Presentation to the Critical Transmission Review Committee Richard Truscott Director of Provincial Affairs, Alberta January 11, 2012
About CFIB: Non-partisan, not-for-profit political advocacy organization Founded in 1971 108,000 independently owned and operated business members across Canada, including 10,000 in Alberta Every sector of the economy, every region of the country Lobby federal, provincial, and municipal governments on behalf of members
What makes CFIB unique? Meet with hundreds of small business owners in-person each and every month Research-based organization; dozens of member surveys each year 1 member = 1 vote We don’t take a position on a major new policy unless we first consult our members In addition to lobbying work, we provide business counselling services, and access to member-only “privilege programs”
Small biz is backbone of economy More than 98% of all businesses are small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) SMEs employ more than 60% of all Canadians and produce almost half of economic output (GDP 99% of small business owners say they contribute to local charitable or community causes 4
Heart & soul of our communities
Heart & soul of our communities
CFIB’s Business Barometer ™ Small biz confidence remains relatively strong in Alberta
Cost pressures for small business Energy/fuel is one of the main cost pressures for small business Source: CFIB Monthly Business Barometer, Alberta data
Concern about energy/fuel costs 9 Percentage of small businesses identifying energy/fuel as a main cost pressure Source: CFIB Monthly Business Barometer, Alberta data
Response to Request for Info Request #1: Reasonableness of the AESO load and generation forecast for the north-south reinforcement Ability of the north-south transmission reinforcement plan to serve existing and new generators and load Response: Not in a position to properly assess 10
Response to Request for Info Request #2: Reasonableness of the use of HVDC technology for the north-south transmission reinforcement Response: Not in a position to properly assess 11
Response to Request for Info Request #3: Reasonableness of the timing of both north-south transmission lines Response: Not in a position to properly assess 12
Response to Request for Info Request #4: Recommendations for any proposed changes to the cabinet powers and the north-south critical transmission projects detailed in the Electric Statutes Amendment Act Response: Return to an independent regulatory process for all electricity transmission projects Develop better estimates of the cost/impact of all proposed projects on small and medium-sized businesses 13