HIV Prevention at Shorewood High: How an NEA Ryan White Award Winner Engages Her School’s Youth
/ Who Am I? / Veronica Cook / Special Education Teacher - 14 years / Advisor of SHAPE -13 years / I don’t have a certification in Health Education / Winner of the 2006 Ryan White Memorial HIV/AIDS Educator / Who Am I? / Veronica Cook / Special Education Teacher - 14 years / Advisor of SHAPE -13 years / I don’t have a certification in Health Education / Winner of the 2006 Ryan White Memorial HIV/AIDS Educator
What our state law requires The AIDS Omnibus Act (RCW 28A ) mandated the development of HIV/AIDS curriculum: Beginning no later than the fifth grade, students shall receive yearly instruction in the life- threatening dangers of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, its spread, and its prevention. The AIDS Omnibus Act (RCW 28A ) mandated the development of HIV/AIDS curriculum: Beginning no later than the fifth grade, students shall receive yearly instruction in the life- threatening dangers of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, its spread, and its prevention.
What our state law requires, cont. Lessons must include: / medically accurate HIV/AIDS information the life-threatening dangers of the disease, its spread, and prevention. / t he dangers of sexual intercourse, with or without condoms. / abstinence Lessons must include: / medically accurate HIV/AIDS information the life-threatening dangers of the disease, its spread, and prevention. / t he dangers of sexual intercourse, with or without condoms. / abstinence
What our state law requires, cont. fitness/omnibusact.aspx fitness/omnibusact.aspx e=28A e=28A fitness/omnibusact.aspx fitness/omnibusact.aspx e=28A e=28A
Who are we? Mission Statement: Raise Awareness about HIV/AIDS and other STD’s by educating within the school and community
How the Team got started / HIV/AIDS Education was required in Washington State 1990-The KNOW curriculum was adopted in Washington State King County Health Dept. offered HIV ed. to teams of Peer Educators. the SHAPE team was created / HIV/AIDS Education was required in Washington State 1990-The KNOW curriculum was adopted in Washington State King County Health Dept. offered HIV ed. to teams of Peer Educators. the SHAPE team was created
How we meet the State requirements in our lesson? Basic Facts: We do this with a game so that it is a fun way to learn the medically accurate HIV/AIDS information Basic Facts: We do this with a game so that it is a fun way to learn the medically accurate HIV/AIDS information
How we meet the requirements in our lesson? Cont. Condom Demonstration: The best protection from HIV/AIDS and other STD’s, of course, is sexual abstinence. But for sexually active people, condoms reduce the risk of acquiring HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. This fact has been demonstrated again and again in hundreds of studies around the world. What is also clear from these studies is that condoms do not provide 100% protection. The greatest cause of condom failure is user error. Condom effectiveness in HIV prevention depends on proper and consistent use. Condom Demonstration: The best protection from HIV/AIDS and other STD’s, of course, is sexual abstinence. But for sexually active people, condoms reduce the risk of acquiring HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. This fact has been demonstrated again and again in hundreds of studies around the world. What is also clear from these studies is that condoms do not provide 100% protection. The greatest cause of condom failure is user error. Condom effectiveness in HIV prevention depends on proper and consistent use.
How we meet the requirements in our lesson? Cont. Abstinence: At what point are you having sex? Purpose: to educate students about risks of activities and to teach them to communicate their definition of abstinence to their partner. Abstinence: At what point are you having sex? Purpose: to educate students about risks of activities and to teach them to communicate their definition of abstinence to their partner.
What we add: Making it personal: High School kids think “That will never happen to me” Show them how it will affect them personally so they take it seriously. Making it personal: High School kids think “That will never happen to me” Show them how it will affect them personally so they take it seriously.
What we add: Hand out the “I am HIV” papers to your students. Tell them to fill out the five specified areas (name in the center, four goals at each corner). Once they are finished, say: “I am HIV. And I am going to take away your goal of ___________ because…” Hand out the “I am HIV” papers to your students. Tell them to fill out the five specified areas (name in the center, four goals at each corner). Once they are finished, say: “I am HIV. And I am going to take away your goal of ___________ because…” I am HIV
Why is this so important? More than 3 million girls may have STDs "Teens tell us that they can't make decisions in the dark and that adults aren't properly preparing them to make responsible decisions.” l l More than 3 million girls may have STDs "Teens tell us that they can't make decisions in the dark and that adults aren't properly preparing them to make responsible decisions.” l l
Why does this make Teens an at risk group for HIV/AIDS Individuals who are infected with STDs are at least two to five times more likely than uninfected individuals to acquire HIV infection if they are exposed to the virus through sexual contact. / Individuals who are infected with STDs are at least two to five times more likely than uninfected individuals to acquire HIV infection if they are exposed to the virus through sexual contact. /
What you need to do to start a team Desire Support funding Students that are interested and willing Incentive for the students to be committed Desire Support funding Students that are interested and willing Incentive for the students to be committed
Incentive for the students to be on our team For our school, if a student is on the team for 2 years and attend at least 80% of the meetings and presentations, they are able to have their health credit waived for graduation
Why Peer Education? Hear it from the students
Shape makes me feel like I'm making a difference. I'm teaching my peers about things that are really important that could potentially save their lives. Jen Shape makes me feel like I'm making a difference. I'm teaching my peers about things that are really important that could potentially save their lives. Jen
Shape is important because there are so many misconceptions about HIV/AIDS and it's important to teach people the truth about it to spread awareness. Sorcha Shape is important because there are so many misconceptions about HIV/AIDS and it's important to teach people the truth about it to spread awareness. Sorcha
The reason why I did SHAPE was because I remember being in the 8th grade and being taught by adults about STDs, abstinence, protection, etc. That information used to just go over my head because it all seemed too technical and I felt like I couldn't really connect to what my Health teacher was saying. Felisa The reason why I did SHAPE was because I remember being in the 8th grade and being taught by adults about STDs, abstinence, protection, etc. That information used to just go over my head because it all seemed too technical and I felt like I couldn't really connect to what my Health teacher was saying. Felisa
I understand the sexual pressures of high school and know that some kids are sexually active. Thus, I wanted to begin educating my friends on the bad things that could happen so they are safe and don't end up with HIV/AIDS, some other STD or pregnancy. Nick I understand the sexual pressures of high school and know that some kids are sexually active. Thus, I wanted to begin educating my friends on the bad things that could happen so they are safe and don't end up with HIV/AIDS, some other STD or pregnancy. Nick
SHAPE gives students at SW a way to involve themselves in learning about and teaching about HIV/AIDS. Personally, I've been able to back up my arguments better and fight ignorance among fellow students because I know actual and up to date facts from being part of this club. Kim SHAPE gives students at SW a way to involve themselves in learning about and teaching about HIV/AIDS. Personally, I've been able to back up my arguments better and fight ignorance among fellow students because I know actual and up to date facts from being part of this club. Kim
I think that SHAPE is important for everyone to learn of all ages. I myself enjoy learning new things from SHAPE and teaching it to my peers. Larissa I think that SHAPE is important for everyone to learn of all ages. I myself enjoy learning new things from SHAPE and teaching it to my peers. Larissa
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Thank you to SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S.) especially Kurt Conklin for his help, the Shoreline School District for their support of the SHAPE team the CDC for their funding of this grant and my students for be the most amazing kids to work with