INTRODUCTION: In 2010 the Department of Mineral Resources commissioned a study to review the status of HIV/AIDS and TB in the South African Mining sector. National Institute of Occupational Health (NIOH) then conducted a rapid assessment of TB and HIV/AIDS services in the mining industry. The Mining Industry TB and HIV/AIDS Advisory Committee (MITHAC) then developed an action plan based on the recommendations of the NIOH study.
INTRODUCTION: The commitments were signed off by the Principal Stakeholders representing State, Employer and Organised Labour. One of the commitments include the compilation of a national report on TB and HIV/AIDS in the mining industry.
THE COMPILATION OF THE REPORTING FORM The Department of Mineral Resources was then assigned to compile the reporting form taking in consideration the undersigned commitments of all stakeholders at the MH&S Summit 2011, which include values, leadership behaviour, worker behaviour and motivation. The aim is to get the ultimate co-operation from all to reduce and prevent TB and HIV/AIDS in the SA Mining Industry.
THE COMPILATION OF THE REPORTING FORM After in depth consultation with all relevant stakeholders, a reporting form was designed in line with the commitments and the current NSP. It was then tabled at the MITHAC meeting for comments and/or approval.
THE COMPILATION OF THE REPORTING FORM (continue) After a series of meetings and discussions, the Department of Mineral Resources issued an Instruction (OH/02/2013) dated the 7 th June 2013, signed by the Chief Inspector of Mines in which all mines are required report annually on TB and HIV/AIDS. The reporting form was issued to mines and is also available on the DMR website/ (Form number DMR164)
THE FORM (DMR 164) The form consist of the following: Mine Details General Information which includes, but not limited to, the integrated HIV and TB policies/programmes, budgets and services of HCT, treatment, symptomatic screening and systems in place for wellness and continuum of care beyond employment.
THE FORM (DMR 164) It includes referral, feedback and outcome of both TB and HIV/AIDS. TB/HIV co-infection indicators on the number of employees, those counselled, tested and screened, on treatment, multidrug resistant cases, employees living with HIV on IPT and the number and records of co-infected employees.
MHSC COMMITTEE ACHIEVEMENTS 2012/13. Process for the development and promulgation of guidelines MOHAC considers the need for development of guidelines Decision taken and Task Team established to carry out the mandate. Draft document considered and approved by MOHAC then Council. Document send to LDC and MRAC for consideration.
MHSC COMMITTEE ACHIEVEMENTS 2012/13 The list of Guidelines approved by MOHAC awaiting promulgation. Fitness to work in the mines and works Roles and responsibilities Incapacity TB Guidance Note The Chief Inspectors Instruction on the TB/HIV Reporting Template.
MHSC COMMITTEE ACHIEVEMENTS 2012/13 SIs: Stakeholder disagreements on the following: Defined “Strenuous Work” means physically and demanding tasks combined with extended hours of work where the work rate exceeds 160 M/W 2. Ilusion of Physical and Functional Work Capacity Assessments. Categorisation and minimum standards for strenuous work Principles for addressing HIV, Pregnancy and Alcohol and substance abuse during fitness assessments. Solutions: Acknowledged employee exposure to strenuous work as a risk.. olutions: Acknowledged employee exposure to strenuous work as a risk.. Categorisation and minimum standards for strenuous work
MHSC COMMITTEE ACHIEVEMENTS 2012/13 Capacity Assessments Principles for addressing HIV, Pregnancy and Alcohol and substance abuse during fitness assessments. Solutions: Acknowledged employee exposure to strenuous work as a risk.. suestasks combined with extended hours of work where the work rate exceeds 160 M/W 2. takeholder disagreements on the following: Inclusion of Physical and Functional Work Capacity Assessments. Principles for addressing HIV, Pregnancy and Alcohol and substance abuse during fitness assessments. Solutions: Acknowledged employee exposure to strenuous work as a risk.. Defined “Strenuous Work” means physically and demanding tasks combined with extended hours of work where the work rate exceeds 160 M/W 2. Categorisation and minimum standards for strenuous work
MHSC COMMITTEE ACHIEVEMENTS 2012/13 Inclusion of Physical and Functional Work Capacity Assessments. esstakeholder disagreements on the following: Principles for addressing HIV, Pregnancy and Alcohol and substance abuse during fitness assessments. Solutions: combined with extended hours of work where the work rate exceeds 160 M/W 2.
MHSC COMMITTEE ACHIEVEMENTS 2012/13 Defined “Strenuous Work” means physically and demanding tasks combined with extended hours of work where the work rate exceeds 160 M/W 2. Categorisation and minimum standards for strenuous work
CONCLUSION This will not only lead to focussed action in the fight against TB and HIV but will enable the Stakeholders to improve the situation of TB and HIV in the SA Mining Industry as well as the lifestyle of mine workers and their families.