1 "Energy efficiency and new technology challenges" Krešimir Bakič Slovenian National committee CIGRE Miločer, 16 May, 2011 With emphasis on electric power systems
Plan of presentation 2 1.Efficiency of energy systems 2.Efficiency of electric power system 3.Advanced technologies for conversion to electricity 4.New technologies for networks 5.Posibilities to improve efficiency on demand side 6.E-mobility 7.Concludions K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia
World energy/electricity system overview K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia 3 World energy final consumption (TWh) World electricity consumption (TWh) Blue Up to 2030 electricity consumption will increase two times faster than energy growth, Installing capacity for electricity generation will increase even faster. Leading driver is ENERGY EFFICIENCY
GENERALY IN THE WORLD 1. Permanent increasing of demand and consumption 2. Reliability of the power systems, 3. Sustenability and reducion of CO 2. Energy systems development drivers EU 1. Competition, 2. Reliability and solidarity, 3. Sustenability and reducion of CO 2 4 K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia RELIABILITYRENEWABLES ENERGY EFFICIENCY Leading driver is ENERGY EFFICIENCY Technology development drivers Key role play: research and development. Key for competition are innovations. Technology trends: Quality, Reliability, Increasing utilization, more ICT involved, Reduction of dimensions, shorter supply time. ENERGY SECTOR FOCUS: Integration of renewables and non carbon technologies.
Energy system chain and impact of future technologies 5 K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia Efficiency at different level Existing technologies Future technologies (2030) Efficiency of energy wells60%75% Energy transformations70%80% Transit, distribution and storages96%98% Demand side -Industy -mobility -Small consumption 50%60% total20%35% * In 1980 this factor was 15% for USA and Europe
6 Energy system losses K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia losses % Energy transformation32 Transport, distribution and storages3 Demand side65 Directive 2006/32/ES from April 5, 2006 on Energy efficiency on demand side and energy services.
Electric power system – value chain 7 K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia EU-27 Population525 milijonov Annual production TWh3 300 Instal capacityGW880 Average capital cost 1000 €/kW880 G€ 110 HV/ 400 EHV network km MV/LV omrežjekm Capital cost for HV network 0.5 M€/km250 G€ Capital cost for MV/LV network 0.05 M€/km 250 G€ Total capital cost1380 G€ Per capitaCa € EU-27 areakm G 1000 €/kW T D 300 €/kW 900 €/kW Slovenia 50-60% 7-14% 25-36%
8 K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia G Electric power system efficiency 100 % 30 %28 % coal electricity ~3 % 65 % loss 9 % loss 88 % loss Incandescent light Needs to increase efficiency with new technology: conversion level, demand side.
9 K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia Tehnology Load factor % Efficiency η Capital cost Euro/kW Install MW PCC coal/lignite PCC lignite with CCS PCC hard coal IGCC coal IGCC hard coal (USA) FBC supercritical Technologies for conversions to electricity Efficiency of technology for TPP PCC lignite power plants with larger units have better efficiency (39-46%) Future TPP will operate with 350 bar/700 0 C, and efficiency about 50%. PPC … pulverized coal combustion IGCC … integrated gasification combined cycle FBC …fluidized bed combustion CCS … carbon capture and storage Source: IEA, NEA, Projected cost of generating electricity, 2010.
10 K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia Technologies for conversions to electricity Efficiency of technology for NPP Source: IEA, NEA, Projected cost of generating electricity, Technology Load factor % Capital cost Euro/kW Install MW PWR (DE)1600 EPR (VGB)1600 APWR, ABWR (EPRI)1400 average3200 Technology Efficiency η Capital cost Euro/kW Install MW CCGT (Germany) CCGT s CCS (USA) Efficiency of technology for gas power plants Efficiency of NPP: 33%
11 K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia Technologies for conversions to electricity Renewable sources Source: IEA, NEA, Projected cost of generating electricity, RES/technology Load factor % Nett capacity MW Capital cost Euro/kW Source of info: WIND - onshore Swiss WIND - offshore (near) Eurelectric WIND - offshore (far away) Eurelectric Solar PV IEA HPP – runriver Eurelectric HPP – pump storages Eurelectric HPP – Three Gorges IEA Biomas8510IEA Geothermal CZE Geothermal USA WP- onshore technology will improve up to 2020 (average spec. cost should be about 1000 Euro/kW) WP- offshore technology will improve up to 2020 (average spec. cost should be about Euro/kW) PV will drastic reduce cost. Up to 2030 should be Euro/kW.
Potential generation from RES 12 K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia
13 EU Projects of massive RES Wind 300 GW km x 10 km
14 EU Projects of massive RES Solar 700 GW 8000 km 2 90 x 90 km pepei.pennnet.com
15 Transmission system technologies K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia First idea on pan-european network Milestones: invention of TR AC polyphase machine first 3p AC transmission UCPTE YU connected with UCPTE E&W liberalization EU - IEM
Tehnologije za prenos in distribucijo Technologies for transmission and distribution ENTSO-E organization of former UCTE, UKTSOA NORDEL, ATSOI, BALTSO, ETSO. All together 42 TSO from 34 countries. Supply 525 milion people in GW install power and 270,000 km network 3,300 TWh/a and about 400 TWh/a exchange Average losses in transmission and distribution network areaLosses in % Europe7.3 N. Amerika7.1 S. Amerika18.3 Japan9.1 China9.5 India7.2 Africa10.0 WORLD9.2 transmission25% distribution75%
17 Tehnologije za prenos in distribucijo 1.New materials for conductors and other system elements, 2.Superconducting elements (HTS), 3.Electricity storage systems, 4.ICT, sensors, control, 5.Dispersed sources technologies, 6.FACTS, HVDC,
18 Tehnologije za prenos in distribucijo Technology Innovation Year Energy density (Wh/kg) Efficienc y η Electro-Chemical Lead-acid battery ,77 Ni-Cd battery ,80 Li-ion battery ,86 Na-S battery ,85 Redox (Flow battery) ,75 Mechanical Pump Hydro Storage /m 3 0,72 Compressed air (CAES) /m 3 0,64 Flywheels (FW) ,81 Electro-MagneticSMES1976-0,96 Supercapacitor ,95 Source: K. Bakic, Tehnologije shranjevanja električne energije, 2010 Electricity storage technologies K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia
New technology for transmission 19 3 Commercial aplications in USA in 07-08: HTS system - L=609 m; cost about 40 MUSD
Posibilities to improve efficiency on demand side 20 Lighting examples ( appr. 12% consumption ) ɳ - light 2008 Incandescent (4%) 15 lm/W flourescent100 lm/W LED (lab.) (40%) LED commercial lm/W Edison % 0.3% 4 % LED = light-emitting diode 36 %
E-mobility 21 K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia Impact of electrical vehicles on efficiency Example: cars with annual km/car means average fuel consumption of 1500 l/car or total GWh (gasoline). Equivalent EV for same path would spent 250 GWh of electricity from renewables (Hydro, wind, solar, biogas). For LV level its mean 10% increasing consumption in energy but in power it can be more than 50% - huge problem. We should recognize differences between energy and power (condition for designing of network)
22 K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia E-mobility Case study for BMW Mini-E: - 35 kWh battery needs for filling about 4-5 hours (32 A/220V) - Consumption is 140 Wh/km = ca. 7 km/kWh - One filling equal about 220 km. - Cost for filling in high tariff is about 5 €. - Car for rent is 650 € per month. - On the market in 2012.
23 conclusions K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia New technology enables increasing energy efficiency at all levels of energy value chain, Last decades energy efficiency increased very high at the energy conversions part of chain by new technology improvements and attained almost 50%. Energy efficiency is particular important in thermal power systems, More renewable sources we have in our system, less important is energy efficiency, Evaluation for possibilities of reducing losses in T&D sector have shown about 30%. The largest improvements of energy efficiency we can expect on demand side by smart grids technology and e-mobility implementation.
24 K. Bakič, NC CIGRE Slovenia Thank you for your attention!
25 Razvoj tehnologija mjerenja električne energije 1882 – Edisonov mjerač potrošnje električne energije Pametna brojila