1 Metrolinx delivers The Big Move Regional Transportation Plan: Transforming Transportation in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area November 5, 2012 Bruce McCuaig President & CEO, Metrolinx
2 Metrolinx was created in 2006 for the purpose of providing residents and businesses in the GTHA a transportation system that is modern, efficient and integrated We plan. We deliver. We integrate.
3 Divisions of Metrolinx
million riders annually 80% return from the fare box with 21% ridership growth over the past 5 years 94% on-time performance Operates at 110% capacity Successfully launched the GO Passenger Charter
6 6 47
7 More than 5 M people travel annually between downtown and the airport Will connect the busiest airport in Canada with the busiest transit and passenger rail hub Will take 1.2 million car trips off our roads in the first year of operation Ready for Pan Am Games in
8 Electronic smart card fare collection system that enables transit riders in the GTHA to move within and between transit systems using one card. A single fare card is critical to our vision of an integrated system, one that puts customers first in the delivery of regional and local transit services. 45
9 9 Now available across GO Transit (rail and bus), seven municipal bus systems across the GTHA, and 14 TTC subway stations Rolling out to Ottawa and rest of TTC between More than 180,000 cards have been issued, and we anticipate 400,000 by end of year, with 4 to 6 million issued by 2015 Overall customer satisfaction with the Presto card is very strong -March 2011 Pollara research study
10 8,242 km 2 6 million people (8.62 million by 2031) 4 levels of government 30 municipalities 10 transit agencies Regional context: The GTHA
12 The region has a problem: Congestion Metrolinx has a solution: The Big Move Regional Transportation Plan A 25-year, $50-billion plan to transform mobility across the region
13 Conceptual map – not to scale Map does not include regional GO rail or bus expansions or improvements The Big Move: Projects underway $16.5 B of transit infrastructure 53 km of new Light Rail 52 km of BRT (VIVA + Transitway) 9 km of new subway extension 25 km of new rail linking the airport to downtown
14 New Buses For: Hamilton Mississauga Brampton Durham
15 Toronto Light Rail Projects We are moving forward with four lines - Eglinton, Scarborough, Sheppard, Finch Construction is underway on the Eglinton-Scarborough Crosstown Metrolinx will design, build, finance and maintain the Crosstown using Infrastructure Ontario’s Alternative Financing and Procurement process The Toronto Transit Commission will operate the Crosstown Metrolinx will deliver all projects by 2021
16 Proposed Completion Dates for Toronto Projects
17 York Viva Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Concept image along Davis Drive
20 Mobility Hubs in The Big Move What is a mobility hub? Major transit station and surrounding area with significant levels of planned transit service and high development potential
21 Other Metrolinx sustainable mobility initiatives Smart Commute A partnership between Metrolinx and municipalities, collaborating with employers to help commuters explore alternatives to the single- occupancy commute: choices like carpooling, cycling, teleworking and public transit Carpool to GO Provides priority parking to GO Transit customers who carpool to GO Rail stations; successful pilot at 4 stations to be expanded to a total of 22 stations by 2013/14 BikeLinx $5 million program in which municipalities across the GTHA received funding aimed at making it easier for people to combine use of their bicycles and public transit on the same trip
22 Implementing The Big Move: How do we get there? Make integrated transportation a priority of business and government Explain to fellow citizens why public transit is important to their future and the success of the Region Find new and innovative ways to raise dedicated and sustainable funds
24 Revenue tools used in other jurisdictions Auto Insurance Tax Car Rental Fee Carbon Tax Cordon Charge Corporate Income Tax Development Charges(DC’s) Driver’s License Tax Employer/Employee Payroll Tax Fuel Tax Highway Tolls Hotel Accommodation Levy Land Transfer Tax (LTT) Land Value Capture Land Value Capture (LVC) High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes New Vehicle Sales Tax Parking Levy Parking Sales Tax Personal Tax Sales Tax Special District Charge Transit Fare Increase Transit Fare Restructuring Utility Levy Vehicle-Kilometres Travelled (VKT) Fee Vehicle Registration Fee
25 What’s next? We need to have an open and honest discussion with partners, stakeholders and the public about funding The Big Move This discussion has already begun, and we expect it to continue to build over the coming weeks and months