Health Education On HIV/AIDS and Nutrition Oromo Community, Washington DC Teshome Geleta Deksissa,M.D.
. A major global public health problem since early 1980’s..HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus. The virus that causes AIDS. AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome. Claimed 39 million….mostly in Sub-Saharan countries. 35 million people live with HIV.
HIV lives and multiplies primarily in the white blood cells… the immune cells. WBC protects us from disease. Damage to the WBC….low immunity…infection / cancer….AIDS.
No safe and effective cure currently exists. How is HIV transmitted? 1. body fluids: blood, breast milk, genital secretions. 2.Injections : sharing needles, sharp materials. 3. blood / blood products transfusions. 4. mother to child. HIV doesn’t discriminate!
PREVENTION 1.Abstinence 2. Be faithful/ monogamy….after negative result. 3. condom use… consistent, proper use. 4.Don’t share sharp equipment/ needles. 5.Screened blood … before transfusion. 6.Avoid pregnancy/ early treatment for both the Mom and the baby… during pregnancy and immediately after birth. 7.C / Section. 8.No breast feeding.
What is the best approach? 1. Knowledge/ Health Education….prevention. 2. VCT. Know your serum status. No preventive vaccine or Cure. ART to prolong life… With change of life style to decrease risk/ further exposure…. Different varieties and increased viral load.
NUTRITION Why food is important? For growth. For development For repair. For survival / maintenance
The 6 Nutrients: 1.Carbohydrate 2.Fats 3.Protien 4. Vitamins 5.Minerals 6.Water
Balanced Diet: everything is about balance. Malnutrition…abnormal ( excess or less) Under nutrition…starving….Disease Over nutrition…overweight / Obesity…Disease
Food/ nutrition related health problems: Overweight, obesity, high cholesterol, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension….. Heart attack, stroke. Under nutrition: low immunity/ infection or cancer, anemia, goiter, nerve problem, stunted growth, underweight. Daily requirement varies: age, sex, level of activity, health status. BALANCE…BALANCE….BALANCE !!!
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