Things to think about! Why are intersections dangerous? What can help you identify an intersection? What is an uncontrolled intersection? Which is more dangerous, a left turn or a right turn?
Looking Ahead to identify hazards and intersections
Where do most Collisions occur? The chances of a collision are greater at an intersection than any other place. More than 33% of all collisions and 25% of all fatalities occur at intersections.
When approaching intersections, scan your path of travel. What do you look for???? Street signs, street lights Roadway markings Parked cars on a cross street Crossing traffic, turning traffic Traffic stopping Power lines
Types of intersections
Ask Yourself these Questions Is there anything blocking my line of sight? Do I have a stop sign? Yield sign? Do they? Is it uncontrolled? If it is uncontrolled, who has the right of way
Uncontrolled intersections Who has the Right of Way? What if every intersection was uncontrolled?
Round About Round about in West Chicago
Controlled Intersections Yield Signs Stop Signs Traffic Lights
What Techniques do you use at Traffic Signals? Red Light Yellow Light Stale Green Light Fresh Green Light
The Point of No Return Point of No Return changes with your speed
Unprotected Left Turns You have no green arrow You must yield to on coming traffic
Crossing Traffic
Joining Traffic
Protected Left Turns Left Turn Light Green Arrow Delayed Green Light
Turns on Red Right on Red – Full stop - Just like a Stop Sign When can you make a Left on Red? From a one way to a one way
When you must Yield! Yield at a Stop sign after stopping Yield at Fresh Green lights Yield coming out of an alley, driveway or parking lot Yield to emergency vehicles Yield at Yield signs Yield when turning left Yield at Uncontrolled intersections
Railroad crossings are also intersections
Crossing Railroad Tracks An uncontrolled railroad crossing does not have a flashing red light or crossing gate. What should you do? With gates & flashing light - Stop
Train crash