Bring your scissors today WARM_UP What do Henry Ford (Ford Automobiles), and the Roman Army have in common?
Standardization! Ford standardized the car making process Interchangeable parts Standardized job training Assembly line
Roman Soldier Uniform Training Standard equipment
Finish reading and Writing 3 facts per section Collect the same reading as yesterday. Greek Influences Etruscan Influences
Etruscan Contributions 1. Architecture - pillars and arches 2. Engineering - draining and irrigation trenches 3. Government - kings - destroy and rebuild 4. Metalworking - tools, urns, statues, helmets, throat guards 5. Mysticism - gods gave signs in nature 6. Sculpture - realistic and paid close attention to nature 7. Social Organization - kings (nobility), wealthy, slaves 8. Sporting Events - gladiator combat and chariot racing.
Greek Contributions 1. Coinage - made trade more efficient 2. Monumental Buildings - size filled the people with awe, saw harmony and proportion 3. Mythology - gods controlled life from founding cities, healing the sick, and winning battles 4. Philosophy - love of wisdom, system of logic 5. Pottery - beauty and useful 6. Science - study of stars, music and math, numbers control the universe 7. Theater - developed from religious rites and honored the gods and asked for good harvests 8. Writing - used to display laws and treaties in public and on papyrus for personal letters
Etruscan Architecture
Etruscan Engineering
Etruscan Government
Etruscan Metalwork
Etruscan Mysticism
Etruscan Sculpture
Etruscan Social Structure
Etruscan Sports
Greek Coinage
Greek Monument Building
Greek Mythology
Greek Philosophy
Greek Pottery
Greek science
Greek Theatre
Greek Writing