Knowledge for welfare and health National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Outi Karvonen 1 Expert Group on HIV/AIDS of NDPHS Progress report
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Outi Karvonen 2 Members Pauli Leinikki, National Public Health Institute, Finland – chairman Outi Karvonen, STAKES, Finland – ITA Svein Gunnar Gundersen, Sorlandet Hospital, Norway Anna Marzek-Boguslawska, National AIDS Centre, Poland Tatiana Smolskaya, Northwest District AIDS Centre, Russia Saulius Chaplinskas, Lithuanian AIDS Centre
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Outi Karvonen 3 Members Ulrich Marcus, Robert Koch –Institut, Germany Marius Domeika, Uppsala University, Sweden Kristi Rüütel, National Institute for Health Development, Estonia Andris Ferdats, AIDS Prevention Centre, Latvia Jean-Elie Malkin, GIP Esther, France Henrique Barros, National Coordinator for HIV/AIDS, Portugal
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Outi Karvonen 4 Expert Group Meetings March in Berlin, Germany October 9-10 in Porto, Portugal
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Outi Karvonen 5 Project status Projects involving Finland – 6 Barents Projects involving Norway – 9 Norwegian projects in St. Petersburg – 5 Norwegian project in Kaliningrad – 1 Projects involving Sweden – 1 completed, 1 going on
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Outi Karvonen 6 Project status Projects involving Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia – 3 Projects involving France – 1 One Danish proposal Other proposals (14) Poland – 2; Norway – 6; Estonia – 2; Russia – 1; Lithuania – 1, Finland - 2
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Outi Karvonen 7 New Finnish proposals Controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS in the Barents and Northern Dimension Partnership Programme regions. Phase II. Coordination: Finland. Project proposal for Strengthening of intersectoral action to fight drug abuse and drug related harm in Murmansk Region Coordination: Finland. Project proposal.
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Outi Karvonen 8 Controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS in the Barents and Northern Dimension Partnership Programme Regions Phase II
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Outi Karvonen 9 Financing: the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland Target Countries: Barents and Northern Dimension Partnership regions Target regions in Russia: Northwest Russia, especially Murmansk Region Implementing organisation (Finland): International Development Collaboration at STAKES
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Outi Karvonen 10 Overall objectives The spread of HIV/AIDS epidemic is under control in the target areas Social, health, economic and security consequences of the epidemic are minimized
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Outi Karvonen 11 Purpose Coordination of activities in Northern Dimension and Barents regions to control HIV and AIDS and reduce harmful consequences
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Outi Karvonen 12 Three components 1.Coordination of the Barents HIV/AIDS Programme 2.Further development of low threshold services in Murmansk and Kantalahti 3.Technical assistance to the HIV/AIDS Expert Group of NDPHS
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Outi Karvonen 13 Other issues Policy paper updated Tb representative – open Recruitment of new members – ongoing Observers, e.g. Health Canada Co-chair – open
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Outi Karvonen 14 Other issues Collaboration and coordination with other EGs Prison Health EG SIHLWA Think Tank Gotland meeting Barents HIV/AIDS Programme -HIV/AIDS and human rights round table meeting -2 steering committee meetings