Get quality results faster: Agile Projects and your team Presenters: Laurie Barnas and Wendy Taylor, Associate Registrars, University of Victoria
Imagine if…... you're 4 weeks into a 9 month project and you're already providing deliverables in production for your end users
Or…... you start your day with a 15 minute meeting where you talk about what you're going to work on that day... and then you go do just that
UVic Facts 18,000 full-time undergraduate students, 3400 full-time graduate students Banner school since 2007 Running Banner Student and BRM 1.6 (We also have HR, Finance, Workflow and BDM)
Agile at UVic Ran our first agile project in 2011 Projects using agile development: –Academic Standing (2011) –Admissions Online Application (2012) –Transcripts (2012) –STAR Team (2013) –Percentage Grades ( ) –Online Application for Graduation (2014) –Self-Reported Grades – semi-Agile ( ) –Timely Program Declaration – semi-Agile (2015)
Agile values: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan
Waterfall Model
Agile Model using Scrum
Key Benefits of Agile: Focus Teamwork Continual planning Communication with project team and end users
Focus Entire team focused for an entire sprint on only those backlog items that we’re committed to ‘finish’ for that period of time Staff from functional areas have been seconded to work on projects and contribute their expertise (full-time or partial days dedicated)
Teamwork Teamwork raises productivity and quality, especially the synergy between technical and functional / business team members Builds relationships and provides opportunities for staff to work with other staff outside their immediate area New appreciation develops for subject matter expertise (SME)
Continual Planning Planning is built into the Agile structure – it is: Constant: Backlog planning, sprint planning Just in time: It is done when you need it Visible: The use of whiteboards and wall space keeps plans in focus
A visual of our sprint board and scrum meeting
Communication Agile methodology promotes better communication: Information Sessions are held at the end of every sprint and are open to all stakeholders to attend Backlog and sprint planning requires that team members collaborate with stakeholders as required to ensure correct priority and sequencing Communication among team members is enhanced as they physically work in the same room!
Opportunities from Agile at UVic It has changed how we work on projects at UVic Each Agile project has been different – the methodology can adapt to differences in project scope and resources Opportunities for different staff to share their expertise, gain new skills and knowledge in project development Staff are able to contribute to their unit after the project and often become the first point of contact Ensure that solutions are built that work for students and staff Provide flexibility to work concurrently on multiple projects, big and small
How to get started – without a formalized project team, you can: Have your unit review your list of items and prioritize them (backlog planning meeting) Have regular stand-up meetings with your team Try running a sprint for specific tasks – use whiteboards to track progress and as a location for your stand-up meetings Break things down into smaller pieces – implement what you can Gather functional and technical staff together to discuss development items
How to get started – How to create an Agile project team: Choose a pilot project that would fit with the Agile methodology of planning and working on things in smaller pieces Get buy-in from your sponsors to get training, provide space and resources, and run a pilot project Communicate frequently and document your experience
Questions? Contact info: Laurie Barnas – Wendy Taylor –