Report No. T044700-XXXX Contractor: Report No. T044700-XXXX Enter Title Here – Research and Technology Development Study Contractor: Name Here Location,


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Report No. T XXXX Enter Title Here – Research and Technology Development Study Contractor: Name Here Location, State, Country.
Presentation transcript:

Report No. T XXXX Contractor: Report No. T XXXX Enter Title Here – Research and Technology Development Study Contractor: Name Here Location, State, Country 1

Enter Title Here » [General Suggestions for PowerPoint] 2 Sub-Heading –Bullet points are easier to read than long paragraphs. –Graphics demonstrating the problem in an easy-to-visualize manner should be included. –If there is a desire to expand a slide’s contents to more than 2-3 paragraphs (or 6-7 bullet points) it is recommended that the “Notes” field be used. –A length of approximately 15 slides is ideal (succinct, yet sufficiently informative)

Enter Title Here » Project Background (1-2 slides) 3 Historical –Enter one or two paragraphs (or in bullet point form) including historical background information. Why this issue is of importance to utilities (project motivation, objectives), what has been done in this area before this current study.

Enter Title Here » Project Background (1-2 slides) 4 Current Project –This should define the scope of the project, the basic hypothesis (if any) and should briefly describe the tasks involved (i.e., a survey of utilities was carried out, a literature review was performed). Task 1: Task description. Task 2: Task description. Task 3: Task description.

Enter Title Here » Main Findings (7-10 slides total) 5 Sub-heading –It should be plainly stated whether the hypothesis was met or not. Results –5-6 additional bullet points for each section (i.e. ‘Results,’ ‘Shortcomings’) summarizing the findings. What those results really mean Shortcomings Areas for Improvement

Enter Title Here » Conclusions / Recommendations (2-3 slides total) 6 Sub-heading –What the results of this research mean for a utility? –How can the results of this research be used? –Suggestions for further research, etc. Are there any new techniques that might be developed? Possible commercialization of technologies, etc.