Data Center Consolidation & Energy Efficiency in Federal Facilities
Most pressures on data centers affect efficiency Increasing energy cost Increasing availability expectations Regulatory requirements Server consolidation Rapid changes in IT technology Increasing power density Dynamic power variation Uncertain long-term plans for capacity or density Moves/adds/changes Data center Planning / Operation In addition to the desire to understand and control the costs, there are also some substantial challenges that many companies are facing today in the data center: Rapid changes in IT technology I have a number of data center operators who tell me stories like “They told me what was going to be in this facility; I built it; only one third of what they told me is actually what ended up here. The other two thirds are things that weren’t even on the radar screen when I started this project. How am I supposed to design for that?… you know, I was trying to design to the circuit level – the branch circuit level in this facility – and they can’t even tell me a year ahead what’s going to be there and what’s going plug into it.” High density This is one of the biggest subjects of critical importance to people today because it’s so destabilizing as far as data center design goes. The new densities we’re talking about, as we all know, are an order of magnitude greater than the densities in typical data centers today. High operating and service cost: People are looking at those bills and saying “ What can I do to get these under control or reduce them over time?” Regulatory requirements: …forcing unusual structural changes, partitioning of equipment, isolating it physically and providing certain levels of physical-access security around the equipment. In response to all of these issues, APC contends that a radical change is required in the way we approach data center design. We need to take a holistic view of this problem. The old way – trying to make products better on a product-by-product basis -- just isn’t going to get us there. What we need to do is… Standardize process and architecture Eliminate one-time engineering Reduce today’s plan-specify-engineer-purchase-install-test-commission cycle time by 90% Pre-engineer, pre-configure, pre-manufacture, and pre-test NCPI using modular components Create systems that adapt to changing requirements Systematically drive out the main cause of downtime: Human error Integrate power, cooling, and rack into a single management architecture Empower IT professionals to specify, operate, and manage NCPI APC has the world’s largest R&D budget focused on this problem So what can we do about all this and what is the entitlement for improved performance and reduced cost? We must change the way we design, install, operate, manage, and maintain data centers
Why act? $$$ Reasons More than 50% of power going into a typical data center goes to the power and cooling systems – NOT to the IT loads The typical 1MW (IT load) data center is continuously wasting about 400kW or 2,000 tons of coal per year due to poor design (DCiE = 50%, instead of best-practice 70%) Every kW saved in a data center saves about $1,000 per year Every kW saved in a data center reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 5 tons per year Every kW saved in a data center has a carbon reduction equivalent to eliminating about 1 car from the road A 1% improvement in data center infrastructure efficiency (DCiE) corresponds to approximately 2% reduction in electrical bills 66 White paper
Why act? Directives EO 13514 (Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance) Federal CIO Memo “Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative” Presidential Memo “Disposing of Unneeded Federal Real Estate”
Three ways we are helping our customers increase efficiency Optimize existing data centers (Individual Improvements or Full Consolidation) Efficiency assessment services Energy management software tools Specify and design efficient data centers High-efficiency reference designs Detailed efficiency data on products and complete systems Offer the most efficient data center solutions Industry-leading efficiency for power and cooling equipment Row-based cooling High-efficiency scalable UPS
Helping customers optimize existing data centers Basic application guidance from our experienced sales engineers Validating design concepts Basic sizing and specification Translating clear needs into configured solutions Professional data center assessment services Data center efficiency & carbon impact assessment Power and cooling assessment (capacities and reliability) DOE Certified Energy Practitioner Efficiency improvement projects Implement efficiency improvements Upgrade inefficient equipment Install efficiency monitoring equipment Upgrade zones to high density/efficiency “pods”
Typical findings of an electrical efficiency assessment Benchmark vs. comparable data centers – overall and by subsystem Operations problems impacting efficiency Configuration problems impacting efficiency Short-term quick efficiency improvement options Long-term opportunities
What is the metric? PUE - Power Usage Effectiveness Power entering a Data Center divided by IT Load Power (Total Facility Power / IT Power) Expressed as a ratio with efficiency improving as the quotient decreases towards 1 Created by the Green Grid Adopted by the Federal Government and data center industry groups as the official metric for DC Efficiency (EPA/DOE) DCiE - Data Center Infrastructure Efficiency IT Load Power divided by power entering a Data Center (the reciprocal of PUE) Expressed as a percentage that improves as it approaches 100% Logical: The higher the percentage the more efficient the Data Center
Data center efficiency as a function of IT load OPERATING LOAD % of capacity being used right now Efficiency varies dramatically with load, so you can’t specify it without specifying the load
Where are YOUR data centers? A realistic data center infrastructure efficiency plan for the industry The average will get better The worst will get MUCH better 90% 80% 80% DCiE Annual data center infrastructure efficiency of data centers BEST 10% 72% DCiE 70% 65% 65% DCiE data center 60% AVERAGE (DCiE) 47% of data centers 50% WORST 10% Where are YOUR data centers? 40% 30% 30% 20% 2008 2013 2018
Drivers of infrastructure efficiency gains (Baseline: Average of existing installed base) IMPROVEMENT Device Gain DCiE Gain $$ saved over 15 years in a 1MW data center** Move from room cooling to dynamic row/rack cooling 70% 8% $5,900,000 Cooling economizers 38% 4% $2,500,000 Right-sizing through modular power and cooling equipment $2,400,000 Higher UPS efficiency $1,900,000 415/240 V transformerless power distribution (NAM)* 2.5% $1,500,000 Dynamic control of cooling plant (VFD fans, pumps, chillers) 25% $1,200,000 TOTAL to get industry from 47% to 72% DCiE $14,700,000 *No benefit outside of NAM; Transformer-based PDUs typically in NAM only **$$ values based on $.15 per kwhr electric cost, starting DCiE of 47%, ave density 8KW/rack
Is there an efficiency vs density tradeoff? NO They work together High density and high efficiency are related Many people think high density makes efficiency worse Only true when trying to push existing data centers to cool high density High density enables high efficiency in a properly designed new data center or a pod in an existing data center Shorter pipe lengths Less pump power Shorter air flow lengths Less air mixing Higher return air temperatures Less humidification/dehumidification power and chiller power Many people assume that by going to high density, they will pay a penalty when it comes to energy efficiency. That is NOT true. In fact, high density and high efficiency are very closely related. Implementing high density pods in a data center actually enables higher efficiency, if the right design approach is applied.. And why is this.. Things like: Shorter pipe lengths which leads to Less pump power Shorter air flow lengths & Less air mixing leads to less fan power Higher return air temperatures Less humidification/dehumidification power and chiller power Less fan power The highest efficiency data centers will be high density data centers
Achieving high efficiency in high-density data centers Products we offer as part of our solutions 1 Row-based cooling Ultra-high efficiency UPS Capacity and energy management software for power, cooling, and racks Scalable power and cooling equipment High-efficiency AC power distribution 2 3 4 5 126 White paper
In-row cooling Room cooling Row-based cooling Inherently higher power density capability than room designs Fan power reduced by 50% Needless dehumidification / re-humidification is eliminated Need for high-bay areas and raised floors is reduced or eliminated (particularly for small installations) Cooling capacity can “follow” IT loads that move due to virtualization and server power management In-row cooling Room cooling 130 White paper Cooling efficiency = useful cooling power / (power consumed + useful cooling power)
InRow Cooling Unit Examples
InRow Cooling Architecture Close coupled heat source and heat removal Raised floor not required for air distribution
InRow with Containment Standard servers: 20F delta T Hot aisle 90F – 95F Separation of hot and cold aisles creates higher return air temperatures 70F supply air temp
Cooling Efficiency Case Study Cooling Infrastructure Power Consumption Cooling Component IRAH CRAH CAHU Units AHU Fan Power 30.6 88.0 83.2 kW/Hr Chilled Water Pump Power 10.2 11.0 11.1 Chiller Power 83.9 94.7 94.2 Condenser Pump Power 18.5 Cooling Tower Power 16.2 18.3 18.2 Total Cooling Power Consumed 159.3 230.5 225.1 Annual Cooling Operating Cost 139,527 201,878 197,211 $ USD 750 kW cooling load Water cooled chillers In-row is 30% more efficient A comparison of the energy consumption of each of the cooling systems is shown on this slide. Overall the IRAH system is the most efficient of the three cases studied. The largest contribution to the energy savings is the fan power savings. This savings also has a cascading effect resulting in less load on the chiller and cooling tower resulting is less power consumption on these components of the cooling system as can be see here. In addition the 100% sensible cooling operation of the IRAH system reduces the load needed on the chiller because 100% of the unit’s capacity is used to cool the heat load and is not consumed by removing moisture from the space.
Ultra-high efficiency Symmetra UPS High-efficiency UPS UPS efficiency has large effect on data center efficiency because total IT load goes through it Improvement over typical from 80% to 96% efficiency at 20% load corresponds to loss reduction of 80% Electricity savings can pay for the UPS in many cases Side effect of high efficiency design: UPS is nearly silent Ultra-high efficiency Symmetra UPS Typical legacy UPS LBNL worst-case UPS % Efficiency
Scalable infrastructure minimizes waste Minimize the inefficiency of oversizing during consolidation and re-growth and be prepared for higher densities to come Oversizing waste Since virtualizing can significantly reduce load, oversizing is an important efficiency issue in a virtualized data center. Even without virtualization, oversizing has long been a primary contributor to data center inefficiency. Server consolidation and server power management, by reducing load even more, will shift efficiency further toward the low end of the efficiency curve, if power and cooling systems stay the same. While the electric bill will indeed go down because of the lower IT load and less air conditioning needed to cool it, the proportion of utility power that reaches the IT loads – in other words, efficiency – will drop, which signifies wasted power that could be conserved to further reduce energy consumption. Virtualization is a new chance to take advantage of scalable infrastructure. Power and cooling devices that can scale in capacity will reduce fixed losses and increase efficiency. Scalable architecture will facilitate not only downsizing to follow IT consolidation, but also subsequent regrowth to follow expansion of the now-virtualized IT load. Rack density Scalable power and cooling results in better DCiE
What is a “Scalable” and Modular UPS? 500kW of High-Efficiency Scalable Power Protection 375kW 350kW 325kW 400kW 450kW 475kW 300kW 425kW 275kW 125kW 100kW 75kW 50kW 25kW 150kW 250kW 175kW 225kW 200kW Highly animated slide that can be used to show the simplicity, scalability & modularity of the Symmetra PX250_500kW
Scalable power and cooling Over half the power and cooling losses in a data center are fixed and do not vary with the IT load (so efficiency degrades as IT load declines) Oversizing is therefore a primary contributor to inefficiency Virtualization and server power management will make this problem worse, if power and cooling are sized to peak IT loads that are not typical New power and cooling devices can scale in capacity, reducing fixed losses % Efficiency Scalable - modular - when needed All at once Power and cooling installation %IT load
Higher voltage AC power distribution (NAM Only) Distributes voltage to loads at international standard 400/230 instead of conventional US 208/120 Eliminates the need for PDU transformers and associated losses Reduces copper requirements Overall efficiency increase of over 5% for a high availability data center By-product is that 4,000 lbs of copper and 30,000 lbs of PDUs are saved per MW, reducing floor loading and saving space 128 White paper
Capacity and energy management Poor utilization of capacity is a primary cause of inefficiency Software can identify available capacity (even by rack) and help prevent creation of stranded capacity Side effect is you can fit more IT equipment in the power and cooling “envelope” of the data center Energy management can identify efficiency improvement opportunities Central software with Capacity Manager 150 White paper
Tools we provide to help manage data center carbon footprint Efficiency Assessment and Carbon Assessment services Designer Standard data center specifications Highest efficiency power and cooling equipment ISX Central data center management software Detailed power and cooling device efficiency data
How can APC Federal Systems & Schneider Electric help? Provide High Efficiency Solutions & Architectures Row-based Cooling Scalable UPS High Density Perform Assessments of your data center Current PUE Recommended Actions to Improve PUE DOE Certified Energy Practitioner Help Design a High Efficiency Environment for High Density / Virtualization
Trade-Off Tools Carbon Calculator - Impact of changes in data center efficiency on energy costs and carbon footprint Energy Efficiency Calculator - Impact of alternative power and cooling approaches on energy costs Capital Cost Calculator - Impact of physical infrastructure design changes on capital costs Virtualization Energy Cost Calculator - Impact of server virtualization and data center design choices on energy and space savings
…More Trade-Off Tools Power Sizing Calculator - Impact of server and storage configurations on IT load capacity and required utility input power InRow™ Containment Selector - Impact of preferences and constraints on the recommended containment approach AC vs. DC Calculator - Impact on data center efficiency of various AC and DC power distribution architectures
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