The Importance of Teacher Quality and Principles of Quality Pedagogy ISSA’s Tools for Developing and Nurturing Excellence Chisinau, 12 April 2012
Rationale for Developing the ISSA Principles of Quality Pedagogy We know that educators make a difference, but what makes a difference in educators?
Rationale for Developing the ISSA Principles of Quality Pedagogy The quality of services and learning environments for young children is a burning issue for a growing number of countries. Access is no longer considered sufficient if it is not accompanied by quality, supported by motivated and competent individuals, as well as adequate systems and frameworks.
At the core of ISSA’s activities are the beliefs that : all children high quality of care and education At the core of ISSA’s activities are the beliefs that : * all children need stimulating quality early childhood development experiences that honor their unique characteristics and provide love, warmth, and strong foundations for positive and successful learning experiences throughout the life. * high quality of care and education is a prerequisite for sustainable results and success for an individual child and the whole society, and can be achieved through ongoing support to professionals and raising awareness of all society about the importance of the early years.
Aims for Using the ISSA Quality Tools Operationalizing quality and competences and building shared understanding of the meaning of high quality practice Supporting self-reflection and independence in educators, as well as interdependence among educators within learning communities Providing a framework for dialogue on quality education with children, parents, peers, decision-makers, professionals and the wider society Promoting the profession of early childhood educator by demonstrating how complex it is and how much it should be respected THUS, CHANGING:THE IMAGE OF THE CHILD, THE IMAGE OF EDUCATORS, THE IMAGE OF PARENTS THE UNDERSTANDING OF EDUCATION
ISSA Pedagogical Standards Developed with the support of OSI, by a group of professionals from the CEE/CIS region with input from key experts from around the world Introduced and used in the region since 2001 Supported by instruments and a system for self- assessment, ongoing mentoring and certification Revised/updated ISSA Pedagogical Standards Developed with the support of OSI, by a group of professionals from the CEE/CIS region with input from key experts from around the world Introduced and used in the region since 2001 Supported by instruments and a system for self- assessment, ongoing mentoring and certification Revised/updated Revised as ISSA Principles for Quality Pedagogy Reflect latest research findings about quality pedagogy Aligned with international trends and policy documents Used for building learning communities Offer instruments to improve quality of child’s well-being and learning, especially for those from vulnerable groups Revised as ISSA Principles for Quality Pedagogy Reflect latest research findings about quality pedagogy Aligned with international trends and policy documents Used for building learning communities Offer instruments to improve quality of child’s well-being and learning, especially for those from vulnerable groups A Bit of History
What Inspired the ISSA Principles –ISSA’s previous resources and experience –ECERS (Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale) –NAEYC Early Childhood Programs Standards and Accreditation and Criteria –Well-being and Involvement in Care Settings: A Process Oriented Self-evaluation Instrument – CLASS: Classroom Assessment Scoring System Manual –ACEI Global Guidelines for the Education and Care of Young children in the 21 st Centur y –The DECET Principles –Latest and most relevant research on ECD –International documents : UNCRC, OECD Starting Strong Reports, and Key Competences for Lifelong Learning – A European Reference Framework
What is in the ISSA Quality Resource Pack? 1.ISSA’s Definition of Quality: Competent Educators of 21 st Century – Principles of Quality Pedagogy 2.Putting Knowledge into Practice – A Guidebook for Educators 3.Professional Development Tool for Improving Quality of Practices in Kindergarten/in Primary School 4.An Online Video Library on Quality Pedagogy 5.Instrument for Assessing Quality Practices in ECE Services 6.An Online Course for Kindergarten Teachers The resources in ISSA’s Quality Resource Pack have been developed with generous support from the Open Society Foundations.
How to Access the ISSA Quality Resource Pack? The ISSA Principles are available for downloading in English, Russian and French on the ISSA website: The accompanying set of resources are offered to members, as part of the services provided by ISSA, in close connection with ISSA’s strategic goals. Members are supported to utilize the resources in their work at the country level. ISSA and its member organizations develop partnerships with other stakeholders who are interested in working with these resources to improve the quality of practices in early childhood education services.
Competent Educators of the 21 st Century: Principles of Quality Pedagogy 7 Focus Areas; 20 Principles; 85 Indicators of Quality
Structure of ISSA’s Definition of Quality 1.1 The teacher interacts with children in a friendly and respectful manner that supports the development of each child’s construction of self/identity and learning. AREA DESCRIPTION WHY IT IS IMPORTANT PRINCIPLE INDICATORS
Guidebook: Putting Knowledge into Practice Guidebook: Putting Knowledge into Practice Presents the research and the important international documents that contributed to the formulation of the Principles of Quality Pedagogy and examples of how to incorporate them into practice through indicators that describe quality. Can be used by practitioners, mentors, trainers, learning communities, educational leaders etc. Structure: Area with Description, Principles and Indicators of Quality Why it is important? Indicators of Quality –How to Engage in Quality Practice –Moving Forward –When teachers’ … then children: Studies and Documents that Support this Focus Area
Professional Development Tool Professional Development Tool Provides concrete examples of different kinds of action educators take at different levels of practice for each indicator of quality as a continuum. Can be used as a self assessment tool, group assessment tool, an assessment tool for mentors and as descriptors when rating teacher practice.
ISSA’s Definition of Qality Pedagogy: Teachers of 21st Century DESCRIPTION – CONTEXT + FOCUS ANALYSIS - REFLECTION ON VIDEO ACTION – WHAT ELSE YOU CAN DO… ANALYSIS ACTION DESCRIPTION Online Video Library on Quality Pedagogy Provides concrete examples of practice with questions for reflection regarding different indicators that describe quality. To be used by practitioners, mentors, trainers and learning communities.
Instrument for Assessing Quality Practices in ECE Services A condensed version of the Professional Development Tool for Improving Quality of Practices to rate/assess educator performance on a select group of indicators, in order to define what additional professional development is needed in programs to reach quality practice A research/monitoring instrument to assess the results of different interventions, including training, mentoring, work in professional learning communities etc. The relevance of the Instrument depends strongly on the deep and comprehensive understanding of the ISSA Principles and Indicators.
Online Course for Kindergarten Teachers An interactive 12-module course based on the ISSA Principles for individual educators within a cohort of other participants in a four-month time frame, facilitated by a moderator. A package for distance learning and professional development that can be provided to educators interested in applying quality pedagogy in preschool Individual modules or activities may be used as professional development tools, for self-improvement or during trainings A platform to improve the quality of pedagogical practice in a center/school/program using specific modules to work on specific focus areas they have chosen
ISSA principles of quality Putting knowledge into practice Professional development tool Video Library Instr. for Assessing Quality Practices Online Course The Tools Work Together
Expected Results from Using the ISSA Quality Resource Pack serve better the children and their families by increasing the quality of services, support practitioners - preschool, and primary school educators - to improve their everyday performance through principles of learner- centered, interactive pedagogy, development of life-long learning skills, self-reflection and cooperation with colleagues/peers, families and communities prove and advocate for the complexity of the early childhood profession, inform stakeholders about the need for quality and engage them in dialogue about quality so that better systems are put in place.