History, Maths, Science, Physics, Geography, Accountancy, Law, Chemistry, I.T. (Information Technology) and PE (Physical Education). We study different subjects: Italian, History, Maths, Science, Physics, Geography, Accountancy, Law, Chemistry, I.T. (Information Technology) and PE (Physical Education). We all study English, and another foreign language from French German Spanish. We all study English, and another foreign language from French German Spanish. All students study the same subjects for two years while from the 3 rd year we can choose from three different specializations: All students study the same subjects for two years while from the 3 rd year we can choose from three different specializations: Administration Finance and Marketing Administration Finance and Marketing Computer science Computer science International Relations International Relations
THE GYMS There are three gyms in our school. Here we play volleyball, basketball we do stretching and other exercises. When the weather is fine we practice sports outdoors. We practice sport all together, boys and girls.
Aula Magna The Aula Magna is a place where students and teachers attend meetings and conferences. Aula Magna has more than 500 seats, an internet connection in order to project videos and educational films.
Science labs ● There are three laboratories where we can make experiments: - chemistry - physics - biology ● There are 18 optical microscopes, 1 camera to connect the microscope to the television or computer. It can be dangerous to work in these labs, so we have to follow strict rules.
Language laboratories The school has two language laboratories that allow different types of activities. Students work individually and can listen to songs, record their voices and ask the teacher for help from their position. One of the laboratories has 30 multimedia PCs with special software for language learning and the internet connection.
Library Our library has over 15,000 books, and many subscriptions to magazines and newspapers. In the library there are also some internet points where we can carry out web searches. Librarians together with teachers of the school organize cultural events such as meetings with authors, lectures, exhibitions.
These are particular classes because they are technological. They are equipped with interactive whiteboards connected to computers and projectors. The most exciting thing is that every student has his/her own computer/tablet with the internet connection. There are also printers in these classes.
We take notes and do lots of presentations with Power Point and Prezi. We are also creating some digital books called E-BOOKS using a programme DIDAPAGE. We have made a Biology book, a Chemistry book, an Italian book in which we have written the novel of ”the Betrothed” by Manzoni.