KS Energy and Sustainable Development Theresa Spitzer, Stefan Krammer, Patrick Reiter
Most environment friendly source of green energy Technologies: Photovoltaic Solar Thermal Energy Concentrated Solar Power
Most promising technology for large-scale solar power generation in Desserts Lenses or mirrors concentrate a large area of sunlight onto a small area Concentrated light is converted to heat which drives a heat engine connected to an electrical power generator
2003 TREC, Trans-Mediterranean Renewable Energy Cooperative Desertec Foundation emerged from the Cooperative 2005 – 2007 Researches CDER(Morocco) NREA(Egypt) NERC(Jordan) University of Sana’a and Aden(Yemen) DRL(Germany)
Result of studies: 15% of European final energy consumption can be delivered with a „supernetwork“ of renewables Most energy can be produced with CSP in deserts Founding of Desertec Foundation in 2009
Cooperation between EUMENA Europe and Middle East and North Africa Methods: CSP Photovoltaic Windparcs desalination stations Until 2020 MENA and until 2050 Europe
400 billion Euros 350 billion for the grids 50 billion for the transport eurocents/kilowatt-hour actual production costs 4-5 eurocents/kilowatt-hour if the demand increases No commercial competitiveness at the moment
Cooling requirement Temperature and salt
Most promising Technology is HVDC Voltage about 800kV Cost effective and environmental friendly Transportation losses of only 10-15% HVDC like highways and conventional AC system as country and city roads
Instability in Northern Africa and Middle East Closed border between Morocco and Algeria Negotiations only in a broader sense Dependency on Northern Africa Risk of expropriation of assets Reneging on license agreements Corruption and bureaucratic red tape
Europe has potential of renewables within borders Desertec will lead to monopoly Cost-effective? Faster Implementation
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