Meagan Hatton Department of Geography POVERTY AND HIV/AIDS IN EAST TEXAS
HIV/AIDS has killed over 550,000 people in the U.S. Treatments- Infected people living longer Rates are highest in extreme poverty areas and among Blacks (CDC, 2011) Texas ranks 4 th for highest rates (CDC, 2012), East Texas: highest rates BACKGROUND
Level of Education: Prevention to reduce risky behaviors (Kim, 2006) Income and Poverty: Access to care & transportation (CDC, 2008) Extreme poor urban areas have higher risk (CDC, 2011) Race/Ethnicity: HIV prevalence is 8 times higher than Whites (CDC, 2010) Socioeconomic Status: More disadvantaged people tend to live in disadvantaged places-> Place Vulnerability (Oppong and Harold, 2009) HIV FACTORS
Metropolitan counties: Dallas, Ft. Worth, Harris, and Travis Extreme urban poverty vs. Rural poverty High Black populations High rates of poverty and income inequality Harris County has highest rate in Texas WHY EAST TEXAS?
1. Counties with high percentages of Blacks will have high rates of HIV/AIDS. 2. Counties with high rates of poverty will have high rates of HIV/AIDS. 3. More urban areas have higher HIV/AIDS rates. 4. Counties with a high % of people with low SES have high rates of HIV/AIDS. RESEARCH HYPOTHESES
HIV/AIDS cases: De-identified zip code level data : TX Dept. of State Health Services East Texas: Defined by the 2010 Texas Epidemic Profile Statistical and spatial analysis Variables: Race/Ethnicity, % Poverty, Education, Urban/Rural areas from 2010 Census METHODOLOGY
Study Area: East Texas Counties
Rate of HIV/AIDS in East Texas Counties:
Percent White By County -.459**
Percent Black By County.336**
Percent Hispanic By County.333**
Percent Urban By County.323**
Percent Poverty By County.217*
Percent With Less Than a High School Diploma.171
HIV/AIDS is much higher in the central portion of east Texas, particularly in urban areas and neighboring counties. Poverty, % Blacks, % Hispanics, and urban areas had a positive, significant correlation with the rate of HIV/AIDS. % Whites had a negative, significant correlation with the rate of HIV/AIDS in a county. Level of education was not statistically significant RESULTS
Poverty - Extreme urban poverty Blacks and Hispanics have high rates, with high rates of poverty Education - not statistically significant ANALYSIS
HIV is highest among minorities HIV is highest in areas with high poverty HIV is highest in urban areas CONCLUSION
In-depth neighborhood spatial analysis in selected counties with highest rates Hispanic population Pinpoint risk factors - Mode of transmission FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS