Ahmedov Dilmurod School #8 Samarkand region
Autu mn Winter Spring Summe r
Autumn DDDDescribe autumn, uuuusing the words: WWWWarm CCCCool RRRRainy WWWWindy CCCCloudy CCCChangeable WWWWeather RRRRain LLLLeaves BBBBonfire SSSSeptember
Find autumn words Novembertree bonfirewindclo udskiteleavesr ain Novembertree bonfirewindclo udskiteleavesr ain NNNNovember TTTTree BBBBonfire WWWWind CCCClouds KKKKite LLLLeaves RRRRain
Complete. Then put the letters into the correct boxes and find the autumn word. C _ o u d s T r e _ _ u t u m n N o _ e m b e r K I t _ _ e p t e m b e r Autumn word L _ _ _ _ _ l A v e e S eaves
Winter DDDDescribe winter, using the words: CCCCold IIIIcy SSSSnowy FFFFrosty SSSSledge SSSSki SSSSkate PPPPlay snowballs MMMMake a snowman PPPPlay hockey NNNNew Year CCCChristmas
Write the letters in the correct order. N a m w o n s L l a b w o n s E k a l f w o n s S e t a k s e c I Y r a u n a j R e b m e c e d T e r w i n S n o w m a n S n o w b a l l S n o w f l a k e I c e s k a t e s J a n u a r y D e c e m b e r W i n t e r
Match. Match. 1.The trees in the picture … 2.The snow on the ground… 3.The children on the ice… 4.The children near the snowman… 5.The snowman has got… a) haven’t got leaves. a) haven’t got leaves. b) have got ice skates. c) black eyes. d) is very white. e) have got snowballs.
Spring DDDDescribe spring, using the words: WWWWarm BBBBright CCCCool SSSSunny RRRRainy CCCChangeable GGGGreen leaves MMMMarch
Write questions for the answers. 1) Yes, it’s windy today. 2) It’s cloudy and rainy. 3) Green. 4) Spring. Is a windy today ? What is the weather like? What colour are the trees in spring? What season is it?
Prepositions of time. Complete. in, on, at … spring … Monday … the middle of April … the end of spring … 10 th May … March … the beginning of spring in on in at on in at
Summer DDDDescribe summer, using the words: HHHHot SSSSunny BBBBright PPPPlay beach volleyball TTTTan DDDDive SSSSurfboard HHHHave a picnic LLLLive in a tent SSSSummer holidays
Word groups Find the odd one out. 1 autumn, spring, summer, weather 2 rainy, noisy, snowy, windy 3 beach, surfboard, snowflake, boat 4 golden, brown, yellow, leaf 1 autumn, spring, summer summer 2 rainy, snowy, windy windy 3 beach, surfboard, boat boat 4 golden, brown, yellow yellow
What is the weather like in your area? Complete the sentences 1111) It’s sunny in…. 2222) It’s cold in… 3333) It’ rainy in… 4444) It’s snowy in… 5555) It’s hot in… spring winter autumn winter summer
Complete the sentences. 1) …. is the third month of the year. 2) …. is the second month of the year. 3) …. is the first month of the year. 4) …. is the eighth month of the year. 5) …. is the eleventh month of the year. 6) …. is the twelfth month of the year. Mar ch Februar y Janu ary Augu st Novem ber Decem ber
Complete the sentences. 1) May is the …. month of the year. 2) July is the …. month of the year. 3) August is the …. month of the year. 4) October is the …. month of the year. 5) December is the …. month of the year. f i f t h s e v e n t h e i g h t h t e n t h t w e l f t h