© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education These materials have been designed to be reproduced for internal circulation, research and teaching or training purposes. They can be reproduced for free provided that this material is acknowledged as Crown copyright, reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. Adaptation of these materials for other languages is permissible, providing the original source is acknowledged. Geld verdienen lesson LinkedUp Project: Aiming Higher in Languages
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Wie hast du dein erstes Geld verdient? Unsere Lernziele heute: Vokabeln zum Thema Geld und Arbeit lernen Strategien für die Leseprüfung üben
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Vokabeln – wie heißen diese Wörter auf Englisch? verdienen abhängig die Lehre der Abschluss das Gehalt to earn dependent training final exam salary
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Vokabeln – wie heißen diese Ausdrücke auf Deutsch? the completion of my degree for almost two years I manage quite well I don’t have the time in my bank account as quickly as possible Abschluss des Studiums seit knapp zwei Jahren ich komme ganz gut aus es fehlt mir die Zeit auf dem Konto so schnell wie möglich
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Übung – wer sagt das? 1.I used to work in a restaurant 2.I am working as an actress 3.My studies prevent me from getting a job 4.I worked for a member of my family 5.I worked in the evening to earn money
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Grammar – find examples of the following in the text 1.Three time / frequency phrases 2.Two subordinating conjunctions 3.Three past participles 4.Two verbs in the imperfect tense 5.Three masculine nouns 6.Three feminine nouns 7.Three neuter nouns
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education. This resource has been created through the LinkedUp Award Scheme. Remember you to look out for synonyms or associated vocabulary items in the reading exam. Can you find the pairs here? LesematerialGetränke der NebenjobBabysitten der LehrlingZeitungen kellnernGeld dazu kleine Kinderder Azubi finanzielle HilfeAutos waschen Now you are ready to have a go at the German questions! 5/6=Grade A 6/6=Grade A*