Aggressive behaviour increases during the Christmas period Drinking too much alcohol reduces tolerance and even the most mild mannered people can lose their cool Problems occur when there are delays and Christmas shopping crowds build up on platforms and station concourses If not managed carefully stress levels rise on both sides and this leads to conflict and abuse
Listen carefully, empathise and apologise Be consistent and fair, deal with people politely and professionally De-personalise the situation and be seen to help – this shows you’re on the same side When challenging anyone a simple ‘Can I help? Is all you need Respect people, their property and cultural differences Report all violent incidents and harassment from passengers or colleagues to your manager
Planning ahead and anticipating key problems Managing queues effectively, having extra staff to guide and help passengers Always keeping passengers updated about what’s going on – explain what you’re doing and why Engaging with people, be human and not just an authority figure
A workplace violence strategy will be put in place to reduce frustration Providing staff training in conflict management and personal safety awareness Making sure procedures for staff in high risk and enforcement are clear and easy to follow Ensuring all incidents are recorded, staff supported and lessons learned Partnering with other agencies to increase effectiveness
ACTION REASON Observe the situation before entering To assess the potential risks If the person is being aggressive - back off It’s a good indication they may attack. Approach potentially volatile situations in pairs To deter an attack - safety in numbers.
ACTION REASON Evaluate if the person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs They may be more likely to attack Staff should walk in well lit, populated areas, and avoid short cuts through subways, parks or waste grounds To minimise risk of street violence Ensure when entering into a situation you have a means of escape To enable rapid entry and exit
ACTION REASON Engage in conversation whilst moving towards the passenger To assess the mental state of passenger Keep your distance and avoid invading the person’s space This can aggravate a situation Avoid standing at the top of the stairs, against a window, edge of platform, door or glass To prevent you being pushed
ACTION REASON Do not wear unnecessary jewellery and be careful when using a mobile phone You may be risk of assault for theft of valuables At all times carry the mobile phone, pager or personal alarm provided and maintain it in working order To raise the alarm if necessary To appear non-threatening Adopt a non aggressive and relaxed stance with hands on view, not in pockets and not on hips
ACTION REASON Adopt an attentive facial expression Smiling can be interpreted as mockery. Frowning can be interpreted as anger Be observant for signs of anger, raised voice, clenched fists, flushed complexion etc To enable de-escalation techniques to be implemented Be aware of any objects which may be used as weapons Allows you to move away from the situation and re-evaluate the risk
Threat Assessment Safer Signalling Non Aggression Diffusing Emotion Resolving
Person Object Place
Step back Assess threat Find help Evaluate options Respond
Eye contact reduced to normal Shoulders relaxed and turned to side Space maintained Open palms shown
Signal non aggression ESSO Catch attention Empathise Win trust
Look for a win-win situation Break down the issues Seek agreement on points raised Thank them for their cop-operation