Module 2: Activities A, C, D
Watch the video “ Let’s Talk about Sex” by Salt-n-Pepa. Dated video but contains important information What were some of the messages in the video? You can get AIDS from oral, vaginal or anal sex Mothers can give HIV to babies during pregnancy You cannot tell who has AIDS by looking at them You should use condoms and stay with one person You can die from AIDS There is NO cure for AIDS
How do people get HIV/AIDS? Unprotected sex Sharing needles From HIV infected mother(pregnancy, delivery, breast-feeding) Through what 4 body fluids is HIV transmitted? Blood, semen, vaginal secretions, breast milk What are the 3 sexual practices that are HIV- risk related? Oral sex, anal sex, vaginal sex
How is HIV NOT transmitted? Touching, massaging, sharing eating utensils, contact with toilet seats, door knobs, sharing drinking cups, or mosquitoes How can you prevent HIV/AIDS? Using condoms every time you have sex By not sharing needles (tattoos, piercing, drugs)
What is HIV? What is AIDS? How is AIDS different from HIV? What is the immune system? What happens when someone gets the virus that causes AIDS? What is the HIV antibody test? What is a condom? What is spermicide?
HIV is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus that causes AIDS. AIDS is Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome that is caused by HIV. It takes an average of 10 years to develop AIDS after HIV infection. With AIDS, white bloods cells from immune system drop below a certain level. They are different because HIV is a virus that enters the body and destroys the immune system and AIDS is the disease that develops as a result of the damage done to the immune stystem.
The immune system is the body’s defense again disease agents. When it works properly, white blood cells patrol the body and attack any organisms that should not be there. When someone get the virus that causes AIDS, their body cannot fight off infections that normal healthy people can. HIV antibody test is a blood test used to find HIV antibodies in the body.
A condom is a sheath that covers the penis and acts as a barrier method to collect the sperm and prevent it from entering the vagina, the mouth, or anus. Some are made of latex (rubber) while others are made of animal skin, such as lambskin. Latex condoms protect against HIV infections, lambskin do NOT. Spermicide is a substance that kills sperm. Some condoms come pre-lubricated with spermicide, while others you have to add it to the condom.
Read through the 21 myths and facts and have students answer what they believe each statement is: a myth or fact.
Green light – no risk (safe) Yellow light – low risk (proceed with caution) Red light – high risk (unsafe) Students will work in pairs and be distributed cards with risk behaviors on them. Discuss which behavior it should be placed under until all cards are done.