HIV and AIDS Working Group Established in 2001 to prepare common positions for the UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on HIV and AIDS Current Strategic Plan 2013 – 2015 at work/working-groups/hiv-and-aids-working-grouphttp:// work/working-groups/hiv-and-aids-working-group Objectives: 1) Knowledgeable partner to Irish Aid and other key stakeholders; 2) Learning and information exchange on effective interventions; 3) Advocacy for continued investment in the global HIV and AIDS response aiming for – Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS-related deaths Representative speaker: Breda Gahan, Concern Worldwide 23rd April 2015
Love, Behavior, and Incentives in the Time of HIV and AIDS (And a postscript on responding to Ebola) (WB Webinar Feb 2015) at aids aids
When Fear can be a Killer…….
HIV in the world – to end of 2014 Since the beginning of the epidemic, more than 78 million people worldwide have been infected with HIV and more than 39 million people have died from AIDS. Today, more than 35 million people are living with HIV and AIDS globally - about half do not know their HIV status (over 350 million people are directly affected) HIV is the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age globally (UNAIDS WAD Factsheet 2014) AIDS-related illnesses are the leading cause of death among adolescents aged 10–19 years in Africa. In Ireland 384 HIV infections newly diagnosed in compared to end of 2013 (HSE - HPSC).
Ebola in West Africa– to April 2015
HIV & Ebola – comparing some facts to guide our responses HIV and AIDS Ebola 1981 First cases1976 First cases
HIV & Ebola – comparing some facts to guide our responses HIV and AIDS Ebola
Implications of differences to guide our responses Pool of (asymptomatic) infectious people much larger for HIV Normally, HIV and AIDS more difficult to contain than Ebola But recent outbreak in West Africa more difficult to contain than earlier. First outbreak affecting large cities. And very fast and high mortality of Ebola creates fear, panic: “aversion” behavior Prevention for Ebola must target a broader set of behaviors: isolation and contact tracing play a more important role Tracing / tracking LFU of PLHIV important to reduce ARV resistance Safer sex always for risky behaviour to avoid HIV; abstinence or safer sex for 90 days for Ebola survivors to reduce transmission
Implications of differences to guide our responses Ebola is a major threat in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, but, at this stage, not elsewhere in the world The particular vulnerability of health-care workers to Ebola - Health workers leaving their posts because they are the first exposed and not protected: mortality among health workers very high (Liberia 300 cases, 179 deaths among health staff) In some villages, health workers have been attacked As of April 12 th 2015 there had been 864 cases among medical staff in the three west African countries, and 503 deaths (Economist 2015).
Fear creates aversion behaviour (Mead Over CGD) Schools closure in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone Rwandan immigrants refused access to school in New Jersey! Soccer Africa Cup of Nations moved from Morocco to Equatorial Guinea Travel restrictions, quarantines, no entry to some countries, - To some extent similar issues at the beginning of HIV and AIDS - Restrictions on US visas for HIV positive individuals until Economic impacts: visitor arrivals to 3 countries much reduced Unicef Catalogs Ebola's Terrifying Impact on Children (Mar. 2015)
Impact of Ebola on West Africa Region’s per capita income is expected to fall by US$18.00 per year between 2015 and Increase in food insecurity in affected and in neighbouring countries Increase in people living below national poverty line Jan. 2015, Socio-Economic Impacts of Ebola in Sierra Leone (WB) -declines in employment especially affecting youth; -decrease in utilization of health services for non-EVD conditions in Freetown and lower post-natal clinic visits
Ebola and Lessons from the HIV and AIDS Response - Stamp out Stigma firstly: critical to reduce discrimination by advocating for favourable legal & policy environments for protection - Impact mitigation interventions early on - Policy engagement – ‘three ones’ for national leadership - Internal organisational development – build staff /partner staff capacity to protect their health security - Networking & Learning to share ‘best practice’ -PLHIV / PLP Ebola leading the response and affected families– build Ebola / AIDS competent communities - Share local and global learning & vice versa (South ->North) (North ->South)
What we have Learned Dochas INGO joint responses to Ebola and HIV - Build trust / reduce fear / educate - No complacency - Lobby for sustained resources to address funding shortfalls to pay staff - Strengthen health systems so that healthcare is accessible, available and affordabel - equitable for all - Psycho-social support is essential - Incorporate a gendered response and activities to reduce GBV via SBC - Local leadership to lead local responses Protect -> Prevent -> Test early and Diagnose -> Treat -> Rehabilitate -> Reduce impact -> Sustain livelihoods -> Save Lives
15 Risk Reduction Impact Reduction Vulnerability Reduction Aim to reinforce strategies of Ebola & HIV risk, vulnerability and impact mitigation in all our poverty reduction and emergency response efforts Source: UNAIDS, The Global Strategy Framework on HIV/AIDS (Reinforcing strategies of risk, vulnerability and impact reduction: The expanded response to the epidemic), Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic (Fig 18) In an effort to build resilience and deliver on planned Programme Results & Outcomes in all sectors
Remain optimistic Liberia Ebola Doctor: 'We're going to win very soon‘ (Mar. 2015) Education is the ‘best vaccine’ to stop the spread of Ebola Thank you.