Social Networks A Lunch N' Learn Presentation Kevin Shannon Alex Tanchoco
Social Networking Lunch and Learn What is a Social Network? History Functions of a Social Network Current Social Sites Latest Trends Where are we? Where Do We Go From Here?
What is a Social Network? "A social network is a social structure made of nodes (which are generally individuals or organizations) that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as values, visions, ideas, financial exchange, friendship, sexual relationships, kinship, dislike, conflict or trade."
What is a Social Network Service? "A social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. Most social network services are web based and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as and instant messaging services."
We Are a Social Race - We Like To: We want to HANG!
History of Electronic Social Networks Precursors to today's Social Network Technologies BBS 's bulletin boards - started as dial up networks where people can discuss online, send messages and share files - at the time, mostly computer games that can be upload and downloaded.
History of Electronic Social Networks Precursors to today's Social Network Technologies BBS 's bulletin boards - started as dial up networks where people can discuss online, send messages and share files - at the time, mostly computer games that can be upload and downloaded. Listserv 's - automated list where people can subscribe and they will get notification based on specific topics they subscribe to. UseNet Groups 's - Usenet stands for "user network". It is an internet based discussion system. It resembled early BBSs but is internet based.
History of Electronic Social Networks Precursors to today's Social Network Technologies Name/Finger provided status reports on a particular computer system or a particular person at network sites. Early microblogging. FTP - File Transfer Protocol - For sending and receiving Files
Before The Internet Compuserve - CIS First major commercial online service in the United States Geek haven of the 1980's million members First to coin the phrase Real Time Chat - CB Simulator Forums - All major vendors had a CIS Forum File Transfers
User ID 75642,1654
Prodigy Founded in 1984 Joint venture between CBS, IBM, and Sears Nationwide launch 1990 Second largest online service provider 465,000 subscribers trailing only CompuServe's 600,000 Online Shopping - Weather - Travel Tracked activity to customize ads
AOL - The Internet Before The Internet You've Got Mail Instant Messaging - Still the most popular Games o Graphical Chat o Interactive Fiction o Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game - MMORPG o Text Role Playing Chat Rooms In February 1991 AOL for DOS was launched using a GeoWorks interface
Functions of a modern Social Network Profiles (personal/professional, access) Connections (Friends) Status Updates (less than 160 characters) Groups (membership) Pictures (upload/download, albums) Videos (upload/download, links to YouTube and others) Shared Links (a.k.a. bookmarks)
Current Social/Sharing Sites Social MySpace - Facebook Corporate Linked In - Slideshare - Yammer - Cubetree - Sharing YouTube - Flickr - - StumbleUpon - Digg MicroBlogging Twitter - Plurk - Jaiku - Tumblr - Location Based Networks BrightKite - Loopt - Fire Eagle Build Your Own Social Network SlinkSet - Ning - Over 1 million sites
Social Media Popularity - Facebook
Latest Trends Aggregators - LifeStream Sites Friendfeed - Storytlr - Social Thing
Latest Trends Aggregators - LifeStream Sites Friendfeed - Storytlr - Social Thing Video Social Networks Seesmic - 12 seconds
Latest Trends Aggregators - LifeStream Sites Friendfeed - Storytlr - Social Thing Video Social Networks Seesmic - 12 seconds Content Push Sites - HelloTxt
Corporate Social Networking Why is it important? What are the benefits? Expose hidden silos of information Corporate Knowledge and Sharing Reduce Redundancy Information Filtering Current Corporate Options Build your own or Buy Hosted! o Yammer o o Cubetree o SocialText Open Source -Free! - Really??? o Elgg o Drupal
Where are we on Social Networks? Formed a multi-disciplinary team from various departments at MSKCC including IS, Strategic Planning, Quality of Care, Human Resources, Clinical Research, Marketing to come up with use cases and help determine direction and solution. Created a pilot site: to experiment with features/interface and how it can be applied to improve collaboration and information sharing. HR has developed a draft policy on social network and with input from various groups, and are working on a revision to include both internal and external social networks. Learn from other experts and organizations. Promote awareness, hence this Lunch N' Learn.
Other MSK Social Networking Initiatives Gaspedal Word of Mouth Marketing presentation/consulting/workshop sponsored by Public Affairs, Marketing, Development, HR and IS. Focused on external sites - follow where existing communities exist (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn). Social Networking Committee - focus on internal use only site. OpenSource Elgg Sharepoint - For internal departmental and project collaboration. Document sharing integrated with MS Office Pre-defined and custom list's (Simple DB), Discussions, Blogs, Wikis.
Where do we go from here? Enable better collaboration. Work with the Research Community through Research Computing group. Create training video tutorial on how to use social media. Extend the pilot group. Plan for a production environment in 2010 that includes externally accessible site but for internal use only. Mobile Access - mobile friendly website or dedicated apps.
The future of Social Networking Mobile iPhone apps, Blackberry Apps, Google Android, Palm Pre Open Security Standards Facebook Connect, OpenID, OAuth Social Browsers Flock Google Open Social - All sites will share social tools Web Elements Google Wave